Fish Food OKIKO Flowerhorn Cichlid Set of Head Up Huncher, Platinum, Quick Red Size M 100 g x 3


      -1 Pc of Red (Quick Red Head Mark) 100 g

      -1 Pc of Green (Head Up Huncher) 100 g

      -1 Pc of Black (Platinum Head Huncher) 100 g

Detail of product

1. Okiko Quick Red Mark Super 3 in 1

-Okiko Quick Red Mark Super 3 in 1 is a specifically designed formula to enhance the red color of cichlids and crossbreed (flowerhorn, kamfa, Super Red Texas). Select high quality fishmeal provides essential proteins for healthy growth of the fish. Concentrated shrimp extracts highly attract the fish to feed.

-Rich in vitamins and minerals sustains complete development and growth of the fish. Formulated with active yeast powder, helps probiotic growth and enhances immunity.

-Guaranteed analysis: protein min 42%, fats min 5%, fiber min 3%, ash min 12%.

-Net Weight: 100 g/1 Pc

-Pellet size: M (medium), size about 2 mm.

2. Okiko Head Up Huncher

-Okiko Head Up Huncher is a high protein and calcium feed for flowerhorn and crossbreed designed to greatly increase the kok of the fish. Formulated with natural astaxanthin and purine fives bright and beautiful colors to the fish. The high quality calcium formula help s the growth of the fish kok.

-Contains stable Vitamin C and helps bioavailability of the fish, avoids nutrient leach into the water. Concentrated with active yeast powder, helps probiotic growth and enhances immunity.

-Guaranteed analysis: protein min 51%, fats min 5%, fiber min 3%, ash min 12%.

-Net Weight: 100 g/1 Pc

-Pellet size: M (medium) size about 2 mm.

3. Okiko Platinum Head Huncher

-Okiko Platinum Head Huncher and color faster is the highest feed from OKiko brand Okiko. Contains a minimum of 60% of protein.

Okiko Platinum is a unique formulated flowerhorn feed to induce speedy head.Shape of head will improve significantly through constant feeding.

-It has a high content of Spirulina and Krill extracts and other color enhancing elements that will enhance the fishes sparkle dots in 1-2 weeks. Special immune substance added to increase fishes resistance against disease.

-Guaranteed analysis: protein min 60%, fats min 5%, fiber min 3%, ash min 12%.

-Net Weight: 100 g/1 Pc

-Pellet size: M (medium) size about 2 mm.


1. Feed Your Fish about 2-3 times/day.

2.The amount of each feeding should be eaten up within 3 minutes to avoid polluting tank water.

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