Making Your Baby's Keepsake is Fun & Easy!

Step 1: Take out the clay and knead for 3-5 minutes until it becomes soft. Do not add any water.

Step 2: Place soft clay into the large section of the photo frame and use your fingers to spread the clay out to the four corners.

Step 3: Use the rolling pin to create a smooth surface. A mug may also be used to ensure there are no lines, cracks or bubbles. This will prevent cracking.

Step 4: Apply baby cream onto baby's hand and foot. Press their hand and foot on the clay gently. You may apply some force to make the prints clearer.

Step 5: Make sure to malaxate (rub) at least 5 minutes.

Step 6: During the process of knead the clay, add one or two drops of cooking oil when finished, we can make sure that the clay will not have cracks when it dries up.

Step 7: Place the completed product in a natural air drying location, away from direct sunlight and strong winds. Drying takes 2-5 minutes. To avoid moulding, dry in a well ventilated location.

Step 8: Prepare the baby's photo to match the size of the photo areas of the frame and insert them.

Step 9: Place acrylic glass on top of the white frame silhouette and fix the frame together. Remove protected film from the acrylic glass cover before placing it onto the frame.

Step 10: Enclose the back of the photo frame and tighten the screws if necessary.