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EMPIRICAL LABS - EL-Q Lil FrEQ - égaliseur paramétrique mono 6 bandes avec de-esseur/compresseur


Plutôt que de placer en série de multiples égaliseurs et traitements de la fréquence, Empirical Labs a intégré ce dont a besoin l’ingénieur du son dans un boîtier au format Rack 1 unité, tout en lui offrant les meilleures performances possibles.

Les sections d’égalisation


La section passe-haut est constituée d’un filtre à forte pente atténuant toutes les fréquences inférieures à la fréquence de coupure. Nous qualifions ce filtre de « coloré » car il est très sélectif et d’une pente spéciale évitant d’affecter les fréquences situées juste au-dessus de la fréquence de coupure. La fréquence de coupure est indiquée par Leds dont l’intensité est faible lorsque l’étage est bypassé et forte lorsque le filtre est actif. Comme pour les autres sections d’égalisation du LilFrEQ, le filtre dispose d’une touche de Bypass.

Filtres Baxendall grave et aigu

Ces réglages sont des réglages de timbre « standards », mais d’une très haute qualité, offrant des corrections d’atténuation et d’accentuation douces des fréquences graves et aiguës.

Sections paramétriques

Vous disposez de quatre sections totalement paramétriques… offrant probablement la plus faible distorsion jamais mesurée, avec une valeur de distorsion harmonique totale inférieure à 0,0007 % avec des niveaux de signaux très élevés. Essayez de trouver de telles valeurs ailleurs !

Section de correction dynamique

La section dynamique associe des filtres avec un circuit de type compression qui permet des variations excessives dans le haut du spectre, comme les sibilantes, par exemple, notamment en absence de fréquences sur le contenu inférieur du spectre. Vous pouvez sélectionner parmi deux modes de fonctionnement, avec réglage du seuil et réglage de la fréquence. Quatre Leds indiquent la réduction de gain : 1 dB, 4 dB, 8 dB, 12 dB. La section dynamique met à votre disposition le meilleur, le plus simple et le plus naturel dé-esseur jamais conçu, ainsi qu’un limiteur Soft Knee haute fréquence unique. Vous allez l’adorer !

Le LilFrEQ est à l’égalisation ce que le Distressor est à la compression.

Câblé et calibré à la main aux USA par Empirical Labs Inc. Fabriqué par des gens qui pensent comme vous que l’audio est un sujet sérieux.

"Je pense que les ingénieurs du son ont besoin d'un égaliseur capable de modeler la réponse en fréquence. Le LilFrEQ permet un traitement coloré des basses fréquences, offre des filtres Baxendall doux et quatre bandes paramétriques d'une précision chirurgicale, dont personne ne pourra plus se passer..."
Dave Derr, Président et concepteur

Caractéristiques générales

L’égaliseur analogique le plus puissant jamais conçu. Huit sections de traitement !

  • Deux égaliseurs Baxendall
  • Un filtre passe-haut (coupe-bas) coloré spécial de troisième ordre à sélection de huit fréquences
  • Quatre bandes totalement paramétriques
  • Une section d’égalisation dynamique

La section dynamique peut être utilisée pour les applications de dé-esseur et d’adoucissement des fréquences.

Les meilleures caractéristiques au monde

la distorsion harmonique totale de nos égaliseurs paramétriques n’excède pas 0,0007 % avec toutes les bande d’égalisation actives (voir caractéristiques techniques ci-dessous). En fait, nous avons dû acheter un nouveau banc de mesure pour mesurer la distorsion.
Les mesures de bruit et de distorsion sont supérieures à celles de tous les égaliseurs numériques. Aucun convertisseur analogique/numérique au monde ne peut prétendre à des valeurs de bruit et de distorsion aussi faibles.

Préampli instrument/boîtier de direct intégrés

Connectez directement votre guitare, basse, etc., en face avant, appuyez sur la touche Instrument, et vous disposez du meilleur boîtier de direct disponible. Distorsion inférieure à 0,0009 % sur le préampli instrument avec une plage dynamique de 112 dB. La réponse descend jusqu’à 5 Hz.
Trois sorties, dont une sortie Classe A à transformateur, vous offrant une sortie totalement découplée avec une merveilleuse saturation douce et des basses puissantes, typique des meilleurs produits Vintage.
Énormes boutons « Distressor » avec échelles claires et précises vous permettant de reproduire les réglages avec précision, allant jusqu’à 10 et 1/2 !

