OLLIE’s Natural Marigold Dried Flower Healthy Treat - For Rabbits & Guinea Pigs


Product Description


All rabbits love to eat flowers during the summer months but why stop there? With these amazing Marigold flowers your rabbit can enjoy their favorite treats all year round! Marigold is very special at enhancing normal immunity, and can also be used as an appetite stimulant in times of illness. It is high in fiber as well!


Why buy Marigold Flower Treat?

- 100% Natural Marigold flowers

- Full of natural vitamins & minerals

- Adds amazing variety to their diet

- Recyclable Packaging

- Dust Extracted to ensure a high quality, clean product

- Loved by our Rabbits

- Perfect for sprinkling over hay to encourage foraging

This Product is suitable for:


- Rabbits

- Hamsters

- Guinea Pigs

- Degus

- Chinchillas

- Small animals & Rodents

What We Offer & Guarantee:

We source all our products naturally with no chemicals and additives, making them perfectly safe for all animals.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Can rabbits eat flowers?

The answer is Yes, Rabbits love to eat flowers, more specifically the petals (but they can usually eat the whole thing). In the wild, rabbits will supplement their diet with flowers, they are able to distinguish between safe & toxic flowers, but unfortunately our pet bunnies have lost that ability, so it is down to us to make sure everything we put in their food bowl is 100% safe! We have spent years talking to vets, specialists & growers to make sure all our natural forage is 100% safe and beneficial for your small pets!

     2. How do I start feeding natural forage?

We recommend when introducing new forage, you should always trial it to make sure your small pet eats it and doesn't react negatively to it. It's very rare that rabbits react negatively to forage, but it's always best to be safe!

T H A N K Y O U !