5 MASTER Crystals
Rare Window
2 Channeling Crystals
2 Tantric Twins

Smaller Crystal Point:
1 5/8" by 3/4" at the Largest Points
7.5 Grams

Old Soul PHANTOM Kaolinite


One of Them is in the Middle of One of the TANTRIC TWINS

Messina / Musina Mine, Limpopo Province, RSA


SUPER Rare Included PAPAGOITE and KAOLINITE Phantom Crystal Quartz Point that is OLD STOCK.

PAPAGOITE is one of the most RARE minerals on Earth and FULL OF HOPE and awakens your own INNER BEAUTY.


1 Rare WINDOW Crystal ~ Access the Deepest Regions of your Being to connect to Spirit.

2 TANTRIC TWINS that attached to one another ~ One of the MOST Powerful RELATIONSHIP & BALANCING CRYSTALS on Earth.

2 CHANNELING CRYSTALS for the SEEKER OF DEEPER TRUTH and channeling the WHITE LIGHT, a perfect fit with all of the other Master Crystals. 

Papagoite and Black Hematite INCLUDED QUARTZ together MAKING STRIPES ~ EMPOWERS the Quartz Crystal, which is already a stone of EMPOWERMENT that DOUBLES IT!

KAOLINITE PHANTOMS ~ OLD SOUL PHANTOMS combined with KAOLINITE can help REMOVE OBSTACLES on your Path toward Enlightenment.

Black and Red HEMATITE ~ Brings Peace, Inner Happiness and Tranquility.

BRIDGE CRYSTALS ~ One of the Bridge Crystals is in between one of the Tantric Twins Joining INNER and OUTER WORLDS.

This special being comes from OLD STOCK and the CLOSED Messina / Musina Mines in the Limpopo Province, South Africa.



You are going to love this PAPAGOITE Crystal because it is ONE OF THE RAREST MINERALS on Earth and comes from the CLOSED Messina (now called Musina) Mines in South Africa. This is definitely OLD STOCK.  

PAPAGOITE is one of the rarest minerals on the planet and grows around copper just like AJOITE. In fact, many times they grow together. While Ajoite is full of JOY, Papagoite is full of hopefulness and brightness. It allows you to give generously of yourself without reserve. Papagoite gives off a very gentle tranquility and cleanses and opens up your third eye and throat chakra, allowing you to clearly speak your mind with love from a spiritual level.

Papagoite unites and balances the entire body and spirit, aligning the chakras the body, mind, emotions and spirit. It goes one step further and brings into alignment the ethereal bodies as well. By doing this, brings keen knowledge of what is going on within your life on every level. Papagoite also unites you and strengthens your relationship with others that are in your life as well as connects you to the universal "all."

With all of this merging and balancing, Papagoite releases negativity and stress. It then awakens you to your own inner beauty that God delights in. It is like a state of ecstasy and glory that can only be felt on the deepest level with the highest love. Are you ready for a really awesome meditative trip? To travel to the far reaches within?


MASTER WINDOW CRYSTAL gives you access to reflect the deepest regions of your being, where your spirit resides. They reflect all parts of the soul, including the ego’s darkness of fears and things that keep you from your magnificence.  Windows are great teacher crystals and are of pure energy so they reflect exactly what is deep within. 

They are like spirit and grow as you grow within.  The more empowered you become, the more this empowered this crystal becomes.  If you are interested in really letting go of what is keeping you from your light and grow in your empowerment, then this is the crystal for you

MASTER TANTRIC TWIN is one of the most balancing crystals on Earth. Tantra means union and that is exactly what this crystal holds:  harmonious union.  They work wonderfully when creating more unity between couples, especially when communicating.  This is definitely a RELATIONSHIP crystal and can act on a very personal level when working with family or close friends, or on inter-personal relationships as well.  Just hold this crystal in your left hand (left being the receptive side of your nature) and become open to what is happening with your situation. Then place this crystal to your heart and feel love flow from you to the person in question and speak from that space of love.  Wow, what a loving friend and ally to have on your side. 

MASTER CHANNELING CRYSTAL: What better way to get in touch with your soul is with a MASTER CHANNELING CRYSTAL. You can tell that it is a MASTER CHANNELING CRYSTAL when there is a seven-sided face opposite a three-sided face directly behind it.  This Sacred Crystal is for the Seeker of the Deeper Truth to go within and discover personal wisdom.  For centuries, the number seven has been the number of the mystic and spirit.  It is the number of learning detachment while we learn our lessons.  When we detach from emotions and can objectively learn our lessons, then we open up to our inner truth. 

This truth is connected to our highest level of spirit.  Combine that with the three-sided face, it gives us the ability for the power of our truth by speaking it aloud with the power of word. However, the three energy gives these words creativity and joy.  What joy to CHANNEL THE WHITE LIGHT OF WISDOM OF THE SOUL.



As we evolve, there are challenges along the path. KAOLINITE assists in removing the obstacles while giving strength and confidence to continue on your way. This mineral reminds me of GANESHA, the Remover of Obstacles while giving wisdom along your path.

PHANTOMS are the "old souls" of the crystal kingdom. Many times they are also used to contact spirit guides and for past life ascension. This doubles your power to connect with spirit, if it is part of Quartz, which the base of this powerful small package.

Throughout our Mother Earth, Hematite is “the blood of the Earth” and that “blood” is the orange,  red, black and yellow colored iron or hematite; therefore, Hematite is very balancing and grounding of Mother Earth’s energies.  It is also provides for peace and inner happiness, since it brings tranquility.  Hematite is one of the Predominant Power Stones and facilitates metamorphosis on all levels of being.

INCLUDED MINERALS are located inside of Quartz, the stone of amplification; therefore, it makes whatever the mineral is inside the quartz even more powerful. Furthermore, it also gives nurturing to whatever qualities you want at the time.


Clear Quartz is "THE" Stone of Power and Empowerment and can amplify and enhance all any type of mineral that is combined with it. It can also improve any type of communication: both within and that which is received on a physical and/or spiritual level. This is DEFINITELY the Crystal for the MYSTIC! 

Clear Quartz is considered "The Grandfather of the Mineral Kingdom" that provides a Beacon of Light to help us remember that everything is possible and that creation is limitless!!! Since we are made of minerals, just like the mineral kingdom, Quartz can also help really balance us on the deepest levels. Melody says, "Quartz is said to bring the energy of the stars into the soul."


The Very Rare Smaller PAPAGOITE and Kaolinite Phantom Crystal Point comes from the closed Messina Musina Mines in the Limpapo District, South Africa.

Measurements: 1 5/8" by 3/4" at largest points.
Weight: 7.5 grams.

What a blessing to be with this Rare and
Masterful Being...



Everyone  has an innate ability to program their own crystals. In the early 1980s, I studied with one of Marcel Vogel's certified teachers and began working with crystals in a healing way. Melody has been one of the strongest influences in the way that I work with crystals and minerals. I began as a Certified Master of  Crystology and several years later became one of Melody's Certified Teachers. With that said, I only work with the universal white light, and that all of the crystals and minerals leave my home filled with love and light. :-)

I believe all crystals are very special beings that have powerful healing energy for all. When reading the descriptions listed for all of the crystals, please follow your own heart and intuition. You know best what feels right for you.