Témoin lumineux d’écrêtage « BAD ! »

Cette Led vous indique lorsque vous êtes 1 dB en dessous de l’écrêtage. Elle indique la saturation à tous les étages de l’égaliseur.

Niveau de sortie calibré

Permet de régler rapidement les niveaux en enregistrement et en sonorisation.

Protection contre les réglages abusifs

Réserve dynamique énorme. Même les réglages les plus poussés peuvent délivrer un son correct !

Format compact et faible poids

Une puissance de correction supérieure à ses concurrents dans un format Rack 1 unité.

Composants discrets haute qualité

Les composants les meilleurs, les plus linéaires et les plus fiables. Composants sélectionnés et testés à la main.

Utilisation uniquement de résistances Roederstein à films métal

composants de la meilleure qualité, la plupart à haute température et de qualité militaire.

Alimentation à découpage 110/220 Vca

fusible de rechange fourni à l’intérieur.

Véritable Bypass de l’égalisation

Bypass câblé vous permettant de comparer réellement le signal traité avec le signal non traité.

Entrées et sorties en Jacks et XLR

XLR totalement symétriques (point chaud sur la broche 2, modifiable sur la broche 3 par l’utilisateur).

Pas de connecteurs internes

  • Pièces de très haute fiabilité et touches et relais de qualité militaire. Tous les contacts sont doublés pour une fiabilité maximum.
  • Généreuse garantie de trois ans.
  • Interface et caractéristiques inégalées.

Câblé et calibré à la main aux USA — poids à l’expédition d’environ 6 kg.

Spécifications techniques

  • Réponse en fréquence de 5 Hz à 140 kHz sur entrées et sorties sans transformateur. Réponse de la sortie à transformateur : 10 Hz à 110 kHz.
  • Plage dynamique — 120 dB à niveau de la sortie maximum (écrêtage 0,1 %) à la sortie minimum. Rapport signal/bruit supérieur à 110 dB.
  • Distorsion comprise entre 0,00056 % et 0,005 %, selon le mode et les réglages. La section dynamique offre une DHT < 0,005 %.
  • Entrée et sortie découplées en tension continue et une sortie découplée en tension continue. — Utilisation de condensateurs internes de très haute qualité.
  • Constantes temporelles dynamiques — L’attaque est d’environ 0,5 ms. Rétablissement de 0,04 s, fixe.



3 299,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info


As with ELI’s other signal processors, the Lil FrEQ Equalizer takes a somewhat unique approach to its job.  Instead of daisy chaining several equalizers and frequency processors, we combined most of the sound sculpting tools an engineer needs into a compact single rack space box, while still offering the highest performance of any design in its class.

There are eight sections of processing

what other EQ offers that?  Even better - in addition to a master bypass, each of the Lil FrEQ’s sections features its own dedicated bypass switch, letting you instantly A/B the effect of each section as you adjust and fine-tune them.


The High Pass section is a really easy to use sharp filter that cuts all content below one of eight preset frequencies from 30-330 Hz. This filter is very steep and has a special shape that prevents frequencies from thinning out just above the cutoff point. The corner frequency is selected using up/down buttons, and indicated by LEDs that glow softly when the section is bypassed, and brightly when the section is engaged.


These two knobs function similarly to the familiar “bass and treble” tone controls found on many consumer audio playback systems; however, these are designed to a much higher performance standard, providing exceptionally smooth and musical boost and cut on the high and low frequencies.


The Lil FrEQ has four sections of fully parametric EQ (LF, Lo Mid, Hi Mid and HF), with each section featuring individual gain, bandwidth (Q) and frequency controls.  It may be the cleanest parametric EQ section ever produced, operating below .0007% THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) even at extremely high audio levels. Try finding those specs anywhere else!


The DS section provides the highest performance, easiest to use, and possibly most natural sounding “De-esser” ever built.  This powerful tool combines tunable filters with a compressor-like circuit that can help contain and control excessive high frequency content such as sibilants or other sharp transients, especially in the absence of other lower frequency content.  It can also function as a one of a kind soft knee High Frequency limiter, which is one of the main things responsible for the Lil FrEQ becoming the go-to vocal EQ for engineers everywhere.  It has been used on many acclaimed albums and major live performances all over the world, becoming the “go to” EQ for key tracks like lead vocals, snares, and bass.  There are now dozens of hit record vocals that were processed thru the Lil FrEQ.

We’ve packed an awful lot of power and flexibility into the Lil FrEQ.  We know you will love it!

