WHOLE Cloves PREMIUM  Grade 1 QUALITY 100g - Pure & Natural - from Sri Lanka

Cloves are the unopened flower buds of the tropical evergreen clove tree. Minerals in cloves include calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, and zinc. The vitamins found in them include vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D and vitamin K.

Cloves originated in Indonesia, and are now used in many cuisines around the world. And a key component of many spice blends. Cloves can be used in both whole and ground form, and used in both sweet and savoury dishes.

  • Cloves have a warm, woody aroma and have a sweet yet spicy/peppery taste.
  • Cloves are quite a strong, fragrant spice so you only need one or two to impart a good amount of its flavour.
  • The most notable benefit of cloves is related to dental care.
  • The germicidal properties of clove oil make it very effective for relieving toothache, sore gums and mouth ulcers.
  • They are often added, along with cinnamon sticks and green cardamom pods, when sautéing onions, garlic and ginger in oil.
  • Cloves is heaving used in Authentic Indian dishes but is known and used worldwide in global cuisines.

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