Indian sarsaparilla (hemidesmus indicus) ROOTS And POWDER Ceylon Free Shipping

What is Hemidesmus indicus ?
Hemidesmus indicus (Ananthamoola) , also known as Indian Sarasparilla is an evergreen climber found in South Asia and Bengal, Assam part of India. It has dark-green, elliptical-oblong to linear-lanceolate shaped leaves, alternatively arranged in a pair.

The root of the Indian Sarasparilla plant is known for its astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, tonic, anti-pyretic, and blood purifier role. Flowers of Indian Sarasparilla are greenish purple and fruits are paired, cylindrical, pointed. Ananthamoola roots and leaves are used for medicinal Qualities.

Health Benefits 

Acts as Blood-Purifier: It acts as a detoxifying herb that helps to clean the body inside out. It helps in blood purification and improves skin texture.
Helps in respiratory Disorder: It acts as a wonderful herb for the treatment of Bronchial Asthma and other respiratory disorders. It is quite effective in Allergy, Chronic Cough, Sore throat, Chronic Sinusitis and other respiratory tracts problems.
Anti-inflammatory: It has cooling properties that help to neutralize abnormal acid secretion in the gut. It also reduces burning sensations and is recommended in gastric related disorders.
Reproductive Health: It is also beneficial in clearing the blocks or infections in the males and females’ reproductive system due to its detoxifying properties
Brain Toner: Ananthamoola can also acts as a good brain tonic to improve memory, speech disorders affecting small children. It also improves the symptoms within the people struggling with depression, psychiatric disorders.

Precautions while taking Hemidesmus indicus are,
  • Consumption of Indian Sarsaparilla should be stopped before 2 weeks of any surgery.
  • People who have allergies to plants might get infected from it.
  • Pregnant or lactating women should consult doctor before using them.
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