EZI Extra Power Schmiermittel Superior Formule für Autos (mehr als 100.000 km)

  • Geeignet für alle Arten neuer Kraftfahrzeugmotoren über 100.000 km für beide; Benzin- und Dieselmotoren.
  • Reduzieren Sie Motorgeräusche und unangenehme Geräusche.
  • Erhöht die Lebensdauer des Motors um 38%.
  • Reduziert den Motorverschleiß um bis zu 71%.
  • Erhöht die Pferdestärke um 4,8%.
  • Lässt den Motor laufen und startet sehr lange sehr ruhig.
  • Kompatibel mit allen Ölsorten für Benzin und Diesel.

Important note to customers .
Customers have to consult its car company manufactured to know if the oil Suitable  for its care Motor or not .
- As seller we tried this oil on my car . find good results . i notice the positive results after 2 days .

EZI Extra Powerlube Superior Formula (more than 100,000 km) - 326ml

  • Suitable for all kinds of new automotive motors more than 100,000 km for both; petrol and diesel's engines.
  • Reduce engine’s noise and unpleasant sounds.
  • Increases engine life time by 38%.
  • Reduces engine wear up to 71%.
  • Increases horse power by 4.8%.
  • Makes the engine running and starting becomes very smooth for very long time.
  • Compatible with all kinds of oil for petrol and diesel.

fast shipping DHL  3 - 5 days business



Payment :PayPal only
1-we recommend payment via PayPal .you can pay with confidence that you are Protected and safe purchasing with us , as we are PayPal (verified seller ).