A Shaun the Sheep Farmageddon official Book Of The Film

Author : Gemma Barder, Aardman
Publisher : Sweet Cherry Publishing
Format : Paperback
Reading Age : 7-9

Description :

Shaun is an unusually clever sheep living on a northern English farm, but his life is far from boring!
Fascinated with what the humans are up to Shaun always finds himself in trouble.

Fans of the TV show will love interacting with Shaun and his flock, and this fun-packed annual is a great way to celebrate Shaun the Sheep Movie 2: Farmageddon.

Farmageddon Book of the Film

Paperback: 136 pages

Publisher: Sweet Cherry Publishing (5 Sept. 2019)

Product Dimensions: 13.5 x 0.9 x 19 cm