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IK MULTIMEDIA - UNO DRUM - Boîte à Rythmes Analogique / PCM

Le IK MULTIMEDIA UNO DRUM est une boîte à rythme analogique/PCM. Elle est la station de création rythmique ultime pour pour créer des grooves intenses, percutants, inspirants et de haute qualité. Fabriqué en collaboration avec SoundMachines, UNO Drum marche dans les traces du célèbre UNO Synth, combinant un son analogique avec la souplesse et le confort du numérique.

Cette boîte à rythme permet de programmer et de jouer la batterie à l'aide d’une palette sonore large pour ajouter des grooves de drum professionnels à la musique. Elle offre 6 véritables sons de batterie analogiques pour des sons les plus intenses, riches et dynamiques possibles. Cela inclut 2 différents kick drums, caisses claires, claps et hi-hats - le kit essentiel caractérisant les sons de batterie analogiques les plus emblématiques de tous les temps

De plus, des éléments PCM ajoutés (avec 54 échantillons au choix) sont disponibles pour des saveurs sonores complémentaires. Toms, rimshots, cloches, rides et cymbales crash vous aident à créer des pistes rythmiques complexes, uniques et complètes. UNO Drum vous permet d'utiliser jusqu'à 12 éléments au total, entre sons analogiques et numériques (pour un total de 11 voix polyphoniques).

Tout ce qui précède peut-être stocké et rappelé à la volée, grâce à 100 préréglages de drum kits, tous préprogrammés et entièrement modifiables.

UNO Drum offre 3 effets Master : une distorsion et un compresseur analogiques, ainsi que l'effet Stutter. La saturation peut être augmentée afin que les grooves sonnent plus fort, avec une pointe d'agressivité. On peut ajouter de la compression pour rendre les pistes plus punchy, présentes et puissantes. Stutter offre une profondeur ajustable, de subtils trémolos à des découpes sonores entières, pour créer différentes sensations de sons et de grooves.

UNO Drum permet de permuter les éléments analogiques et numériques. Entre le moteur analogique conçu par SoundMachines et les échantillons issus de la workstation SampleTank d'IK, la diverse provenance de sons suscite les idées nouvelles et les créations uniques.

Producteurs, beat-makers, créateurs et DJs peuvent toujours compter sur UNO Drum pour trouver leur groove. A l'aide des commandes d'édition de sons de UNO, des options sont toujours disponibles pour les paramètres clés de chaque élément sonore. Ajustez l'accordage des kicks pour le hip-hop ou le Snap pour des drums EDM punchy, poussez le Decay pour des sons industriels fracassants, etc. Les réglages en profondeur de UNO Drum encouragent l'expérimentation pour élever vos pistes de drums bien au-delà de l'habituel.

12 pads tactiles sensitifs, au centre de UNO Drum, offrent deux zones de vélocité pour un jeu plus expressif en direct et une programmation simplifiée. Ceux-ci peuvent être utilisés pour jouer des rythmes entiers en direct avec un feeling "type pad", ou pour ajouter facilement des touches personnelles en live, au-dessus des rythmes préprogrammés. Ces pads sont utilisés pour sélectionner les éléments individuels des patterns de drum.

Caractéristiques :

  • 6 voix analogiques pour grosse caisse, caisse claire, clap et charleston
  • 12 voix PCM avec 54 samples
  • Sons analogiques et PCM librement combinables avec polyphonie 11 voix
  • Les sons de batterie peuvent être édités via de nombreux paramètres tels que Level, Tune, Decay, etc.
  • Distorsion analogique et effets de compression
  • 12 pads avec deux zones de vélocité chacun
  • 3 effets de performance: Stutter, Random Et Roll
  • Mémoire pour 100 patterns et 100 kits de batterie
  • Séquenceur 64 pas avec 8 paramètres automatisables par pas
  • Enregistrement en temps réel ou pas à pas
  • Jusqu'à 64 patterns chaînables en mode Song
  • MIDI via USB et adaptateur mini Jack - DIN
  • Implémentation MIDI complète de tous les paramètres ainsi que de l'horloge
  • Alimentation via 4 piles AA ou le port micro USB
  • Entrée audio sur mini Jack stéréo 3,5 mm avec sommation mono
  • Sortie audio sur mini Jack stéréo 3,5 mm avec sommation mono
  • Dimensions : 256 x 150 x 49 mm
  • Poids : 400 g
  • Inclus : câble micro USB vers USB, 2 adaptateurs MIDI avec fiches mini Jack - DIN et 4 piles AA



255,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer

More info

IK MULTIMEDIA - UNO DRUM - Analogue Drum Machine / PCM

The IK MULTIMEDIA UNO DRUM is an analog / PCM drum machine. It is the ultimate rhythm creation station for creating intense, punchy, inspiring, high quality grooves. Made in collaboration with SoundMachines, UNO Drum follows in the footsteps of the famous UNO Synth, combining analog sound with the flexibility and comfort of digital.

