Buy 2 get 2 free

So as long as you buy in multiples of 2, we'll send double out! So please don't just buy 1, because that's exactly what we'll send you; 1 packet. Please note, if you do make a purchase, you're essentially accepting that you've read this little bit of a note and you accept that you need to buy 2 packets to get the 2 free ones sent with your order.

Last 5 photos are of our meadow 2022


Blend contains mix of annuals and biennials to give a fantastic array of colours, Sowing instructions attached,

We are a fully licensed Defra seed distributer 7529

Mix 149

Each packet weighs 25g 

Coverage-2-3g per sq metre

See picture 2 of actual seed mix as a lot of unscrupulous sellers are

selling basically bird food full of sunflowers and flax, there should be a good

mix of colours and shapes not just shiny black and white seeds

Pot Marigold, Cornflower, Corn Marigold, Four o' Clock, Baby's Breath,

Love-in-a-Mist, Corn Poppy, Shirley Poppy, Corncockle, Flax, Borage, Birdsfoot,

Scented Mayweed, Yarrow, Chicory, Nigella, Zinnia, Sainfoin, Burnet

Black Medic, Purple Tansy, Mixed Clovers, Barley & Wheat,

Nasturtium, Dahlia, Blue Lupin, Cosmos, Yellow Blossom Clover