Diode (kenotron) low-voltage low-power with a direct-heated tungsten cathode.
Diode 4C6S is designed to work in circuits of electronic voltage regulators in various general-purpose radio-electronic equipment.
Produced in glass design.
Base 5-pin with keyed octal.
Overall dimensions of the kenotron:
   - lamp height - 80 mm;
   - lamp diameter - 30 mm.
Weight no more than 55 g.
Durability not less than 750 h.

Technical characteristics and electrical parameters of the 4C6S lamp:
Heating voltage 4 V
Filament current 1.75 ± 0.15 mA
Anode voltage 50 V
Anode current not less than 7 mA
Saturation current slope no more than 0.03 mA/V
Maximum power dissipated at the anode 1 W
Glass design with octal base