This drum machine lets you program and play the drums using a wide sound palette to add professional drum grooves to the music. It offers 6 true analog drum sounds for the most intense, rich and dynamic sounds possible. This includes 2 different kick drums, snares, claps and hi-hats - the essential kit characterizing the most iconic analog drum sounds of all time

Additionally, added PCM elements (with 54 samples to choose from) are available for complementary sonic flavors. Toms, rimshots, bells, wrinkles and crash cymbals help you create complex, unique and complete rhythm tracks. UNO Drum allows you to use up to 12 elements in total, between analog and digital sounds (for a total of 11 polyphonic voices).

All of the above can be stored and recalled on the fly, thanks to 100 drum kit presets, all pre-programmed and fully editable.

UNO Drum offers 3 master effects: an analog distortion and compressor, as well as the Stutter effect. The saturation can be increased so that the grooves sound louder, with a touch of aggression. You can add compression to make the tracks more punchy, present and powerful. Stutter offers adjustable depth, from subtle tremolos to full sonic cutouts, to create different sensations of sounds and grooves.

UNO Drum allows you to swap analog and digital elements. Between the analog engine designed by SoundMachines and the samples from IK's SampleTank workstation, the diverse origin of sounds sparks new ideas and unique creations.

Producers, beat-makers, creators and DJs can always count on UNO Drum to find their groove. Using UNO's sound editing controls, options are always available for the key parameters of each sound element. Adjust the kick tuning for hip-hop or Snap for punchy EDM drums, push the Decay for shattering industrial sounds, and more. UNO Drum's depth settings encourage experimentation to elevate your drum tracks far beyond the usual.

12 sensitive touch pads, at the center of UNO Drum, offer two velocity zones for more expressive live playing and simplified programming. These can be used to play full rhythms live with a "pad-like" feel, or to easily add personal touches live, on top of the pre-programmed rhythms. These pads are used to select individual elements of drum patterns.


  • 6 analog voices for bass drum, snare, clap and hi-hat
  • 12 PCM voices with 54 samples
  • Freely combinable analog and PCM sounds with 11-voice polyphony
  • Drum sounds can be edited via many parameters such as Level, Tune, Decay, etc.
  • Analog distortion and compression effects
  • 12 pads with two velocity zones each
  • 3 performance effects: Stutter, Random And Roll
  • Memory for 100 patterns and 100 drum kits
  • 64-step sequencer with 8 automatable parameters per step
  • Real-time or step-by-step recording
  • Up to 64 chainable patterns in Song mode
  • MIDI via USB and mini Jack - DIN adapter
  • Full MIDI implementation of all parameters as well as the clock
  • Power supply via 4 AA batteries or micro USB port
  • Audio input on 3.5 mm stereo mini jack with mono summation
  • Audio output on 3.5 mm stereo mini jack with mono summation
  • Dimensions: 256 x 150 x 49 mm
  • Weight: 400g
  • Included: micro USB to USB cable, 2 MIDI adapters with mini Jack - DIN plugs and 4 AA batteries



255,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


IK MULTIMEDIA - UNO DRUM - Analogue Drum Machine / PCM

The IK MULTIMEDIA UNO DRUM is an analog / PCM drum machine. It is the ultimate rhythm creation station for creating intense, punchy, inspiring, high quality grooves. Made in collaboration with SoundMachines, UNO Drum follows in the footsteps of the famous UNO Synth, combining analog sound with the flexibility and comfort of digital.

This drum machine lets you program and play the drums using a wide sound palette to add professional drum grooves to the music. It offers 6 true analog drum sounds for the most intense, rich and dynamic sounds possible. This includes 2 different kick drums, snares, claps and hi-hats - the essential kit characterizing the most iconic analog drum sounds of all time

Additionally, added PCM elements (with 54 samples to choose from) are available for complementary sonic flavors. Toms, rimshots, bells, wrinkles and crash cymbals help you create complex, unique and complete rhythm tracks. UNO Drum allows you to use up to 12 elements in total, between analog and digital sounds (for a total of 11 polyphonic voices).

All of the above can be stored and recalled on the fly, thanks to 100 drum kit presets, all pre-programmed and fully editable.

