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50PCS/Pkt Seeds Hoya Carnosa Flower Milky White with Dark Red Centre (Perennial,  100% new and high quality, Package: Professional pack)

Product description:

The main task of every housewife is to make her home beautiful and cozy. Not only interior items, paintings and textiles, but also indoor plants can help in solving this problem. Fresh flowers will decorate the room, help clean the air and improve the emotional atmosphere in the house. Climbing plants are indispensable assistants in the field of interior design. With their help, you can create unique living sculptures, make unusual arches and hanging baskets. Designers and florists recommend paying attention to the tropical plant hoya carnosa, which has long stems with lots of beautiful leaves and unusual inflorescences.


Hoya carnosa (fleshy) is an evergreen succulent that reproduces quickly, forms beautiful inflorescences and is undemanding in care. In natural conditions, this flower can be seen in the forests of Australia and Southern China, as well as on islands in the Pacific Ocean. The name of the plant comes from the surname of an English breeder who started growing a tropical plant in a greenhouse. The root system of hoya develops rapidly and fills the entire flower pot. Only in the presence of strong and powerful roots, the plant begins to form inflorescences.

The maximum length of the stem with a large number of shoots is about 10 m. The length of the fleshy, rigid, pointed leaf plate exceeds 7 cm. The matte coating on the leaves provoked the appearance of the second name of the flower: wax ivy. The flowering of hoya begins in early summer and ends at the end of July. Repeated flowering occurs in early autumn.

The shape of the five-petalled flowers resembles a star and can reach 20 mm. Wax inflorescences are collected in elastic rosettes. The shades of colors range from white to red. The room with blooming fleshy hoya is filled with the smell of honey.

A fast-growing vine can increase its length by more than 40 cm per year. When creating comfortable conditions for the growth and development of succulents, the plant can please its owners for more than 15 years. Hoya has not only high aesthetic indicators, but also medicinal properties. The smell of the flower reduces mental stress and normalizes the emotional atmosphere in the family, the leaves accelerate wound healing and treat various skin inflammations.

Instructions for planting and care:

Features of care

Hoya carnosa is an unpretentious plant, so caring for it will not cause difficulties even for novice flower growers.

The plant prefers regular and moderate watering after drying of the upper soil layer. In winter, the frequency of soil moistening should be significantly reduced. In case of accumulation of moisture in the pallet, it must be drained. For irrigation, you can use only the water at room temperature.

For a comfortable growth and development of a tropical flower, it is necessary to regularly spray it and maintain a high level of humidity.

To obtain the maximum number of inflorescences, flower pots must be placed on window sills that face the south side.

A tropical flower does not require maintaining a certain temperature level in the summer, but prefers to winter at + 15 °.

The plant needs fertilizing only during the flowering period. Experts recommend making a complex of mineral fertilizers 1 time during flowering and enriching the soil with organic nutrients 2 times.

Reproduction of hoya at home

Flower growers practice sowing seeds and rooting stem cuttings. With a certain amount of patience, it is possible to grow a hoya from a separate leaf blade. Before propagating hoya at home, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the existing methods of obtaining new plants.

The best time for hoya breeding is the beginning of the growing season. Although the plant does not have a pronounced rest time, during the cold season of the year, the growth processes of the liana slow down. With the arrival of spring, hoya is more effective for reproduction, although it is possible to experiment with rooting the shoots in other months, but not at the time of flowering.

Growing hoya from seeds

In indoor conditions, the pollination process is difficult, and it is almost impossible to become the owner of planting material. However, if you are lucky, you can buy it in a specialized store or order it from suppliers. The hoya seeds in the photo look small, hemispherical in shape and dark chestnut in color, with a characteristic down, like a dandelion. They mature in small pods. They should be sown in a soil mixture consisting of leaf and turf mixed with chopped sphagnum moss in the year of harvest.

