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TASCAM - US-1x2HR - Interface audio USB, 2 entrées, 2 sorties, 192 kHz

L’US-1x2HR est le plus petit modèle de la gamme TASCAM US-HR d’interfaces audio USB. Elle possède une entrée micro et une entrée instrument, et convient idéalement à un enregistrement simple et intuitif de voix/guitare sur ordinateur. La fonction Loopback intégrée et la compatibilité avec OBS Studio (ex-Open Broadcaster Software) en font un excellent choix pour la création de podcasts et le streaming en direct. Enfin, elle constitue une solution parfaite pour envoyer vers un système de sonorisation, avec une haute qualité audio, de la musique provenant d’un ordinateur (fête d’anniversaire, etc…)

L’interface audio compacte US-1x2HR intègre de nombreuses fonctionnalités : audio haute résolution (jusqu’à 24 bits/192 kHz), latence ultra-basse avec une taille de buffer Windows démarrant à 4 samples, préamplis micro de technologie Ultra-HDDA avec alimentation fantôme 48 volts assurant une excellente qualité sonore avec un bruit de fond extrêmement réduit, robuste connecteur de type USB-C, et riche collection de logiciels livrés pour se lancer dans la production audio.

Très légère, l’interface est idéale pour l’enregistrement et la production mobiles basées sur iPhone ou iPad (prévoir un pack de piles ou adaptateur secteur – non fournis – lors de l’utilisation avec un iPhone ou un iPad) grâce au logiciel Cubasis LE livré. Son côté nomade lui permet d’être amené partout : au studio, en salle de répétition, l’utiliser pour un reportage en direct depuis le site d’un événement, ou pour la prise de sons naturels en extérieur.

L’interface, comme tous les modèles de la Série US-HR, adopte une structure physique exclusive de type nid d’abeille en aluminium moulé pour les côtés, avec une légère inclinaison vers le haut. Cette conception se traduit par un look élégant et séduisant, et assure suffisamment d’assise pour que l’interface ne se déplace pas lors du branchement ou du débranchement des câbles. L’inclinaison vers le haut se fait avec une meilleure ergonomie, l’angle obtenu facilitant l’utilisation de l’interface.

Caractéristiques :

  • Préampli micro Ultra-HDDA de haute qualité à très faible bruit (EIC : -127 dB)
  • Enregistrement jusqu'à 96 kHz/24 bits
  • Prise en charge des Windows systèmes d'exploitation Mac, Mac et autres systèmes d'exploitation IOS
  • Conformité audio USB 2.0 Connexion IOS
  • Alimentation par bus USB pour l'enregistrement mobile
  • Entrée CLR avec alimentation fantôme +48
  • Large plage de gain d'entrée de 57 dB pour les microphones dynamiques
  • Entrée analogique TRS 6,3 mmsélectionnable entre le niveau ligne et le niveau instrument
  • Entrées et sorties analogiques RCA stéréo
  • Monitoring de latence nulle
  • Commandes de ligne indépendantes pour les sorties de ligne et de téléphone
  • Les signaux d'entrée peuvent être surveillés en stéréo ou en mono
  • Fonctionnement autonome pour les séances d'entraînement (nécessite une source d'alimentation externe)
  • L'entrée peut être mise en sourdine sur le panneau de configuration du logiciel.
  • Boîtier tout métal robuste pour plus de durabilité
  • Livré avec Cubase LE, y compris Cubasis LE
  • Design industriel incliné pour une utilisation facile sur un ordinateur de bureau
  • Alimentation par bus USB, adaptateur USB pour appareil iOS, pack de piles externe (non fournis)
  • Dimensions : 146 mm × 55 mm × 120 mm
  • Poids : 623 g
  • Inclus : câble USB-C, Steinberg Cubase LE, IK Multimedia SampleTank 4 SE, 3 mois d'utilisation gratuite d'Antares Auto-Tune illimitée

Configuration informatique :

  • Compatible avec Windows via port USB 2.0
  • Fréquence CPU/processeur : 2 GHz ou plus, double cœur (x86)
  • Mémoire vive 2 Go ou plus
  • Formats de pilotes audios compatibles : ASIO 2.0, WDM
  • Compatible avec Mac via port USB 2.0
  • Fréquence CPU/processeur : 2 GHz ou plus, double cœur
  • Mémoire vive : 2 Go ou plus
  • Formats de pilotes audios compatibles : Core Audio
  • Appareil iOS tournant sous iOS 7 ou ultérieur
  • Formats de pilotes audio compatibles : Core Audio



