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AKAI - MPC KEY 61 - Workstation MPC autonome

La MPC Key 61 est le tout premier clavier de production autonome développé par la marque, afin d'offrir aux producteurs et aux créateurs de musique contemporaine une plateforme de travail ultra complète. Cette workstation autonome, qui combine le workflow autonome légendaire des MPC à un clavier semi-lesté de 61 notes, met à votre disposition plus de 25 plugins d'instruments de très haut niveau, des milliers de presets et des centaines d'effets pour réussir toutes vos productions professionnelles.

La lignée des MPC perpétuée avec brio.

Depuis les années 1980, les célèbres systèmes de production MPC se sont imposés comme de véritables piliers de la production musicale contemporaine, grâce à leur séquenceur précis et à leur workflow unique qui ont contribué à façonner les plus grands titres de pop, hip hop et musique électronique. La MPC Key 61 s'appuie sur cette riche histoire et cet esprit d'innovation pour proposer de nouvelles plugins de mixage et d'instruments virtuels de haut niveau, et écrire le prochain chapitre de la grande histoire des MPC.

Prenez les commandes d'un véritable orchestre.

La MPC Key 61 intègre une impressionnante sélection de 25 plugins d'instruments virtuels uniques, associés à plus de 6000 presets pour booster votre créativité. Cette workstation d'exception embarque le nouveau plugin de pointe développé pour la MPC Key 61 : Fabric XL. Ce nouveau synthétiseur ultra puissant met à votre disposition des moteurs de synthèse et des instruments acoustiques échantillonnés d'une dynamique et d'une puissance inédites. La vaste sélection de presets disponible est mue par un moteur de synthèse à multi-échantillonnage révolutionnaire, offrant des performances et un son avant-gardiste. La MPC Key 61 met également à votre disposition les puissants plugins d'instruments virtuels OPx4 pour la synthèse FM, Stage Piano avec sa sélection de célèbres pianos à queue Steinway® et pianos droits Bechstein®, Session Strings et son formidable ensemble d'instruments orchestraux à cordes frottées, ainsi que Stage EP et FM Electric Piano pour jouer respectivement sur des Rhodes ou des Wurlitzer.

La clé de votre créativité.

La MPC Key 61 est la première MPC à introduire un clavier semi-lesté de 61 notes avec aftertouch et détection précise de la vélocité, donnant littéralement vie aux plugins d'instruments virtuels. Les 16 drum pads RVB sensibles à la vélocité avec aftertouch offrent une expérience de création de rythmes MPC mondialement reconnue et inégalée. Grâce au système de transport intégré et au célèbre workflow MPC, créez des rythmes et des séquences en toute simplicité. Avec son interface basée sur un superbe écran couleur multi-touch de 7 pouces, vous pouvez passer rapidement et en toute simplicité de la navigation parmi des milliers de presets sonores au séquençage de vos idées, puis à leur finalisation avec des effets haut de gamme développés par AIR Music Tech. Enfin, les 4 encodeurs rotatifs Q-LINK programmables sont parfaits pour contrôler tous les paramètres d’effets et pour les automations en temps réel.

La pierre angulaire de votre univers de production.

La MPC Key 61 s’intègre parfaitement à tout environnement de studio grâce à son large éventail d’entrées/sorties. Avec ses ports USB Class Compliant, connectez jusqu’à 32 périphériques MIDI via USB grâce au Multi MIDI, étendez votre éventail d’E/S jusqu’à 32 entrées et sorties en connectant une interface audio USB Class Compliant, ou connectez vos synthés vintages via les ports MIDI In/Out/Thru. Pour les adeptes du modulaire, la MPC Key 61 embarque 8 sorties CV/Gate de 3,5 mm afin de brancher toutes vos machines modulaires et vos synthétiseurs, tandis que les molettes de pitch bend et de modulation dédiées offrent un contrôle étendu, de la profondeur et de la texture.

Avec ses 2 préamplis micro haut de gamme avec alimentation fantôme, associée à une interface audio embarquée 24 bit à convertisseurs AN/NA de haut niveau, la MPC Key 61 offre une expérience de sampling MPC authentique pour la voix et tous les instruments, tout en introduisant de nouvelles méthodes pour transformer, façonner et définir vos propres sons avec le contrôleur Touch Strip programmable de 140 mm et les 4 encodeurs Q-LINK.

