✧ The Supreme Testosterone Booster

  • Increase Total and Free Testosterone Levels
  • Stimulate Libido and Erections
  • Enhance Fertility

✧ 3 to 4 Months of Protocol

  • Daily Intake of 2 to 4 capsules
  • 240 Capsules

✧ Extensively Researched and Founded Compounds

  • Enhanced Gonadotropin Production*
  • Steroidogenesis Support*
  • Binding Protein Modulation*
  • Stress Management*


Sigma provides the optimal testosterone-boosting synthesis in terms of effectiveness, safety and legality with a strong foundation of extensive research studies for all compounds.

The product was initially developed by neuroscientist Andrew Huberman from The Huberman Lab Podcast and Derek from the YouTube channel MorePlatesMoreDates for athletes primarily within the United States. Their formula promised to increase total testosterone up to 300-400ng/dl.


Turkesterone Europe® has reformulated their product into a supreme testosterone booster:

▪ The KSM-66 Ashwaghanda extract is standardized to 5% Total Withanolides, the most potent and absorbable form available. It increases overall testosterone levels and sperm quality.

▪ Mucuna Pruriens increases fertility by improving sperm volume, quality and concentration. And has an indirect effect on testosterone due to the positive influence on dopamine, cortisol and prolactin. The extract is standardized to 98% L-Dopa, an almost pure variant.

▪ The addition of Tribulus Terrestris, which contains 95% Saponins, ensures stronger, longer-lasting erections and has a proven positive effect on the libido.

▪ Shilajit stimulates follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and in turn can provide an amazing increase in testosterone. The extract is standardized to 50% fulvic acid.

▪ The addition of Boron Citrate has a strong positive effect on the free testosterone and DHT levels within the body.

▪ The vital nutrients Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin D3 are supplemented because of their strong influence on natural testosterone production.

▪ Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin ensures optimal absorption in the body of all active substances.

SUGGESTED USE: 2 to 4 capsules per day (do not exceed recommended dosage).

WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, consult your doctor before use. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach from children. Store at room temperature. This supplement is not a substitute for a varied diet. Statements have not been evaluated by the (or any) Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



 It is important to stop using SigmaTM for 2 weeks after the 'cycle', so that the body does not become dependent.