Specifications :

  • Freq. Response - 5 Hz to 140 kHz on transformerless inputs and outputs.
  • Transformer Output response is 10 Hz to 110 kHz .
  • Dynamic Range - 120 dB from maximum output (.1% clipping) to minimum output. Greater than 110 dB signal to noise.
  • Distortion Ranges between .00056% and .005% depending on mode and settings. DS section has THD < .005%.
  • DC coupled Input and Outputs and one transformer coupled output
  • High quality audio caps used internally.
  • Dynamic Time Constants - Attack is approximately .5 mS. Release .04 sec, fixed internally.



3 299,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer



As with ELI’s other signal processors, the Lil FrEQ Equalizer takes a somewhat unique approach to its job.  Instead of daisy chaining several equalizers and frequency processors, we combined most of the sound sculpting tools an engineer needs into a compact single rack space box, while still offering the highest performance of any design in its class.

There are eight sections of processing

what other EQ offers that?  Even better - in addition to a master bypass, each of the Lil FrEQ’s sections features its own dedicated bypass switch, letting you instantly A/B the effect of each section as you adjust and fine-tune them.


The High Pass section is a really easy to use sharp filter that cuts all content below one of eight preset frequencies from 30-330 Hz. This filter is very steep and has a special shape that prevents frequencies from thinning out just above the cutoff point. The corner frequency is selected using up/down buttons, and indicated by LEDs that glow softly when the section is bypassed, and brightly when the section is engaged.


These two knobs function similarly to the familiar “bass and treble” tone controls found on many consumer audio playback systems; however, these are designed to a much higher performance standard, providing exceptionally smooth and musical boost and cut on the high and low frequencies.


The Lil FrEQ has four sections of fully parametric EQ (LF, Lo Mid, Hi Mid and HF), with each section featuring individual gain, bandwidth (Q) and frequency controls.  It may be the cleanest parametric EQ section ever produced, operating below .0007% THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) even at extremely high audio levels. Try finding those specs anywhere else!


The DS section provides the highest performance, easiest to use, and possibly most natural sounding “De-esser” ever built.  This powerful tool combines tunable filters with a compressor-like circuit that can help contain and control excessive high frequency content such as sibilants or other sharp transients, especially in the absence of other lower frequency content.  It can also function as a one of a kind soft knee High Frequency limiter, which is one of the main things responsible for the Lil FrEQ becoming the go-to vocal EQ for engineers everywhere.  It has been used on many acclaimed albums and major live performances all over the world, becoming the “go to” EQ for key tracks like lead vocals, snares, and bass.  There are now dozens of hit record vocals that were processed thru the Lil FrEQ.

We’ve packed an awful lot of power and flexibility into the Lil FrEQ.  We know you will love it!

Specifications :

  • Freq. Response - 5 Hz to 140 kHz on transformerless inputs and outputs.
  • Transformer Output response is 10 Hz to 110 kHz .
  • Dynamic Range - 120 dB from maximum output (.1% clipping) to minimum output. Greater than 110 dB signal to noise.
  • Distortion Ranges between .00056% and .005% depending on mode and settings. DS section has THD < .005%.
  • DC coupled Input and Outputs and one transformer coupled output
  • High quality audio caps used internally.
  • Dynamic Time Constants - Attack is approximately .5 mS. Release .04 sec, fixed internally.



3 299,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer



As with ELI’s other signal processors, the Lil FrEQ Equalizer takes a somewhat unique approach to its job.  Instead of daisy chaining several equalizers and frequency processors, we combined most of the sound sculpting tools an engineer needs into a compact single rack space box, while still offering the highest performance of any design in its class.

There are eight sections of processing

what other EQ offers that?  Even better - in addition to a master bypass, each of the Lil FrEQ’s sections features its own dedicated bypass switch, letting you instantly A/B the effect of each section as you adjust and fine-tune them.


The High Pass section is a really easy to use sharp filter that cuts all content below one of eight preset frequencies from 30-330 Hz. This filter is very steep and has a special shape that prevents frequencies from thinning out just above the cutoff point. The corner frequency is selected using up/down buttons, and indicated by LEDs that glow softly when the section is bypassed, and brightly when the section is engaged.


These two knobs function similarly to the familiar “bass and treble” tone controls found on many consumer audio playback systems; however, these are designed to a much higher performance standard, providing exceptionally smooth and musical boost and cut on the high and low frequencies.