Les quatre sorties audio jack 6,35 mm TRS intégrées peuvent être configurées en tant que double sortie stéréo, ou quatre sorties monos, tandis que les deux entrées combo XLR/jack vous permettent d’échantillonner et d’enregistrer à partir de sources de niveau micro, instrument ou ligne grâce aux préamplis ultra transparents et aux convertisseurs AN/NA haut de gamme. Enfin, les modules WiFi et Bluetooth intégrés permettent de se synchroniser avec Ableton Link ou de mettre à jour le système d’exploitation de la MPC.

Puissante, innovante et intuitive, la MPC Key 61 est définitivement la workstation idéale pour tous les producteurs de musique moderne désireux de travailler avec le célèbre workflow MPC, tout en disposant d'une sélection exceptionnelle d'instruments virtuels et d'une connectique ultra riche.

Caractéristiques :

  • Affichage : Couleur multitouch 7"
  • Aftertouch : Oui
  • Arpégiateur : Oui
  • Catégorie : Workstation
  • Contrôleur : Molette, Bandeau Touch Strip, Q-Link x 4
  • Dimensions (mm) : 986 x 313 x 97
  • Échantillonneur : Oui
  • Entrées : Pédale d'expression, Pédale de sustain, Midi, 2 x combo XLR/jack
  • Finition : Noire
  • Format des touches : piano
  • Logiciels fournis : MPC 2 Software
  • Mémoire : 32 GB
  • Nbre d'effets : 100
  • Nbre de pads : 16
  • Nbre de présélections : 6 000
  • Nbre de touches : 61
  • Poids (kg) : 8,10 kg
  • Sensible à la vélocité : Oui
  • Séquenceur : Oui
  • Sorties : Midi, Casque, 4 x jack, 8x CV/Gate 3,5 mm
  • Toucher : Semi-lesté
  • Transposition : Oui
  • Type de synthèse : Numérique
  • Specs complémentaires :
  • Clavier de 61 notes semi-lestées expressif avec aftertouch
  • Puissant processeur quadricœur ARM associé à 4 Go de mémoire vive pour une autonomie totale
  • 25 plugins d’instruments virtuels de pointe et plus de 100 effets à la pointe
  • 16 drum pads MPC iconiques RVB sensibles à la vélocité, avec aftertouch et mode Note Repeat, et 8 banques accessibles via les boutons Pad Bank
  • Contrôleur Touch Strip programmable de 140 mm avec indicateurs à LED
  • 4 encodeurs de contrôle Q-LINK assignables
  • Puissant séquenceur MIDI 128 pistes
  • 8 pistes audio gérées
  • Plus de 13 Go de contenus préinstallés, et plus de 15 Go d’espace disponible pour les contenus utilisateurs, extensible via des connexions SATA
  • 2 entrées micro/ligne/instrument avec préamplis micro haut de gamme
  • 4 sorties ligne discrètes, et 8 sorties CV/Gate minijack pour l’intégration de systèmes modulaires
  • 1 sortie casque jack 6,35 mm
  • E/S MIDI 5 points avec Thru
  • Connexions Footswitch (sustain et FS2) jack TRS, et pédale d’expression jack TRS
  • Interface audio 24 bit embarquée avec convertisseurs AN/NA ultra transparents
  • WiFi et Bluetooth embarqués
  • Section transport dédiée
  • Compatible avec les interfaces audios et les périphériques MIDI Class Compliant



1 289,00 €

Availability:  Due soon - Available by reservation on pre-order
Processing time:  Contact us for a precise availability delay
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

More info

AKAI - MPC KEY 61 - Standalone MPC Workstation

The MPC Key 61 is the very first stand-alone production keyboard developed by the brand, in order to offer producers and creators of contemporary music an ultra-complete work platform. This standalone workstation, which combines MPC's legendary standalone workflow with a semi-weighted 61-note keyboard, puts more than 25 top-level instrument plugins, thousands of presets and hundreds of effects at your fingertips for success. all your professional productions.