99,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer

More info

TASCAM - US-1x2HR - USB audio interface, 2 in, 2 out, 192 kHz

The US-1x2HR is the smallest model in the TASCAM US-HR line of USB audio interfaces. It has a microphone input and an instrument input, and is ideal for simple and intuitive recording of vocals / guitar on a computer. The built-in loopback function and compatibility with OBS Studio (ex-Open Broadcaster Software) make it an excellent choice for podcasting and live streaming. Finally, it is a perfect solution for sending music from a computer (birthday party, etc.) to a sound system, with high audio quality

The compact US-1x2HR audio interface integrates many features: high resolution audio (up to 24 bits / 192 kHz), ultra-low latency with a Windows buffer size starting at 4 samples, Ultra-HDDA technology microphone preamps with 48 volt phantom power for excellent sound quality with extremely low background noise, rugged USB-C type connector, and a rich collection of bundled software to get started in audio production.
Very light, the interface is ideal for recording and mobile production based on iPhone or iPad (provide a battery pack or power adapter - not included - when using with an iPhone or iPad) thanks to the Cubasis software The book. Its nomadic side allows it to be taken everywhere: in the studio, in the rehearsal room, to use it for a live report from the site of an event, or for recording natural sounds outdoors.

The interface, like all models of the US-HR Series, adopts an exclusive honeycomb-type physical structure of cast aluminum for the sides, with a slight upward tilt. This design results in an elegant and attractive look, and provides enough seating so that the interface does not shift when connecting or disconnecting cables. The upward tilt is improved ergonomics, the resulting angle facilitating the use of the interface.


  • High-quality Ultra-HDDA microphone preamplifier with ultra-low noise (EIC: -127 dB)
  • Recording up to 96 kHz / 24 bit
  • Support for Windows operating systems Mac, Mac and other IOS operating systems
  • USB 2.0 audio compliance IOS connection
  • USB bus powered for mobile recording
  • CLR input with +48 phantom power
  • Wide 57dB input gain range for dynamic microphones
  • 6.3 mm TRS analog input selectable between line level and instrument level
  • Stereo RCA analog inputs and outputs
  • Zero latency monitoring
  • Independent line controls for line and telephone outputs
  • Input signals can be monitored in stereo or mono
  • Stand-alone operation for training sessions (requires external power source)
  • The input can be muted on the software control panel.
  • Rugged all-metal housing for durability
  • Comes with Cubase LE, including Cubasis LE
  • Angled industrial design for easy use on a desktop
  • USB bus powered, USB adapter for iOS device, external battery pack (not included)
  • Dimensions: 146mm × 55mm × 120mm
  • Weight: 623 g
  • Included: USB-C cable, Steinberg Cubase LE, IK Multimedia SampleTank 4 SE, 3 months free unlimited Antares Auto-Tune use

IT configuration :

  • Compatible with Windows via USB 2.0 port
  • CPU / processor frequency: 2 GHz or more, dual core (x86)
  • RAM 2 GB or more
  • Compatible audio driver formats: ASIO 2.0, WDM
  • Compatible with Mac via USB 2.0 port
  • CPU / processor frequency: 2 GHz or higher, dual core
  • RAM: 2 GB or more
  • Compatible audio driver formats: Core Audio
  • IOS device running iOS 7 or later
  • Compatible audio driver formats: Core Audio



99,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


TASCAM - US-1x2HR - USB audio interface, 2 in, 2 out, 192 kHz

The US-1x2HR is the smallest model in the TASCAM US-HR line of USB audio interfaces. It has a microphone input and an instrument input, and is ideal for simple and intuitive recording of vocals / guitar on a computer. The built-in loopback function and compatibility with OBS Studio (ex-Open Broadcaster Software) make it an excellent choice for podcasting and live streaming. Finally, it is a perfect solution for sending music from a computer (birthday party, etc.) to a sound system, with high audio quality

The compact US-1x2HR audio interface integrates many features: high resolution audio (up to 24 bits / 192 kHz), ultra-low latency with a Windows buffer size starting at 4 samples, Ultra-HDDA technology microphone preamps with 48 volt phantom power for excellent sound quality with extremely low background noise, rugged USB-C type connector, and a rich collection of bundled software to get started in audio production.
Very light, the interface is ideal for recording and mobile production based on iPhone or iPad (provide a battery pack or power adapter - not included - when using with an iPhone or iPad) thanks to the Cubasis software The book. Its nomadic side allows it to be taken everywhere: in the studio, in the rehearsal room, to use it for a live report from the site of an event, or for recording natural sounds outdoors.

