Organic Cinnamon Sticks by Kandyceylon spice. ALBA HIGH QUALITY sticks up to 10cm.

YOU CAN SELECT YOUR PREFERRED PACKAGE SIZE and also available in mass size.

Organically grown, naturally harvested, and natural dried in Sri Lanka. Packed in Sri Lanka.

"True" cinnamon, or Ceylon cinnamon, comes from Cinnamon verum trees grown in Sri Lanka

Simply there are few special things of our product as follows,

1.  *We pack our Cinnamon Products at our own production plant.

2.  *Pure Quality Ceylon Organic Cinnamon was used to create the product, and the cinnamon bark's nutrients were retained..

3.  *Packaging - Carefully keep inside the polythene package in order to maintain maximum freshness(dried). 

     *We use high quality Polythene package to wrap the cinnamon sticks.

4.   *Our Cinnamon Sticks are 100% gluten-free, Non-GMO and Organic.

5.   *100% Satisfaction is guaranteed 

Antioxidants included in Ceylon cinnamon assist your body fight off free radicals and reduce your risk of developing diseases including cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Manganese is also abundant in Ceylon cinnamon.

organic ground Ceylon cinnamon sticks come from the inner bark of the Cinnamon verum (true cinnamon) tree, native to Sri Lanka, and are prized for their delicate flavour and aroma. They're regarded as superior to the cinnamon typically found on supermarket shelves, which is sourced from cassia trees in China and parts of Southeast Asia.

USES: Our organic Ceylon cinnamon sticks are quite adaptable and can be used in a variety of savory meals where a sweet-spicy kick is desired, in addition to the sweet dishes that come to mind when most people think of their usage. They quickly impart an aromatic and flavorful touch to baked goods like muffins, cakes, biscuits, and breads when they are ground up, not to mention doughnuts and pancakes. Additionally, their distinct flavor blends beautifully with other fruits as well as cooked apples in pies, tarts, and other dishes. Our cinnamon adds a mouthwatering aroma to a variety of savory dishes, such as tagines in the Moroccan style, chicken shawarmas, pilafs made of grains, and roasted vegetables (particularly those with a hint of sweetness, like pumpkin).Our cinnamon adds a mouthwatering aromatic twist to savory dishes like chicken shawarma, tagines made in the style of Morocco, pilafs made with grains, and roast vegetables (especially vegetables with a slightly sweet note, such as pumpkin and squash). Don't forget about soups also — sweet potato, lentil, pumpkin, and carrot all benefit from a sprinkle of cinnamon. Use the organic ground Ceylon cinnamon sticks from kandy ceylon Organic to add some spice to your life!

There's also evidence that cinnamon may reduce menstrual bleeding, vomiting frequency, and nausea severity during women's periods ( 27 ). Summary Cinnamon tea may help alleviate painful menstrual cramps and PMS symptoms. It may also help reduce menstrual bleeding, as well as nausea and vomiting during menstruation. Consuming normal amounts of cinnamon isn't likely to have a big impact on your health. It's not a good idea to eat a lot of it, either. Because cinnamon is unproven as a treatment, there isn't a set dose. Some experts suggest 1/2 to 1 teaspoon (2-4 grams) of powder a day

Organic  Vegetarian  Vegan  

Important Advantages of Organic Cinnamon Sticks

Healthy, energizing, wealthy, and delectable

Antioxidants abundant

Improve your immunity

Reduces Inflammation, Enhances General Well-Being and Boosts Metabolism

Balance the levels of cholesterol

Reduces Symptoms of Allergy

Stops Candida

Avoid Chronic Illnesses

Shipping Information: (Free shipping)

 Return Policy:


Within 30 business days of delivery, we accept returns.

Please get in touch with us first if you are unhappy with the product or its state. We will do our utmost to resolve any disputes and ensure complete customer satisfaction. We are eager to please our clients by providing the best service possible...*


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