The lineage of MPC perpetuated brilliantly.

Since the 1980s, the famous MPC production systems have established themselves as true pillars of contemporary music production, thanks to their precise sequencer and unique workflow that have helped shape the biggest titles in pop, hip hop and music. electronic. The MPC Key 61 builds on this rich history and spirit of innovation to deliver new high-level mixing and virtual instrument plugins, and write the next chapter in the great MPC story.

Take control of a real orchestra.

The MPC Key 61 includes an impressive selection of 25 unique virtual instrument plugins, combined with over 6000 presets to boost your creativity. This exceptional workstation embeds the new state-of-the-art plugin developed for the MPC Key 61: Fabric XL. This powerful new synthesizer puts synthesis engines and sampled acoustic instruments at your fingertips with unprecedented dynamics and power. The vast selection of presets available is powered by a revolutionary multi-sampling synthesis engine, delivering cutting-edge performance and sound. The MPC Key 61 also puts at your disposal the powerful OPx4 virtual instrument plugins for FM synthesis, Stage Piano with its selection of famous Steinway® grand pianos and Bechstein® upright pianos, Session Strings and its formidable ensemble of orchestral instruments for bowed strings, as well as Stage EP and FM Electric Piano to play on Rhodes or Wurlitzer respectively.

The key to your creativity.

The MPC Key 61 is the first MPC to introduce a semi-weighted 61-note keyboard with aftertouch and precise velocity detection, literally bringing virtual instrument plugins to life. The 16 velocity-sensitive RGB drum pads with aftertouch deliver a world-renowned and unrivaled MPC beat-making experience. Thanks to the integrated transport system and the famous MPC workflow, create beats and sequences with ease. With its interface based on a superb 7-inch multi-touch color screen, you can quickly and easily go from browsing through thousands of sound presets, to sequencing your ideas, then finalizing them with high-end effects developed by AIR Music Tech. Finally, the 4 programmable Q-LINK rotary encoders are perfect for controlling all effect parameters and for real-time automation.

The cornerstone of your production universe.

The MPC Key 61 fits perfectly into any studio environment thanks to its wide range of inputs/outputs. With its Class Compliant USB ports, connect up to 32 MIDI devices via USB using Multi MIDI, expand your I/O range up to 32 inputs and outputs by connecting a Class Compliant USB audio interface, or connect your vintage synths via MIDI In/Out/Thru ports. For modular enthusiasts, the MPC Key 61 features 8 3.5mm CV/Gate outputs to connect all your modular machines and synthesizers, while dedicated pitch bend and modulation wheels offer extensive control, from depth and texture.

With its 2 high-end mic preamps with phantom power, combined with an onboard 24-bit audio interface with high-level AD/DA converters, the MPC Key 61 offers an authentic MPC sampling experience for vocals and all instruments, while introducing new ways to transform, shape and define your own sounds with the programmable 140mm Touch Strip controller and 4 Q-LINK encoders.

The four onboard 1/4" TRS audio outputs can be configured as dual stereo outputs, or four mono outputs, while two XLR/jack combo inputs let you sample and record from level sources. mic, instrument or line thanks to ultra-transparent preamps and high-end AD/DA converters. Finally, the integrated WiFi and Bluetooth modules make it possible to synchronize with Ableton Link or update the operating system of the MPC.

Powerful, innovative and intuitive, the MPC Key 61 is definitely the ideal workstation for all modern music producers wishing to work with the famous MPC workflow, while having an exceptional selection of virtual instruments and ultra-rich connectivity. .

