Hi Guys, it’s me Larry Larkmo “The PranKing Zebra”. I have another great item for you. Do you have that special someone like our founder and CEO who's always grumpy, has to go to the bathroom every five minutes and is always taking a nap. The one you wouldn't trade in for anything less than a 25 gift card. Or how about that friend or family member that still thinks he or she can play sports or pick up heavy boxes, you know the one, the one in their late 30's or 40's or older.

If you said yes then we have the perfect prank gift for them. The kit includes an Older Than Dirt sash perfect for those special birthday pictures that you'll take and never see again. Also included is our idea wheel. Great for those retirees that have no clue what to do with themselves other than wait for the mail to arrive. We've also included an Inflatable walker and cane for those with joints so old they can predict the weather. Don't forget about the Car Magnet that warns drivers to stay away. You know what grandpa always says, "if you don't like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalk" oh that grandpa lol. Lastly we included a pair of Emergency Underpants for those unexpected sharts, or when a bathroom is literally seconds away and they can't make it in time.

Heck let's face it this kit is for anyone over 25. Because these days 25 is the new 65. You probably even know a teenager that acts older than they should. Like the one that hasn't seen the sun in a few months. Or the one that thinks walking outside is like running a marathon, imagine the look on their face when they open it. This gag gift is great for those of us who love to laugh at ourselves or others and refuse to let our age define us. We may be older but we'll never be too old to laugh.