UNO Drum offers 3 master effects: an analog distortion and compressor, as well as the Stutter effect. The saturation can be increased so that the grooves sound louder, with a touch of aggression. You can add compression to make the tracks more punchy, present and powerful. Stutter offers adjustable depth, from subtle tremolos to full sonic cutouts, to create different sensations of sounds and grooves.

UNO Drum allows you to swap analog and digital elements. Between the analog engine designed by SoundMachines and the samples from IK's SampleTank workstation, the diverse origin of sounds sparks new ideas and unique creations.

Producers, beat-makers, creators and DJs can always count on UNO Drum to find their groove. Using UNO's sound editing controls, options are always available for the key parameters of each sound element. Adjust the kick tuning for hip-hop or Snap for punchy EDM drums, push the Decay for shattering industrial sounds, and more. UNO Drum's depth settings encourage experimentation to elevate your drum tracks far beyond the usual.

12 sensitive touch pads, at the center of UNO Drum, offer two velocity zones for more expressive live playing and simplified programming. These can be used to play full rhythms live with a "pad-like" feel, or to easily add personal touches live, on top of the pre-programmed rhythms. These pads are used to select individual elements of drum patterns.


  • 6 analog voices for bass drum, snare, clap and hi-hat
  • 12 PCM voices with 54 samples
  • Freely combinable analog and PCM sounds with 11-voice polyphony
  • Drum sounds can be edited via many parameters such as Level, Tune, Decay, etc.
  • Analog distortion and compression effects
  • 12 pads with two velocity zones each
  • 3 performance effects: Stutter, Random And Roll
  • Memory for 100 patterns and 100 drum kits
  • 64-step sequencer with 8 automatable parameters per step
  • Real-time or step-by-step recording
  • Up to 64 chainable patterns in Song mode
  • MIDI via USB and mini Jack - DIN adapter
  • Full MIDI implementation of all parameters as well as the clock
  • Power supply via 4 AA batteries or micro USB port
  • Audio input on 3.5 mm stereo mini jack with mono summation
  • Audio output on 3.5 mm stereo mini jack with mono summation
  • Dimensions: 256 x 150 x 49 mm
  • Weight: 400g
  • Included: micro USB to USB cable, 2 MIDI adapters with mini Jack - DIN plugs and 4 AA batteries



255,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


IK MULTIMEDIA - UNO DRUM - Analogue Drum Machine / PCM

The IK MULTIMEDIA UNO DRUM is an analog / PCM drum machine. It is the ultimate rhythm creation station for creating intense, punchy, inspiring, high quality grooves. Made in collaboration with SoundMachines, UNO Drum follows in the footsteps of the famous UNO Synth, combining analog sound with the flexibility and comfort of digital.

This drum machine lets you program and play the drums using a wide sound palette to add professional drum grooves to the music. It offers 6 true analog drum sounds for the most intense, rich and dynamic sounds possible. This includes 2 different kick drums, snares, claps and hi-hats - the essential kit characterizing the most iconic analog drum sounds of all time

Additionally, added PCM elements (with 54 samples to choose from) are available for complementary sonic flavors. Toms, rimshots, bells, wrinkles and crash cymbals help you create complex, unique and complete rhythm tracks. UNO Drum allows you to use up to 12 elements in total, between analog and digital sounds (for a total of 11 polyphonic voices).

All of the above can be stored and recalled on the fly, thanks to 100 drum kit presets, all pre-programmed and fully editable.

UNO Drum offers 3 master effects: an analog distortion and compressor, as well as the Stutter effect. The saturation can be increased so that the grooves sound louder, with a touch of aggression. You can add compression to make the tracks more punchy, present and powerful. Stutter offers adjustable depth, from subtle tremolos to full sonic cutouts, to create different sensations of sounds and grooves.

UNO Drum allows you to swap analog and digital elements. Between the analog engine designed by SoundMachines and the samples from IK's SampleTank workstation, the diverse origin of sounds sparks new ideas and unique creations.

Producers, beat-makers, creators and DJs can always count on UNO Drum to find their groove. Using UNO's sound editing controls, options are always available for the key parameters of each sound element. Adjust the kick tuning for hip-hop or Snap for punchy EDM drums, push the Decay for shattering industrial sounds, and more. UNO Drum's depth settings encourage experimentation to elevate your drum tracks far beyond the usual.

12 sensitive touch pads, at the center of UNO Drum, offer two velocity zones for more expressive live playing and simplified programming. These can be used to play full rhythms live with a "pad-like" feel, or to easily add personal touches live, on top of the pre-programmed rhythms. These pads are used to select individual elements of drum patterns.