The interface, like all models of the US-HR Series, adopts an exclusive honeycomb-type physical structure of cast aluminum for the sides, with a slight upward tilt. This design results in an elegant and attractive look, and provides enough seating so that the interface does not shift when connecting or disconnecting cables. The upward tilt is improved ergonomics, the resulting angle facilitating the use of the interface.


  • High-quality Ultra-HDDA microphone preamplifier with ultra-low noise (EIC: -127 dB)
  • Recording up to 96 kHz / 24 bit
  • Support for Windows operating systems Mac, Mac and other IOS operating systems
  • USB 2.0 audio compliance IOS connection
  • USB bus powered for mobile recording
  • CLR input with +48 phantom power
  • Wide 57dB input gain range for dynamic microphones
  • 6.3 mm TRS analog input selectable between line level and instrument level
  • Stereo RCA analog inputs and outputs
  • Zero latency monitoring
  • Independent line controls for line and telephone outputs
  • Input signals can be monitored in stereo or mono
  • Stand-alone operation for training sessions (requires external power source)
  • The input can be muted on the software control panel.
  • Rugged all-metal housing for durability
  • Comes with Cubase LE, including Cubasis LE
  • Angled industrial design for easy use on a desktop
  • USB bus powered, USB adapter for iOS device, external battery pack (not included)
  • Dimensions: 146mm × 55mm × 120mm
  • Weight: 623 g
  • Included: USB-C cable, Steinberg Cubase LE, IK Multimedia SampleTank 4 SE, 3 months free unlimited Antares Auto-Tune use

IT configuration :

  • Compatible with Windows via USB 2.0 port
  • CPU / processor frequency: 2 GHz or more, dual core (x86)
  • RAM 2 GB or more
  • Compatible audio driver formats: ASIO 2.0, WDM
  • Compatible with Mac via USB 2.0 port
  • CPU / processor frequency: 2 GHz or higher, dual core
  • RAM: 2 GB or more
  • Compatible audio driver formats: Core Audio
  • IOS device running iOS 7 or later
  • Compatible audio driver formats: Core Audio



99,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


TASCAM - US-1x2HR - USB audio interface, 2 in, 2 out, 192 kHz

The US-1x2HR is the smallest model in the TASCAM US-HR line of USB audio interfaces. It has a microphone input and an instrument input, and is ideal for simple and intuitive recording of vocals / guitar on a computer. The built-in loopback function and compatibility with OBS Studio (ex-Open Broadcaster Software) make it an excellent choice for podcasting and live streaming. Finally, it is a perfect solution for sending music from a computer (birthday party, etc.) to a sound system, with high audio quality

The compact US-1x2HR audio interface integrates many features: high resolution audio (up to 24 bits / 192 kHz), ultra-low latency with a Windows buffer size starting at 4 samples, Ultra-HDDA technology microphone preamps with 48 volt phantom power for excellent sound quality with extremely low background noise, rugged USB-C type connector, and a rich collection of bundled software to get started in audio production.
Very light, the interface is ideal for recording and mobile production based on iPhone or iPad (provide a battery pack or power adapter - not included - when using with an iPhone or iPad) thanks to the Cubasis software The book. Its nomadic side allows it to be taken everywhere: in the studio, in the rehearsal room, to use it for a live report from the site of an event, or for recording natural sounds outdoors.

The interface, like all models of the US-HR Series, adopts an exclusive honeycomb-type physical structure of cast aluminum for the sides, with a slight upward tilt. This design results in an elegant and attractive look, and provides enough seating so that the interface does not shift when connecting or disconnecting cables. The upward tilt is improved ergonomics, the resulting angle facilitating the use of the interface.


