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50PCS/Pkt Seeds Green Blue Purple Chrysanthemum Perennial Flower (Zone: 1-11,  Colorful, New Fresh seeds, 99% germination ratePackage: professional package,  Perennial)

Product description:

Chrysanthemum is a very beautiful, spectacular plant that can successfully become an ornament of any garden. It is impossible to pass by this flower without paying attention to it. Many people choose chrysanthemums to decorate their homesteads or city apartments. Although the culture is considered unpretentious, this does not mean that it does not need proper care.


Chrysanthemum is a beautiful plant that attracts a lot of attention. It got its name due to the many similarities with the warm sun. Chrysanthemum means "sun flower" in Greek. This gorgeous green pet was brought to Europe from the Far East, where she was especially loved and revered. There the chrysanthemum was considered to be the flower of the emperors.

Chrysanthemum is a herbaceous plant that feels great both on the plot and in a convenient pot placed in a house or apartment near the window. It can have different sizes. Inflorescences are both miniature and large. The height of the stems also varies. For home maintenance, more modest specimens are usually chosen, which grow no higher than 70 cm.

For garden maintenance, you can safely select more robust varieties, whose height can reach 1.5 m.

The beautiful chrysanthemum looks very impressive. It is her external qualities that attract most flower growers who want to decorate their homes or house plots. The flowers in question cope with such tasks effortlessly. Chrysanthemums are famous for their rich, "lively" colors, making them one of the brightest and most attractive plants. Flowers can be snow-white, pink, red, lilac, burgundy and others. Plants can belong to the same species, but at the same time have different colors. In the description of such green pets, it will not be possible to meet only black.

Chrysanthemum is famous for a large number of varieties and varieties. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, gardeners have the opportunity to grow flowers of various shades both on their personal plots and at home. Most varieties of chrysanthemums are designed to live in milder, warmer climates. Such specimens are prepared in advance for wintering or even dug out with the onset of cold weather in order to put them in a safe place, for example, in the basement. There are also individual varieties that, with proper care, survive the winters without any problems, without losing either beauty or health.

Shoots can be both naked and lowered. The leaf blades of these plants are characterized by alternate arrangement. They are ordinary, whole, having notches, dissected. Chrysanthemum foliage may differ from each other in shape and size. In most cases, the flowers of this plant are not very large and are collected in a kind of baskets.

Chrysanthemums are also good because they can be easily grown at home. They feel good in properly selected tanks. The main thing is to provide the plant with proper care, choose the optimal place in the house and regularly water and feed it. In most cases, for indoor maintenance, growers choose small and low flowers that reach no more than 70-80 cm in height. In the garden, you can plant taller specimens, whose height is more than 120 cm.

Instructions for planting and care:

Care at home

For home maintenance, dwarf varieties of chrysanthemums are usually chosen, having small sizes and modest height. Caring for such plants is simple. The main thing is to know exactly what conditions are mandatory for indoor flowers. In order for the beauty in question to be healthy at home and delight the household with a rich flowering, she needs to be surrounded by a safe temperature. Mode B is suitable +20–+23 degrees. In spring and autumn, in the room where the flower pot is located, the air temperature should be +15–+18 degrees.

In winter, it is permissible to keep a chrysanthemum in a cool place where the temperature index is at least + 3 degrees.

Proper lighting is also important. To place a pot with a flower, it is recommended to choose a window in the western or eastern direction. Chrysanthemums need only diffused light in sufficient quantities. You can't put these crops on the south side. On the northern windowsill, the chrysanthemum bloom will be surprisingly scarce, because there will not be enough sunlight. Chrysanthemums are allowed to grow in a balcony area, loggia or veranda. These areas should be well-lit, because the flowers need sunlight in sufficient volumes. With the arrival of warm seasons, it is recommended to move the plant to the garden.

Chrysanthemum should be properly and timely watered. It is impossible to neglect this procedure, otherwise the pet will get sick and may die. The flower in question is related to moisture-loving varieties, so the substrate in which it is located should be relatively moist. During the entire growing season, the bush needs to be watered at least 2 times every 7 days. It is forbidden to allow drying of the earth's coma in the winter season. It is necessary to ensure that the liquid does not stagnate in the soil mixture and in the pallet, which leads to rotting of the root system of the flower. Young flowers grown at home should be transplanted 1 time annually. To do this, you need to take a new pot, which is larger than the previous one. Adult bushes are allowed to be transplanted a little less often – 1 time in 2-3 years.

A home flower needs regular fertilizing. Experienced growers recommend the use of complex mineral fertilizers, which contain such necessary components as phosphorus and potassium, stimulating the flowering of chrysanthemums. In order for the bush to bloom earlier than the expected date, it is necessary to accelerate its flowering. For this purpose, it is allowed to add a special solution of potassium monophosphate 1 to 10 to the soil or use another complex fertilizer with phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium.

Adult flowers need to be fertilized 1 time in 1.5 weeks. Every 4 days, the soil mixture in which the chrysanthemum grows is supplemented with mullein (a solution prepared from 1 bucket of water and 1 part of the fertilizer itself). When the formation of buds begins, all fertilizing of the flower is stopped. From the moment when the flowering of the domestic chrysanthemum has ended, it should be left in a calm state. You will need to carefully prune all the stems from the bush and remove the pot with the plant in the cellar, where it will live until the beginning of spring.

When the first young shoots appear, the pet will need to be transplanted into a brand new, spacious pot and returned to its old place in the house.

