Interpreter: Canalejas from Puerto Real

Gender:  Flemish

Condition:  Very good condition, with signs of use, it reproduces perfectly No cover only Cassette

Country Edition: Spain

Year of Edition: 1978

Topics:  This is Andalusia la Baja, Las Murallitas de Cadiz, I live in San Agustin, Everyone knows you, For La Sierra Santa Cruz, La Gurtarra de Piyayo and more

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 Interpreter: Canalejas from Puerto Real Condition:  Very good condition, with signs of use, it reproduces perfectly No cover only Cassette Country Edition: Spain Year of Edition: 1978 Topics:  This is Andalusia la Baja, Las Murallitas de Cadiz, I live in San Agustin, Everyone knows you, For La Sierra Santa Cruz, La Gurtarra de Piyayo and more  Certified Letters expenses are borne by the buyer.  Order handling time 2 business days Returns 30 daysyou went Certified Letters expenses are borne by the buyer. Order handling time 2 business days Visit the store and get discounts buying more items More than 2 items 10% More than 3 articles 15% More than 4 articles 20%  take advantage of the discounts Visit the store and get discounts by buying more items More than 2 items 10% take advantage of di