  • 6 analog voices for bass drum, snare, clap and hi-hat
  • 12 PCM voices with 54 samples
  • Freely combinable analog and PCM sounds with 11-voice polyphony
  • Drum sounds can be edited via many parameters such as Level, Tune, Decay, etc.
  • Analog distortion and compression effects
  • 12 pads with two velocity zones each
  • 3 performance effects: Stutter, Random And Roll
  • Memory for 100 patterns and 100 drum kits
  • 64-step sequencer with 8 automatable parameters per step
  • Real-time or step-by-step recording
  • Up to 64 chainable patterns in Song mode
  • MIDI via USB and mini Jack - DIN adapter
  • Full MIDI implementation of all parameters as well as the clock
  • Power supply via 4 AA batteries or micro USB port
  • Audio input on 3.5 mm stereo mini jack with mono summation
  • Audio output on 3.5 mm stereo mini jack with mono summation
  • Dimensions: 256 x 150 x 49 mm
  • Weight: 400g
  • Included: micro USB to USB cable, 2 MIDI adapters with mini Jack - DIN plugs and 4 AA batteries



255,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


IK MULTIMEDIA - UNO DRUM - Analogue Drum Machine / PCM

The IK MULTIMEDIA UNO DRUM is an analog / PCM drum machine. It is the ultimate rhythm creation station for creating intense, punchy, inspiring, high quality grooves. Made in collaboration with SoundMachines, UNO Drum follows in the footsteps of the famous UNO Synth, combining analog sound with the flexibility and comfort of digital.

This drum machine lets you program and play the drums using a wide sound palette to add professional drum grooves to the music. It offers 6 true analog drum sounds for the most intense, rich and dynamic sounds possible. This includes 2 different kick drums, snares, claps and hi-hats - the essential kit characterizing the most iconic analog drum sounds of all time

Additionally, added PCM elements (with 54 samples to choose from) are available for complementary sonic flavors. Toms, rimshots, bells, wrinkles and crash cymbals help you create complex, unique and complete rhythm tracks. UNO Drum allows you to use up to 12 elements in total, between analog and digital sounds (for a total of 11 polyphonic voices).

All of the above can be stored and recalled on the fly, thanks to 100 drum kit presets, all pre-programmed and fully editable.

UNO Drum offers 3 master effects: an analog distortion and compressor, as well as the Stutter effect. The saturation can be increased so that the grooves sound louder, with a touch of aggression. You can add compression to make the tracks more punchy, present and powerful. Stutter offers adjustable depth, from subtle tremolos to full sonic cutouts, to create different sensations of sounds and grooves.

UNO Drum allows you to swap analog and digital elements. Between the analog engine designed by SoundMachines and the samples from IK's SampleTank workstation, the diverse origin of sounds sparks new ideas and unique creations.

Producers, beat-makers, creators and DJs can always count on UNO Drum to find their groove. Using UNO's sound editing controls, options are always available for the key parameters of each sound element. Adjust the kick tuning for hip-hop or Snap for punchy EDM drums, push the Decay for shattering industrial sounds, and more. UNO Drum's depth settings encourage experimentation to elevate your drum tracks far beyond the usual.

12 sensitive touch pads, at the center of UNO Drum, offer two velocity zones for more expressive live playing and simplified programming. These can be used to play full rhythms live with a "pad-like" feel, or to easily add personal touches live, on top of the pre-programmed rhythms. These pads are used to select individual elements of drum patterns.


  • 6 analog voices for bass drum, snare, clap and hi-hat
  • 12 PCM voices with 54 samples
  • Freely combinable analog and PCM sounds with 11-voice polyphony
  • Drum sounds can be edited via many parameters such as Level, Tune, Decay, etc.
  • Analog distortion and compression effects
  • 12 pads with two velocity zones each
  • 3 performance effects: Stutter, Random And Roll
  • Memory for 100 patterns and 100 drum kits
  • 64-step sequencer with 8 automatable parameters per step
  • Real-time or step-by-step recording
  • Up to 64 chainable patterns in Song mode
  • MIDI via USB and mini Jack - DIN adapter
  • Full MIDI implementation of all parameters as well as the clock
  • Power supply via 4 AA batteries or micro USB port
  • Audio input on 3.5 mm stereo mini jack with mono summation
  • Audio output on 3.5 mm stereo mini jack with mono summation
  • Dimensions: 256 x 150 x 49 mm
  • Weight: 400g
  • Included: micro USB to USB cable, 2 MIDI adapters with mini Jack - DIN plugs and 4 AA batteries
Global Audio Store, Revendeur IK Multimedia agréé
IK Multimedia