Features :

  • Display: 7" multitouch color
  • Aftertouch: Yes
  • Arpeggiator: Yes
  • Category: Workstation
  • Controller: Wheel, Touch Strip, Q-Link x 4
  • Dimensions (mm): 986 x 313 x 97
  • Sampler: Yes
  • Inputs: Expression Pedal, Sustain Pedal, Midi, 2 x XLR/jack combo
  • Finish: Black
  • Key format: piano
  • Software provided: MPC 2 Software
  • Memory: 32 GB
  • Number of effects: 100
  • Number of pads: 16
  • Number of presets: 6000
  • Number of keys: 61
  • Weight (kg): 8.10 kg
  • Velocity Sensitive: Yes
  • Sequencer: Yes
  • Outputs: Midi, Headphones, 4 x jack, 8x CV/Gate 3.5 mm
  • Feel: Semi-weighted
  • Transpose: Yes
  • Synthesis Type: Numerical
  • Complementary specs:
  • Expressive 61-note semi-weighted keyboard with aftertouch
  • Powerful quad-core ARM processor combined with 4 GB of RAM for total autonomy
  • 25 state-of-the-art virtual instrument plugins and over 100 state-of-the-art effects
  • 16 iconic velocity-sensitive RGB MPC drum pads, with aftertouch and Note Repeat mode, and 8 banks accessible via the Pad Bank buttons
  • 140mm Programmable Touch Strip Controller with LED Indicators
  • 4 assignable Q-LINK control encoders
  • Powerful 128-track MIDI sequencer
  • 8 audio tracks managed
  • Over 13 GB of pre-installed content, and over 15 GB of available space for user content, expandable via SATA connections
  • 2 mic/line/instrument inputs with high-end mic preamps
  • 4 discrete line outputs, and 8 minijack CV/Gate outputs for modular system integration
  • 1 headphone output 6.35mm jack
  • 5-point MIDI I/O with Thru
  • Footswitch connections (sustain and FS2) TRS jack, and TRS jack expression pedal
  • Onboard 24-bit audio interface with ultra-transparent AD/DA converters
  • On-board WiFi and Bluetooth
  • Dedicated transport section
  • Compatible with Class Compliant audio interfaces and MIDI devices



1 289,00 €

Availability:  Due soon - Available by reservation on pre-order
Processing time:  Contact us for a precise availability delay
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


AKAI - MPC KEY 61 - Standalone MPC Workstation

The MPC Key 61 is the very first stand-alone production keyboard developed by the brand, in order to offer producers and creators of contemporary music an ultra-complete work platform. This standalone workstation, which combines MPC's legendary standalone workflow with a semi-weighted 61-note keyboard, puts more than 25 top-level instrument plugins, thousands of presets and hundreds of effects at your fingertips for success. all your professional productions.

The lineage of MPC perpetuated brilliantly.

Since the 1980s, the famous MPC production systems have established themselves as true pillars of contemporary music production, thanks to their precise sequencer and unique workflow that have helped shape the biggest titles in pop, hip hop and music. electronic. The MPC Key 61 builds on this rich history and spirit of innovation to deliver new high-level mixing and virtual instrument plugins, and write the next chapter in the great MPC story.

Take control of a real orchestra.

The MPC Key 61 includes an impressive selection of 25 unique virtual instrument plugins, combined with over 6000 presets to boost your creativity. This exceptional workstation embeds the new state-of-the-art plugin developed for the MPC Key 61: Fabric XL. This powerful new synthesizer puts synthesis engines and sampled acoustic instruments at your fingertips with unprecedented dynamics and power. The vast selection of presets available is powered by a revolutionary multi-sampling synthesis engine, delivering cutting-edge performance and sound. The MPC Key 61 also puts at your disposal the powerful OPx4 virtual instrument plugins for FM synthesis, Stage Piano with its selection of famous Steinway® grand pianos and Bechstein® upright pianos, Session Strings and its formidable ensemble of orchestral instruments for bowed strings, as well as Stage EP and FM Electric Piano to play on Rhodes or Wurlitzer respectively.

The key to your creativity.

The MPC Key 61 is the first MPC to introduce a semi-weighted 61-note keyboard with aftertouch and precise velocity detection, literally bringing virtual instrument plugins to life. The 16 velocity-sensitive RGB drum pads with aftertouch deliver a world-renowned and unrivaled MPC beat-making experience. Thanks to the integrated transport system and the famous MPC workflow, create beats and sequences with ease. With its interface based on a superb 7-inch multi-touch color screen, you can quickly and easily go from browsing through thousands of sound presets, to sequencing your ideas, then finalizing them with high-end effects developed by AIR Music Tech. Finally, the 4 programmable Q-LINK rotary encoders are perfect for controlling all effect parameters and for real-time automation.

