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Livraison:  Sous 2 jours ouvrés
Garantie: 2 ans pièces & main-d'oeuvre

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ALTO - BLUETOOTH TOTAL 2 - Récepteur Bluetooth / XLR (unité)

Le Bluetooth Total Mk2 est un récepteur Bluetooth XLR compact qui, une fois connecté à votre enceinte active ou à votre console de mixage, vous permettra de transmettre un signal audio sans fil depuis tout support mobile compatible avec la norme Bluetooth. Connectez, appairez, et c'est parti

Ne trébuchez plus sur vos câbles !

Vous êtes fatigué de tous ces câbles qui traînent au sol ? Vous avez besoin de réaliser une prestation où la présence de câble n'est pas désirable ? Le récepteur Bluetooth Total 2 est l'accessoire qu'il vous faut ! Ce petit boîtier simple à mettre en œuvre et à utiliser, vous fera gagner un temps précieux et vous affranchira de bien des problématiques dans les environnements où les passages de câbles s'avèrent délicats. Employant la technologie Bluetooth 5.0, il garantit une qualité de restitution audio exceptionnelle.

Un indispensable dans votre trousse à outils.

Avec son format ultra compact et son poids plume, le Bluetooth Total 2 se connecte directement à votre équipement professionnel via son connecteur XLR. Il dispose d'une batterie rechargeable intégrée offrant plus de 6 heures d'autonomie, et se recharge via un port micro USB. Il ne vous reste plus qu'à presser le bouton d'appairage pour vous connecter à votre source audio compatible Bluetooth, et ainsi transformer votre enceinte active en enceinte Bluetooth, ou bien envoyer un signal audio Bluetooth sur votre console de mixage, sans pour autant altérer la qualité du son. L'usage d'un second récepteur Bluetooth Total 2 vous permettra d'appairer deux enceintes actives et de profiter ainsi d'un signal audio stéréo.

Caractéristiques :

  • Catégorie : pour enceinte
  • Dimensions (mm) : 38,1 x 137,2 x 22,9
  • Poids (kg) : 0,11 kg
  • Quantité : 1
  • Type : récepteur Bluetooth
  • Specs complémentaires :
  • Ajoute le Bluetooth à n'importe quelle enceinte ou table de mixage.
  • Permet de relier deux récepteurs Bluetooth Total 2 en Bluetooth afin de garantir une diffusion stéréo
  • Prise XLR
  • Portée supérieure à 30 mètres
  • Batterie rechargeable via connexion micro USB (plus de 6 heures d’autonomie)
  • Format compact et léger



45,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info

ALTO - BLUETOOTH TOTAL 2 - XLR-Equipped rechargeable bluetooth receiver

The Bluetooth Total Mk2 is a compact XLR Bluetooth receiver that, when connected to your active speaker or mixing console, will allow you to transmit audio wirelessly from any Bluetooth-enabled mobile device. Connect, pair, go

Stop tripping over your cables!

Are you tired of all those cables lying around? Need to perform a job where cables are not desirable? The Total 2 Bluetooth receiver is the accessory you need! This small, easy-to-use box will save you precious time and will free you from many problems in environments where cable runs are tricky. Using Bluetooth 5.0 technology, it guarantees exceptional audio quality.

A must-have in your toolkit.

With its ultra-compact size and light weight, the Bluetooth Total 2 connects directly to your professional equipment via its XLR connector. It has a built-in rechargeable battery offering more than 6 hours of autonomy, and recharges via a micro USB port. Just press the pairing button to connect to your Bluetooth-enabled audio source, turning your active speaker into a Bluetooth speaker, or sending a Bluetooth audio signal to your mixing console without compromising sound quality. Using a second Total 2 Bluetooth receiver will allow you to pair two active speakers and enjoy stereo audio.

Features :

  • Category: for speaker
  • Dimensions (mm): 38.1 x 137.2 x 22.9
  • Weight (kg): 0.11 kg
  • Quantity: 1
  • Type: Bluetooth receiver
  • Complementary specs:
  • Adds Bluetooth to any speaker or mixer.
  • Allows to link two Total 2 Bluetooth receivers in Bluetooth to ensure stereo broadcasting
  • XLR jack
  • Range over 30 meters
  • Rechargeable battery via micro USB connection (over 6 hours of autonomy)
  • Compact and light format



45,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


ALTO - BLUETOOTH TOTAL 2 - XLR-Equipped rechargeable bluetooth receiver

The Bluetooth Total Mk2 is a compact XLR Bluetooth receiver that, when connected to your active speaker or mixing console, will allow you to transmit audio wirelessly from any Bluetooth-enabled mobile device. Connect, pair, go

Stop tripping over your cables!