The Lil FrEQ has four sections of fully parametric EQ (LF, Lo Mid, Hi Mid and HF), with each section featuring individual gain, bandwidth (Q) and frequency controls.  It may be the cleanest parametric EQ section ever produced, operating below .0007% THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) even at extremely high audio levels. Try finding those specs anywhere else!


The DS section provides the highest performance, easiest to use, and possibly most natural sounding “De-esser” ever built.  This powerful tool combines tunable filters with a compressor-like circuit that can help contain and control excessive high frequency content such as sibilants or other sharp transients, especially in the absence of other lower frequency content.  It can also function as a one of a kind soft knee High Frequency limiter, which is one of the main things responsible for the Lil FrEQ becoming the go-to vocal EQ for engineers everywhere.  It has been used on many acclaimed albums and major live performances all over the world, becoming the “go to” EQ for key tracks like lead vocals, snares, and bass.  There are now dozens of hit record vocals that were processed thru the Lil FrEQ.

We’ve packed an awful lot of power and flexibility into the Lil FrEQ.  We know you will love it!

Specifications :

  • Freq. Response - 5 Hz to 140 kHz on transformerless inputs and outputs.
  • Transformer Output response is 10 Hz to 110 kHz .
  • Dynamic Range - 120 dB from maximum output (.1% clipping) to minimum output. Greater than 110 dB signal to noise.
  • Distortion Ranges between .00056% and .005% depending on mode and settings. DS section has THD < .005%.
  • DC coupled Input and Outputs and one transformer coupled output
  • High quality audio caps used internally.
  • Dynamic Time Constants - Attack is approximately .5 mS. Release .04 sec, fixed internally.



3 299,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer



As with ELI’s other signal processors, the Lil FrEQ Equalizer takes a somewhat unique approach to its job.  Instead of daisy chaining several equalizers and frequency processors, we combined most of the sound sculpting tools an engineer needs into a compact single rack space box, while still offering the highest performance of any design in its class.

There are eight sections of processing

what other EQ offers that?  Even better - in addition to a master bypass, each of the Lil FrEQ’s sections features its own dedicated bypass switch, letting you instantly A/B the effect of each section as you adjust and fine-tune them.


The High Pass section is a really easy to use sharp filter that cuts all content below one of eight preset frequencies from 30-330 Hz. This filter is very steep and has a special shape that prevents frequencies from thinning out just above the cutoff point. The corner frequency is selected using up/down buttons, and indicated by LEDs that glow softly when the section is bypassed, and brightly when the section is engaged.


These two knobs function similarly to the familiar “bass and treble” tone controls found on many consumer audio playback systems; however, these are designed to a much higher performance standard, providing exceptionally smooth and musical boost and cut on the high and low frequencies.


The Lil FrEQ has four sections of fully parametric EQ (LF, Lo Mid, Hi Mid and HF), with each section featuring individual gain, bandwidth (Q) and frequency controls.  It may be the cleanest parametric EQ section ever produced, operating below .0007% THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) even at extremely high audio levels. Try finding those specs anywhere else!


The DS section provides the highest performance, easiest to use, and possibly most natural sounding “De-esser” ever built.  This powerful tool combines tunable filters with a compressor-like circuit that can help contain and control excessive high frequency content such as sibilants or other sharp transients, especially in the absence of other lower frequency content.  It can also function as a one of a kind soft knee High Frequency limiter, which is one of the main things responsible for the Lil FrEQ becoming the go-to vocal EQ for engineers everywhere.  It has been used on many acclaimed albums and major live performances all over the world, becoming the “go to” EQ for key tracks like lead vocals, snares, and bass.  There are now dozens of hit record vocals that were processed thru the Lil FrEQ.

We’ve packed an awful lot of power and flexibility into the Lil FrEQ.  We know you will love it!

Specifications :

  • Freq. Response - 5 Hz to 140 kHz on transformerless inputs and outputs.
  • Transformer Output response is 10 Hz to 110 kHz .
  • Dynamic Range - 120 dB from maximum output (.1% clipping) to minimum output. Greater than 110 dB signal to noise.
  • Distortion Ranges between .00056% and .005% depending on mode and settings. DS section has THD < .005%.
  • DC coupled Input and Outputs and one transformer coupled output
  • High quality audio caps used internally.
  • Dynamic Time Constants - Attack is approximately .5 mS. Release .04 sec, fixed internally.
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Empirical Labs agréé
Empirical Labs