The cornerstone of your production universe.

The MPC Key 61 fits perfectly into any studio environment thanks to its wide range of inputs/outputs. With its Class Compliant USB ports, connect up to 32 MIDI devices via USB using Multi MIDI, expand your I/O range up to 32 inputs and outputs by connecting a Class Compliant USB audio interface, or connect your vintage synths via MIDI In/Out/Thru ports. For modular enthusiasts, the MPC Key 61 features 8 3.5mm CV/Gate outputs to connect all your modular machines and synthesizers, while dedicated pitch bend and modulation wheels offer extensive control, from depth and texture.

With its 2 high-end mic preamps with phantom power, combined with an onboard 24-bit audio interface with high-level AD/DA converters, the MPC Key 61 offers an authentic MPC sampling experience for vocals and all instruments, while introducing new ways to transform, shape and define your own sounds with the programmable 140mm Touch Strip controller and 4 Q-LINK encoders.

The four onboard 1/4" TRS audio outputs can be configured as dual stereo outputs, or four mono outputs, while two XLR/jack combo inputs let you sample and record from level sources. mic, instrument or line thanks to ultra-transparent preamps and high-end AD/DA converters. Finally, the integrated WiFi and Bluetooth modules make it possible to synchronize with Ableton Link or update the operating system of the MPC.

Powerful, innovative and intuitive, the MPC Key 61 is definitely the ideal workstation for all modern music producers wishing to work with the famous MPC workflow, while having an exceptional selection of virtual instruments and ultra-rich connectivity. .

Features :

  • Display: 7" multitouch color
  • Aftertouch: Yes
  • Arpeggiator: Yes
  • Category: Workstation
  • Controller: Wheel, Touch Strip, Q-Link x 4
  • Dimensions (mm): 986 x 313 x 97
  • Sampler: Yes
  • Inputs: Expression Pedal, Sustain Pedal, Midi, 2 x XLR/jack combo
  • Finish: Black
  • Key format: piano
  • Software provided: MPC 2 Software
  • Memory: 32 GB
  • Number of effects: 100
  • Number of pads: 16
  • Number of presets: 6000
  • Number of keys: 61
  • Weight (kg): 8.10 kg
  • Velocity Sensitive: Yes
  • Sequencer: Yes
  • Outputs: Midi, Headphones, 4 x jack, 8x CV/Gate 3.5 mm
  • Feel: Semi-weighted
  • Transpose: Yes
  • Synthesis Type: Numerical
  • Complementary specs:
  • Expressive 61-note semi-weighted keyboard with aftertouch
  • Powerful quad-core ARM processor combined with 4 GB of RAM for total autonomy
  • 25 state-of-the-art virtual instrument plugins and over 100 state-of-the-art effects
  • 16 iconic velocity-sensitive RGB MPC drum pads, with aftertouch and Note Repeat mode, and 8 banks accessible via the Pad Bank buttons
  • 140mm Programmable Touch Strip Controller with LED Indicators
  • 4 assignable Q-LINK control encoders
  • Powerful 128-track MIDI sequencer
  • 8 audio tracks managed
  • Over 13 GB of pre-installed content, and over 15 GB of available space for user content, expandable via SATA connections
  • 2 mic/line/instrument inputs with high-end mic preamps
  • 4 discrete line outputs, and 8 minijack CV/Gate outputs for modular system integration
  • 1 headphone output 6.35mm jack
  • 5-point MIDI I/O with Thru
  • Footswitch connections (sustain and FS2) TRS jack, and TRS jack expression pedal
  • Onboard 24-bit audio interface with ultra-transparent AD/DA converters
  • On-board WiFi and Bluetooth
  • Dedicated transport section
  • Compatible with Class Compliant audio interfaces and MIDI devices



1 289,00 €

Availability:  Due soon - Available by reservation on pre-order
Processing time:  Contact us for a precise availability delay
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


AKAI - MPC KEY 61 - Standalone MPC Workstation

The MPC Key 61 is the very first stand-alone production keyboard developed by the brand, in order to offer producers and creators of contemporary music an ultra-complete work platform. This standalone workstation, which combines MPC's legendary standalone workflow with a semi-weighted 61-note keyboard, puts more than 25 top-level instrument plugins, thousands of presets and hundreds of effects at your fingertips for success. all your professional productions.