Shoots appear quickly, after about a week. The soil is constantly watered, but make sure that excess water flows into the pan through the drainage holes. A vessel with seedlings is kept in a warm corner of the room, and after about 3 months, a plant with 2-4 leaves is planted in separate containers. To prevent fungal infection, periodically sprayed with Bordeaux liquid.

Knowing how to grow hoya from seeds, many new specimens are obtained, but this method is not quite suitable for hybrid plants – the parental characteristics of the variety are often lost.

Hoya: home care

It is not difficult to take care of the plant. The main methods of keeping hoya do not differ from the care of many succulents.

Placement requirements

Liana prefers brightly lit places in the apartment. But the ingress of scorching rays on the surface of the sheet plates must be excluded. The window sills of the south-eastern or southern windows will be suitable, provided there is diffused light.

The plant should not be disturbed by frequent twisting around the axis of the flower container.

The temperature preferences of the succulent are moderately warm. In the autumn-winter period, it is kept at temperatures of at least 12 degrees Celsius. In summer, plants are not happy with the intense heat, droop and look depressed if they are not immediately helped by spraying. They respond with gratitude to moving to the garden or to the balcony, where all the warm seasons are located. With a decrease in night temperatures to 15 degrees or slightly below, hoya is brought into the house.

Watering and spraying

The humidification regime for growing different types of hoya is different. Plants with hard leaves are watered after drying a few centimeters of the top layer of the earthen coma. Southern Hoya needs constantly moist, but not damp soil.

Varieties with thin and pubescent leaves prefer to grow in the impenetrable earth mixture and partial shade of western windows. However, acidification of the soil in the pot should be avoided.

The plant is favorable to spraying, but with a decrease in indoor temperature and a decrease in daylight, the need to increase air humidity disappears.

The plants are regularly fed with a mineral complex for beautifully flowering succulents. Add it to irrigation water with exact observance of the proportions specified by the manufacturer on the package. The frequency of feeding is maintained no more than 1 time per month.

Before fertilizing the hoya, it is well watered the day before. Some flower growers are interested in whether there should be calcium in the nutritional composition. Most experts agree that the plant responds poorly to hard water and, therefore, is not at all favorable to this element.

Many are also concerned about the question of whether hoya pruning is necessary. The plant is cut in the spring in order to initiate the development of lateral pagons and give the vine a more lush shape.

How to make hoya bloom at home

Many flower owners complain about the fact that hoya does not bloom. How to take care of hoya to enjoy the amazing fragrant flowers every year? Growers with experience in growing wax ivy are advised to arrange cool winter maintenance for plants, providing a rest period, very rarely watering them, not feeding them at all. If the plant overwinters in the heat, there will be no flowers.

After the petals of the hoya wilt, the peduncles are not cut off – in the next season, umbrellas of inflorescences will form on them again.

Fertilizers for hoya with a high nitrogen content prevent the formation of buds. It is preferable to choose such drugs where there is either no nitrogen at all, or there is a very small amount.

Possible problems in cultivation

Mistakes in the care of hoya include waterlogging of the substrate. As a result, the root system is affected, and then the whole plant is affected by fungal diseases. Due to the lack of lighting, the vine develops slowly and refuses to bloom. And when the temperature in the room where it is contained drops below 15 degrees, it sheds leaves.

Among the pests on the hoya, scabies, flatworm mites and aphids are seen. Repeated treatment with insecticides helps to get rid of them. It is more difficult to deal with root nematodes – they are difficult to notice, and when the reason for the poor condition of the plant becomes clear, it is too late to save the plant. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to preventive measures – disinfection of the flower container and the purchased earth mixture.

Hoya has a lot of fans. The waxy inaccessibility of its flowers always causes admiration and surprise by an unusual natural creature. Caring for hoya at home is within the power of everyone, even an inexperienced florist. It is only necessary to apply not so much effort. But how much grace there is in this monumental foliage and graceful umbrella inflorescences!

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