"What kind of autonomy and federation does Ukraine want?"≫ is a question raised by the Ukrainian elite during our country's stay as a part of empires, and was loudly resounded in 1917. Mykhailo Hrushevskyi, together with other members of the Central Rada, not only recorded this question on paper, but also formulated a detailed answer to it, turned it into concrete political demands and gave hope for the liberation of the Ukrainian people from the influence of foreign authorities. Shevchenko's old saying "In one's own house is one's own truth, strength, and will" began to be embodied in resolutions and universals, Ukrainian education and the press, and military construction.
    Finally, the last months of the year brought the revival of Ukrainian statehood in the form of the Ukrainian People's Republic.
   All vicissitudes of the struggle for freedom, heart-breaking turns in political contests and difficult decisions are told in the book.   
   Format: 130x170mm