Are you tired of all those cables lying around? Need to perform a job where cables are not desirable? The Total 2 Bluetooth receiver is the accessory you need! This small, easy-to-use box will save you precious time and will free you from many problems in environments where cable runs are tricky. Using Bluetooth 5.0 technology, it guarantees exceptional audio quality.

A must-have in your toolkit.

With its ultra-compact size and light weight, the Bluetooth Total 2 connects directly to your professional equipment via its XLR connector. It has a built-in rechargeable battery offering more than 6 hours of autonomy, and recharges via a micro USB port. Just press the pairing button to connect to your Bluetooth-enabled audio source, turning your active speaker into a Bluetooth speaker, or sending a Bluetooth audio signal to your mixing console without compromising sound quality. Using a second Total 2 Bluetooth receiver will allow you to pair two active speakers and enjoy stereo audio.

Features :

  • Category: for speaker
  • Dimensions (mm): 38.1 x 137.2 x 22.9
  • Weight (kg): 0.11 kg
  • Quantity: 1
  • Type: Bluetooth receiver
  • Complementary specs:
  • Adds Bluetooth to any speaker or mixer.
  • Allows to link two Total 2 Bluetooth receivers in Bluetooth to ensure stereo broadcasting
  • XLR jack
  • Range over 30 meters
  • Rechargeable battery via micro USB connection (over 6 hours of autonomy)
  • Compact and light format



45,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


ALTO - BLUETOOTH TOTAL 2 - XLR-Equipped rechargeable bluetooth receiver

The Bluetooth Total Mk2 is a compact XLR Bluetooth receiver that, when connected to your active speaker or mixing console, will allow you to transmit audio wirelessly from any Bluetooth-enabled mobile device. Connect, pair, go

Stop tripping over your cables!

Are you tired of all those cables lying around? Need to perform a job where cables are not desirable? The Total 2 Bluetooth receiver is the accessory you need! This small, easy-to-use box will save you precious time and will free you from many problems in environments where cable runs are tricky. Using Bluetooth 5.0 technology, it guarantees exceptional audio quality.

A must-have in your toolkit.

With its ultra-compact size and light weight, the Bluetooth Total 2 connects directly to your professional equipment via its XLR connector. It has a built-in rechargeable battery offering more than 6 hours of autonomy, and recharges via a micro USB port. Just press the pairing button to connect to your Bluetooth-enabled audio source, turning your active speaker into a Bluetooth speaker, or sending a Bluetooth audio signal to your mixing console without compromising sound quality. Using a second Total 2 Bluetooth receiver will allow you to pair two active speakers and enjoy stereo audio.

Features :

  • Category: for speaker
  • Dimensions (mm): 38.1 x 137.2 x 22.9
  • Weight (kg): 0.11 kg
  • Quantity: 1
  • Type: Bluetooth receiver
  • Complementary specs:
  • Adds Bluetooth to any speaker or mixer.
  • Allows to link two Total 2 Bluetooth receivers in Bluetooth to ensure stereo broadcasting
  • XLR jack
  • Range over 30 meters
  • Rechargeable battery via micro USB connection (over 6 hours of autonomy)
  • Compact and light format



45,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


ALTO - BLUETOOTH TOTAL 2 - XLR-Equipped rechargeable bluetooth receiver

The Bluetooth Total Mk2 is a compact XLR Bluetooth receiver that, when connected to your active speaker or mixing console, will allow you to transmit audio wirelessly from any Bluetooth-enabled mobile device. Connect, pair, go

Stop tripping over your cables!

Are you tired of all those cables lying around? Need to perform a job where cables are not desirable? The Total 2 Bluetooth receiver is the accessory you need! This small, easy-to-use box will save you precious time and will free you from many problems in environments where cable runs are tricky. Using Bluetooth 5.0 technology, it guarantees exceptional audio quality.

A must-have in your toolkit.

With its ultra-compact size and light weight, the Bluetooth Total 2 connects directly to your professional equipment via its XLR connector. It has a built-in rechargeable battery offering more than 6 hours of autonomy, and recharges via a micro USB port. Just press the pairing button to connect to your Bluetooth-enabled audio source, turning your active speaker into a Bluetooth speaker, or sending a Bluetooth audio signal to your mixing console without compromising sound quality. Using a second Total 2 Bluetooth receiver will allow you to pair two active speakers and enjoy stereo audio.

Features :

  • Category: for speaker
  • Dimensions (mm): 38.1 x 137.2 x 22.9
  • Weight (kg): 0.11 kg
  • Quantity: 1
  • Type: Bluetooth receiver
  • Complementary specs:
  • Adds Bluetooth to any speaker or mixer.
  • Allows to link two Total 2 Bluetooth receivers in Bluetooth to ensure stereo broadcasting
  • XLR jack
  • Range over 30 meters
  • Rechargeable battery via micro USB connection (over 6 hours of autonomy)
  • Compact and light format
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Alto Professional agréé
Alto Professional