1883 Reclus print JAIPUR, RAJASTHAN, INDIA, #28

Nice print titled Djaipour. - vue prise dans la Grande Rue, from wood engraving with fine detail and clear impression, nice hand coloring, approx. page size is 27 x 18 cm, approx. image size is 19 x 13 cm. From La Nouvelle Géographie universelle, la terre et les hommes, 19 vol., 1875-94 (in English: The Earth and Its Inhabitants, 1878-94), great work of Elisee Reclus.


city, capital of Rajasthan state, northwestern India. Jaipur is a popular tourist destination and a commercial trade centre with major road, rail, and air connections. A walled town surrounded (except to the south) by hills, the city was founded in 1727 by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh to replace Amber (now Amer) as the capital of the princely state of Jaipur (founded by the Rajputs in the 12th century CE). Known for its beauty, the city is unique in its straight-line planning; its buildings are predominantly rose-coloured, and it is sometimes called the “pink city.” The chief buildings are the City Palace, part of which is home to the royal family of Jaipur; Jantar Mantar, an 18th-century open-air observatory; Hawa Mahal (Hall of Winds); Ram Bagh palace; and Nahargarh, the Tiger Fort. Other public buildings include a museum and a library. Jaipur is the seat of the University of Rajasthan, founded in 1947. Jaipur has a mixed Hindu-Muslim population. The city was the site of numerous bombing attacks in the early 21st century, with mosques and Hindu temples being targets.

Industries include engineering and metalworking, hand-loom weaving, distilling, and the manufacture of glass, hosiery, carpets, blankets, shoes, and drugs. Jaipur's famous arts and crafts include the making of jewelry, enamel, metalwork, and printed cloths, as well as stone, marble, and ivory carving.

The city is surrounded by fertile alluvial plains to the east and south and hill chains and desert areas to the north and west. Bajra (pearl millet), barley, gram (chickpeas), pulses, and cotton are the chief crops grown in this region. Iron ore, beryllium, mica, feldspar, marble, copper, and garnet deposits are worked. Pop. (2001) city, 2,322,575.