  • High-quality Ultra-HDDA microphone preamplifier with ultra-low noise (EIC: -127 dB)
  • Recording up to 96 kHz / 24 bit
  • Support for Windows operating systems Mac, Mac and other IOS operating systems
  • USB 2.0 audio compliance IOS connection
  • USB bus powered for mobile recording
  • CLR input with +48 phantom power
  • Wide 57dB input gain range for dynamic microphones
  • 6.3 mm TRS analog input selectable between line level and instrument level
  • Stereo RCA analog inputs and outputs
  • Zero latency monitoring
  • Independent line controls for line and telephone outputs
  • Input signals can be monitored in stereo or mono
  • Stand-alone operation for training sessions (requires external power source)
  • The input can be muted on the software control panel.
  • Rugged all-metal housing for durability
  • Comes with Cubase LE, including Cubasis LE
  • Angled industrial design for easy use on a desktop
  • USB bus powered, USB adapter for iOS device, external battery pack (not included)
  • Dimensions: 146mm × 55mm × 120mm
  • Weight: 623 g
  • Included: USB-C cable, Steinberg Cubase LE, IK Multimedia SampleTank 4 SE, 3 months free unlimited Antares Auto-Tune use

IT configuration :

  • Compatible with Windows via USB 2.0 port
  • CPU / processor frequency: 2 GHz or more, dual core (x86)
  • RAM 2 GB or more
  • Compatible audio driver formats: ASIO 2.0, WDM
  • Compatible with Mac via USB 2.0 port
  • CPU / processor frequency: 2 GHz or higher, dual core
  • RAM: 2 GB or more
  • Compatible audio driver formats: Core Audio
  • IOS device running iOS 7 or later
  • Compatible audio driver formats: Core Audio



99,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


TASCAM - US-1x2HR - USB audio interface, 2 in, 2 out, 192 kHz

The US-1x2HR is the smallest model in the TASCAM US-HR line of USB audio interfaces. It has a microphone input and an instrument input, and is ideal for simple and intuitive recording of vocals / guitar on a computer. The built-in loopback function and compatibility with OBS Studio (ex-Open Broadcaster Software) make it an excellent choice for podcasting and live streaming. Finally, it is a perfect solution for sending music from a computer (birthday party, etc.) to a sound system, with high audio quality

The compact US-1x2HR audio interface integrates many features: high resolution audio (up to 24 bits / 192 kHz), ultra-low latency with a Windows buffer size starting at 4 samples, Ultra-HDDA technology microphone preamps with 48 volt phantom power for excellent sound quality with extremely low background noise, rugged USB-C type connector, and a rich collection of bundled software to get started in audio production.
Very light, the interface is ideal for recording and mobile production based on iPhone or iPad (provide a battery pack or power adapter - not included - when using with an iPhone or iPad) thanks to the Cubasis software The book. Its nomadic side allows it to be taken everywhere: in the studio, in the rehearsal room, to use it for a live report from the site of an event, or for recording natural sounds outdoors.

The interface, like all models of the US-HR Series, adopts an exclusive honeycomb-type physical structure of cast aluminum for the sides, with a slight upward tilt. This design results in an elegant and attractive look, and provides enough seating so that the interface does not shift when connecting or disconnecting cables. The upward tilt is improved ergonomics, the resulting angle facilitating the use of the interface.


  • High-quality Ultra-HDDA microphone preamplifier with ultra-low noise (EIC: -127 dB)
  • Recording up to 96 kHz / 24 bit
  • Support for Windows operating systems Mac, Mac and other IOS operating systems
  • USB 2.0 audio compliance IOS connection
  • USB bus powered for mobile recording
  • CLR input with +48 phantom power
  • Wide 57dB input gain range for dynamic microphones
  • 6.3 mm TRS analog input selectable between line level and instrument level
  • Stereo RCA analog inputs and outputs
  • Zero latency monitoring
  • Independent line controls for line and telephone outputs
  • Input signals can be monitored in stereo or mono
  • Stand-alone operation for training sessions (requires external power source)
  • The input can be muted on the software control panel.
  • Rugged all-metal housing for durability
  • Comes with Cubase LE, including Cubasis LE
  • Angled industrial design for easy use on a desktop
  • USB bus powered, USB adapter for iOS device, external battery pack (not included)
  • Dimensions: 146mm × 55mm × 120mm
  • Weight: 623 g
  • Included: USB-C cable, Steinberg Cubase LE, IK Multimedia SampleTank 4 SE, 3 months free unlimited Antares Auto-Tune use

IT configuration :

  • Compatible with Windows via USB 2.0 port
  • CPU / processor frequency: 2 GHz or more, dual core (x86)
  • RAM 2 GB or more
  • Compatible audio driver formats: ASIO 2.0, WDM
  • Compatible with Mac via USB 2.0 port
  • CPU / processor frequency: 2 GHz or higher, dual core
  • RAM: 2 GB or more
  • Compatible audio driver formats: Core Audio
  • IOS device running iOS 7 or later
  • Compatible audio driver formats: Core Audio
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Tascam agréé