One BLACK Washer Bottle Cap.

Approx 55mm Diameter 

Here is a nice new cap to smarten up the engine bay

VW Lupo all models
VW Fox all models

Registrations come in two formats below are ALL the registrations this cap will fit:

1999 to 2001
First letter starts with
V, W, X, Y.

2001 onwards
Middle numbers in number plate
51, 02, 52, 03, 53, 04, 54, 05, 55, 06, 56, 07, 57, 08, 58, 09, 59, 10, 60, 11, 61, 12, 62, 13, 63, 14, 64, 15

Blue cap is pictured for comparison only
Pictures of engine bays are shown as a guide, there are two blue caps under the bonnet one for Engine water (water is often pink in colour), the other is the wash fluid which this cap is for.

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