PhotoDisc Royalty-Free Stock Photos - Family and Lifestyles Vol.15 -  $19.95

PhotoDisc is a carefully edited collection of stock photography, perfect for creating printed material, advertising, presentations and corporate communications.

This PhotoDiscs Family and Lifestyles Vol.15, has 336 hi-resolution 10 MB images and originally sold for $299 and included the same images in medium and low resolution. 336 images works out to approx. 89¢ per image. I'm offering this disc, with only the high-resolution, for $19.95, which is LESS than 18¢ per image.

From many online sources even ONE quality rights-free image can cost the same as this entire disk. 

When PhotoDisc went online in 1995 a buyer could purchase a SINGLE IMAGE online from PhotoDisc for $19.95 for a 600K file or $49.95 for a 10MB file. 

Published by PhotoDisc, which became part of Getty Images in 1998. Runs on both Macintosh and Windows. This CD includes a total of 336 images, each a 300 dpi jpg approx. 5" x 7" size. 

This disc was well cared for. It's not scratched or damaged. The photos are of the images on the disc. 

Mysteries abound
Almost all of the PhotoDiscs that I'm offering on Ebay are the original discs I purchased from Photodisc. This one is not. Why this particular disc is a copy I don't know. I might have made a back-up in case the original disk became unreadable? Maybe I made a copy so the electronic prep person working with me on my projects (from her home) could use the original disk while I kept a copy? I also can't remember why I have two original discs of some volumes–I wouldn't think that I actually bought two of the same discs? 

When attempting to open this disc on my 5-year old iMacPro with an external Apple CD drive it didn't open, however, when I inserted the disc into my (2001) PowerBookG4 laptop, which has an internal CD drive, it opened right up! 

Since this is not the original disk and because it only contains the high-resolution images (and not the medium and low resolution images), I'm offering it for half the cost of what I'm offering the original discs for. Sold "AS IS." No returns.

Purchase FOUR PhotoDiscs and save an additional 20%!!! See Volume Pricing for discounts

Need another reason to feel great about your purchase? 10% of each sale is donated to World Central Kitchen!