The lineage of MPC perpetuated brilliantly.

Since the 1980s, the famous MPC production systems have established themselves as true pillars of contemporary music production, thanks to their precise sequencer and unique workflow that have helped shape the biggest titles in pop, hip hop and music. electronic. The MPC Key 61 builds on this rich history and spirit of innovation to deliver new high-level mixing and virtual instrument plugins, and write the next chapter in the great MPC story.

Take control of a real orchestra.

The MPC Key 61 includes an impressive selection of 25 unique virtual instrument plugins, combined with over 6000 presets to boost your creativity. This exceptional workstation embeds the new state-of-the-art plugin developed for the MPC Key 61: Fabric XL. This powerful new synthesizer puts synthesis engines and sampled acoustic instruments at your fingertips with unprecedented dynamics and power. The vast selection of presets available is powered by a revolutionary multi-sampling synthesis engine, delivering cutting-edge performance and sound. The MPC Key 61 also puts at your disposal the powerful OPx4 virtual instrument plugins for FM synthesis, Stage Piano with its selection of famous Steinway® grand pianos and Bechstein® upright pianos, Session Strings and its formidable ensemble of orchestral instruments for bowed strings, as well as Stage EP and FM Electric Piano to play on Rhodes or Wurlitzer respectively.

The key to your creativity.

The MPC Key 61 is the first MPC to introduce a semi-weighted 61-note keyboard with aftertouch and precise velocity detection, literally bringing virtual instrument plugins to life. The 16 velocity-sensitive RGB drum pads with aftertouch deliver a world-renowned and unrivaled MPC beat-making experience. Thanks to the integrated transport system and the famous MPC workflow, create beats and sequences with ease. With its interface based on a superb 7-inch multi-touch color screen, you can quickly and easily go from browsing through thousands of sound presets, to sequencing your ideas, then finalizing them with high-end effects developed by AIR Music Tech. Finally, the 4 programmable Q-LINK rotary encoders are perfect for controlling all effect parameters and for real-time automation.

The cornerstone of your production universe.

The MPC Key 61 fits perfectly into any studio environment thanks to its wide range of inputs/outputs. With its Class Compliant USB ports, connect up to 32 MIDI devices via USB using Multi MIDI, expand your I/O range up to 32 inputs and outputs by connecting a Class Compliant USB audio interface, or connect your vintage synths via MIDI In/Out/Thru ports. For modular enthusiasts, the MPC Key 61 features 8 3.5mm CV/Gate outputs to connect all your modular machines and synthesizers, while dedicated pitch bend and modulation wheels offer extensive control, from depth and texture.

With its 2 high-end mic preamps with phantom power, combined with an onboard 24-bit audio interface with high-level AD/DA converters, the MPC Key 61 offers an authentic MPC sampling experience for vocals and all instruments, while introducing new ways to transform, shape and define your own sounds with the programmable 140mm Touch Strip controller and 4 Q-LINK encoders.

The four onboard 1/4" TRS audio outputs can be configured as dual stereo outputs, or four mono outputs, while two XLR/jack combo inputs let you sample and record from level sources. mic, instrument or line thanks to ultra-transparent preamps and high-end AD/DA converters. Finally, the integrated WiFi and Bluetooth modules make it possible to synchronize with Ableton Link or update the operating system of the MPC.

Powerful, innovative and intuitive, the MPC Key 61 is definitely the ideal workstation for all modern music producers wishing to work with the famous MPC workflow, while having an exceptional selection of virtual instruments and ultra-rich connectivity. .

