This is our “Nail Rescue Story”


  Nail Rescue Oil was created by a Husband and Wife team, tired of all the toxic lotions and potions on the market not doing a thing.  A retired nurse of 38 years and an inventor and businessman put their heads together determined to put the best worlds best organic, natural oils together that actually work. What they came up with is ”Nail Rescue, Miracle in a Bottle”.

  So many people work and play hard and look after their hair, keep clean and want to look good but neglect toe nails and finger nails, other than to cut them. When your nails are growing, soaps, weather, sun, shoes, gloves destroy our nails.  Nail Rescue puts all the nutrients back into the nails and skin and bring a natural shine and allows healing to take place.

     This little bottle is used for many fingernail and toenail problems or simply to beautify your existing nail care. Laura, who’s nails were destroyed every day from the daily hand washing and all the sanitizing hand gels simply had enough. Tim who is an inventor and businessman both finger and toe nails were worked with much physical labour.  A stubborn ingrown toe nail that seemed like no cure was out there, it was time to go! In the process the couple has made the amazing Nail-Rescue.  Nothing like it on the market!

     If you have dry cuticles, dry cracking nails, thin nails, Hangnails, Ingrown nails or just want to beautify your nails before or after you apply your nail polish…this is your Nail Rescue!

   Nothing like the feel after a shower and put a small amount of Nail Rescue oil on each toe nail and/or fingernails.  Feels like just stepping out of a salon!  Nothing on the market has 23 oils like Nail Rescue. Totally organic and no additives…amazing!

  Simply brush on the nails, cuticles and leave or massage into the nail or cuticles. Do this once a day and you will another Nail-Rescue Story!