Pranajeewa Capsule 500mg x 48 for Healthy Life 100% Natural Herbal Pain Reliever

Sethsuwa Pranajeewa medicine is the most sought after product at Sethsuwa Hospital. It is used both in Sri Lanka and the world over. It was the Buddhist monk Venerable Waga Gnanaloka thero who first treated his hundreds of patients with his traditional medicine, obtained from his Ola leaf inscriptions passed down from generations. The monk at eighty years looked forty, more important was the fact that he led a very active life, waking up at 4.30 a.m., he devoted the early hours of the morning paying reverence for the Lord Buddha. The hours that followed were spent in compassionate treatment by this doctor monk. Hundreds gathered at the Sethsuwa Ayurveda Hospital, then called Veda Madura (Ayurveda House) where an initial spoonful of Sethsuwa Pranajeewa was administered to every patient. News reached far and wide, allover the country of the tremendous relief that followed the initial administration of the first tablespoon of Pranajeewa.

 His only understudy was Dr. Sujeewa Vithanage a young doctor with a medical degree from the University of Colombo (BAMS) who was engaged in extensive research into the ancient system of medicine. Together they made the miraculous Sethsuwa Pranajeewa medicine in cauldrons and from Venerable Waga Gnanaloka, it was his young understudy Dr. Sujeewa , who thereafter began to make this ancient recipe from the ola leaves which date back to over 200 years. During those days , perhaps for over 200 years Sethsuwa Pranajeewa was the only cure for villagers afflicted with different ailments and they experienced relief. Thus, it became their only cure of the grandfathers, of the fathers and of the children of their children thereafter. 

There are hundreds of users of Sethsuwa Pranajeewa medicine in the United Kingdom, USA and othe parts of the world. They all have their pleasant experiences to relate with Sethsuwa Pranajeewa medicine and its miraculous properties, but the most heartening of them all comes from an American doctor who says that he had a problem with prostrate cancer and had to have surgery, At first the PSA readings had looked great, but there arose a new problem of his PSA reading doubling every three months. It was then required that he takes radiation treatment and took Sethsuwa Pranajeewa medicine too.

“I started taking immediately although the taste was not habit-forming. I was warned that it looks like used up engine oil and tastes worse. The daily dose of two tablespoons followed by a glass of warm water got a little easier for me to tolerate as time went on. I returned to USA and began my radiation treatment. I was warned that the 33 treatments, five times per week will take a lot out of me and I would soon feel the side effects. However to everyone’s surprise I never experience the hot flushes or fatigue that was to come. In fact I felt great throughout and I accredit it to Sethsuwa Pranajeewa.”

The doctor’s PSA values had been good and he had finished his supply of Sethsuwa Pranajeewa and had thereafter stopped taking it. But after the doctor had not taken the medicine for several months, he had begun to feel fatigued in the afternoon. He had attributed the pain he felt in his lower abdomen to the heavy boulders he had lifted while doing yard work. His urologist thought this explanation made sense but a test taken thereafter revealed that the doctor’s PSA levels had kept creeping back up. “ I should have taken the medicine” he thought.

Anyway , two weeks after taking Sethsuwa Pranajeewa again, the doctor had begun to feel great again. Sethsuwa Pranajeewa medicine had enabled him to eat chocolate, cake and all those things that he should have avoided as a type 2 diabetic. This only one personal experience with Sethsuwa Pranajeewa. The wonder of Sethsuwa Pranajeewa Medicine is that though it is for oral intake, it works as well with local application.