Features :

  • Display: 7" multitouch color
  • Aftertouch: Yes
  • Arpeggiator: Yes
  • Category: Workstation
  • Controller: Wheel, Touch Strip, Q-Link x 4
  • Dimensions (mm): 986 x 313 x 97
  • Sampler: Yes
  • Inputs: Expression Pedal, Sustain Pedal, Midi, 2 x XLR/jack combo
  • Finish: Black
  • Key format: piano
  • Software provided: MPC 2 Software
  • Memory: 32 GB
  • Number of effects: 100
  • Number of pads: 16
  • Number of presets: 6000
  • Number of keys: 61
  • Weight (kg): 8.10 kg
  • Velocity Sensitive: Yes
  • Sequencer: Yes
  • Outputs: Midi, Headphones, 4 x jack, 8x CV/Gate 3.5 mm
  • Feel: Semi-weighted
  • Transpose: Yes
  • Synthesis Type: Numerical
  • Complementary specs:
  • Expressive 61-note semi-weighted keyboard with aftertouch
  • Powerful quad-core ARM processor combined with 4 GB of RAM for total autonomy
  • 25 state-of-the-art virtual instrument plugins and over 100 state-of-the-art effects
  • 16 iconic velocity-sensitive RGB MPC drum pads, with aftertouch and Note Repeat mode, and 8 banks accessible via the Pad Bank buttons
  • 140mm Programmable Touch Strip Controller with LED Indicators
  • 4 assignable Q-LINK control encoders
  • Powerful 128-track MIDI sequencer
  • 8 audio tracks managed
  • Over 13 GB of pre-installed content, and over 15 GB of available space for user content, expandable via SATA connections
  • 2 mic/line/instrument inputs with high-end mic preamps
  • 4 discrete line outputs, and 8 minijack CV/Gate outputs for modular system integration
  • 1 headphone output 6.35mm jack
  • 5-point MIDI I/O with Thru
  • Footswitch connections (sustain and FS2) TRS jack, and TRS jack expression pedal
  • Onboard 24-bit audio interface with ultra-transparent AD/DA converters
  • On-board WiFi and Bluetooth
  • Dedicated transport section
  • Compatible with Class Compliant audio interfaces and MIDI devices



1 289,00 €

Availability:  Due soon - Available by reservation on pre-order
Processing time:  Contact us for a precise availability delay
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


AKAI - MPC KEY 61 - Standalone MPC Workstation

The MPC Key 61 is the very first stand-alone production keyboard developed by the brand, in order to offer producers and creators of contemporary music an ultra-complete work platform. This standalone workstation, which combines MPC's legendary standalone workflow with a semi-weighted 61-note keyboard, puts more than 25 top-level instrument plugins, thousands of presets and hundreds of effects at your fingertips for success. all your professional productions.

The lineage of MPC perpetuated brilliantly.

Since the 1980s, the famous MPC production systems have established themselves as true pillars of contemporary music production, thanks to their precise sequencer and unique workflow that have helped shape the biggest titles in pop, hip hop and music. electronic. The MPC Key 61 builds on this rich history and spirit of innovation to deliver new high-level mixing and virtual instrument plugins, and write the next chapter in the great MPC story.

Take control of a real orchestra.

The MPC Key 61 includes an impressive selection of 25 unique virtual instrument plugins, combined with over 6000 presets to boost your creativity. This exceptional workstation embeds the new state-of-the-art plugin developed for the MPC Key 61: Fabric XL. This powerful new synthesizer puts synthesis engines and sampled acoustic instruments at your fingertips with unprecedented dynamics and power. The vast selection of presets available is powered by a revolutionary multi-sampling synthesis engine, delivering cutting-edge performance and sound. The MPC Key 61 also puts at your disposal the powerful OPx4 virtual instrument plugins for FM synthesis, Stage Piano with its selection of famous Steinway® grand pianos and Bechstein® upright pianos, Session Strings and its formidable ensemble of orchestral instruments for bowed strings, as well as Stage EP and FM Electric Piano to play on Rhodes or Wurlitzer respectively.

The key to your creativity.

The MPC Key 61 is the first MPC to introduce a semi-weighted 61-note keyboard with aftertouch and precise velocity detection, literally bringing virtual instrument plugins to life. The 16 velocity-sensitive RGB drum pads with aftertouch deliver a world-renowned and unrivaled MPC beat-making experience. Thanks to the integrated transport system and the famous MPC workflow, create beats and sequences with ease. With its interface based on a superb 7-inch multi-touch color screen, you can quickly and easily go from browsing through thousands of sound presets, to sequencing your ideas, then finalizing them with high-end effects developed by AIR Music Tech. Finally, the 4 programmable Q-LINK rotary encoders are perfect for controlling all effect parameters and for real-time automation.

The cornerstone of your production universe.

The MPC Key 61 fits perfectly into any studio environment thanks to its wide range of inputs/outputs. With its Class Compliant USB ports, connect up to 32 MIDI devices via USB using Multi MIDI, expand your I/O range up to 32 inputs and outputs by connecting a Class Compliant USB audio interface, or connect your vintage synths via MIDI In/Out/Thru ports. For modular enthusiasts, the MPC Key 61 features 8 3.5mm CV/Gate outputs to connect all your modular machines and synthesizers, while dedicated pitch bend and modulation wheels offer extensive control, from depth and texture.

With its 2 high-end mic preamps with phantom power, combined with an onboard 24-bit audio interface with high-level AD/DA converters, the MPC Key 61 offers an authentic MPC sampling experience for vocals and all instruments, while introducing new ways to transform, shape and define your own sounds with the programmable 140mm Touch Strip controller and 4 Q-LINK encoders.

The four onboard 1/4" TRS audio outputs can be configured as dual stereo outputs, or four mono outputs, while two XLR/jack combo inputs let you sample and record from level sources. mic, instrument or line thanks to ultra-transparent preamps and high-end AD/DA converters. Finally, the integrated WiFi and Bluetooth modules make it possible to synchronize with Ableton Link or update the operating system of the MPC.

Powerful, innovative and intuitive, the MPC Key 61 is definitely the ideal workstation for all modern music producers wishing to work with the famous MPC workflow, while having an exceptional selection of virtual instruments and ultra-rich connectivity. .

Features :

  • Display: 7" multitouch color
  • Aftertouch: Yes
  • Arpeggiator: Yes
  • Category: Workstation
  • Controller: Wheel, Touch Strip, Q-Link x 4
  • Dimensions (mm): 986 x 313 x 97
  • Sampler: Yes
  • Inputs: Expression Pedal, Sustain Pedal, Midi, 2 x XLR/jack combo
  • Finish: Black
  • Key format: piano
  • Software provided: MPC 2 Software
  • Memory: 32 GB
  • Number of effects: 100
  • Number of pads: 16
  • Number of presets: 6000
  • Number of keys: 61
  • Weight (kg): 8.10 kg
  • Velocity Sensitive: Yes
  • Sequencer: Yes
  • Outputs: Midi, Headphones, 4 x jack, 8x CV/Gate 3.5 mm
  • Feel: Semi-weighted
  • Transpose: Yes
  • Synthesis Type: Numerical
  • Complementary specs:
  • Expressive 61-note semi-weighted keyboard with aftertouch
  • Powerful quad-core ARM processor combined with 4 GB of RAM for total autonomy
  • 25 state-of-the-art virtual instrument plugins and over 100 state-of-the-art effects
  • 16 iconic velocity-sensitive RGB MPC drum pads, with aftertouch and Note Repeat mode, and 8 banks accessible via the Pad Bank buttons
  • 140mm Programmable Touch Strip Controller with LED Indicators
  • 4 assignable Q-LINK control encoders
  • Powerful 128-track MIDI sequencer
  • 8 audio tracks managed
  • Over 13 GB of pre-installed content, and over 15 GB of available space for user content, expandable via SATA connections
  • 2 mic/line/instrument inputs with high-end mic preamps
  • 4 discrete line outputs, and 8 minijack CV/Gate outputs for modular system integration
  • 1 headphone output 6.35mm jack
  • 5-point MIDI I/O with Thru
  • Footswitch connections (sustain and FS2) TRS jack, and TRS jack expression pedal
  • Onboard 24-bit audio interface with ultra-transparent AD/DA converters
  • On-board WiFi and Bluetooth
  • Dedicated transport section
  • Compatible with Class Compliant audio interfaces and MIDI devices
Global Audio Store, Revendeur Akai agréé