We take into account the climate and choose a place on the site

Many gardeners prefer to grow chrysanthemums not in a pot, but in the open ground in the garden or on the infield. For these purposes, it is important to correctly choose the most suitable place where the plant will feel comfortable.

Choosing a place to land

A win–win place where the chrysanthemum will grow beautiful and healthy is an illuminated, sunny area. During the day, this gorgeous plant needs at least 3 hours of sunlight. Of course, no one forbids planting chrysanthemums in a shaded place on the site, but in such conditions the plant will bloom sparsely. The flowers will not grow large, and the stem may grow too tall, as if reaching up in search of the missing sunlight. Ideally, for planting chrysanthemums, you should choose not only a well-lit, but also a place protected from the wind, where there is a suitable soil composition and condition.

Soil requirements

Despite the fact that chrysanthemum is a relatively unpretentious plant, it is very important to choose a place with a suitable soil for its cultivation. The soil must be fertile, well fertilized, saturated with moisture in sufficient quantities. But it should not be too damp and moist either – in such conditions, the roots of the chrysanthemum can begin to rot, which will entail many serious problems, the flesh before the death of the flower. Chrysanthemums do not like dry peat or sandy soil types. Lands that cannot boast of a rich mineral composition, weakly retaining moisture in themselves, will be completely unsuitable for such street sprouts.

Important! The best conditions for planting chrysanthemums are light, sandy loam soils. It is desirable that they are well flavored with humus, organic components. It is recommended to make sure that the soil is drained.

Temperature regime

Before planting chrysanthemum seedlings in the open ground, it is necessary to understand what climatic conditions for the selected variety will be safe.

Most varieties of chrysanthemums are designed for a mild climate.

Experienced growers recommend planting flowers in relatively cool areas where excessively high temperatures do not hold. On days when the sun is too aggressive, it is advisable to shade the plants, otherwise they can get serious burns. When choosing flowers of a certain variety, it is necessary to take into account whether they are suitable for the climatic conditions in which you live. It is also necessary to take into account the optimal temperature parameters for each season, namely:

optimal autumn temperature – +15–+18 degrees;

temperature in the winter season – 0–+7 degrees;

in spring, chrysanthemums feel comfortable at temperatures from +11 to +17 degrees;

the optimal summer temperature is up to +23 degrees.

Chrysanthemum is one of the most beloved plants among gardeners. In nurseries, you can easily buy cuttings of these flowers. The technology of growing from seeds is a rather complicated process, but it remains relevant today.

Features of the method

Previously, chrysanthemums were tried to be grown exclusively from seeds. All because these plants were annuals capable of self-seeding.

In the modern world, a huge number of hybrid varieties of this plant have been bred, while the technology of growing from seeds is losing its popularity.

The reason lies in the fact that with this method, the new chrysanthemum is very different from the mother shrub and loses its distinctive features.

However, this method is a favorite among many gardeners. It is suitable for those who like to experiment and do not expect to get a plant of a certain color and size. A huge advantage of this technology is considered to be a high percentage of germination of seedlings. It follows from this that you can get an original flower from the seeds, the appearance and color of which will be very non-standard.

This method is excellent for breeding small-flowered Korean chrysanthemums. Annual species can be diluted by sowing in the open ground or on seedlings. As for perennial plants, the method of sowing immediately in open soil does not suit them, basically such chrysanthemums are grown only for seedlings.

When to plant?

It is recommended to plant chrysanthemum seedlings in spring. It is advisable to wait until the night frosts pass, so usually planting falls in May or June. This method is not suitable for everyone, since the flowering of plants falls on a rather late period – August.

In order to accelerate the appearance of chrysanthemums in your flower bed, it is preferable to choose a method of growing the plant through seedlings. Sowing of seeds can be carried out shortly before the onset of winter frosts, in late autumn or early winter. However, seedlings should be placed in a warm place.

It is best to plant chrysanthemums in open soil in certain weather. It is recommended to choose a cloudy or rainy day for planting. When choosing a place for planting, it is necessary to take into account the fact that shaded areas are not recommended to choose for breeding chrysanthemums. This plant is thermophilic and does not like excessive amounts of moisture.

Before planting, you need to pay attention to the type of soil. It should be neutral and, most importantly, slightly acidic.

It is important that the soil is of a loamy type and contains useful nutrients. Organic fertilizers are often used for growing chrysanthemums, but it is not recommended to abuse them.

Choosing a place

One of the main criteria for successful breeding of chrysanthemums is the selection of the right place. It should have the following properties:

good illumination;

moderate humidity;

normal air circulation;

availability of nutrients.

In order for the plant to be well lit, the place for planting should be on a small hill. A good supply of sunlight contributes to the proper formation of the bush. With a lack of sunlight, the height of the plant becomes higher than the average, which entails rare flowering and bare areas on the stems of the shrub. Sometimes flowering may not come at all.

The hill is also a favorable place for breeding chrysanthemums in terms of soil moisture. This arrangement avoids stagnation of water. Excessively moist soil has a bad effect on the development of the shrub and can subsequently provoke rotting of the roots. In addition, moisture-loving pests often appear on plants in such cases. If the plot is in the shade, then this arrangement of the shrub will only worsen the problem.

Chrysanthemum is best grown in soil saturated with nutrients and minerals. Otherwise, the plant will form incorrectly, the root system will be weak, and the stems will be poorly developed.

With this development of the shrub, there may be no flowering. It is really possible to cope with this problem, it is enough just to fertilize the soil before planting the plant and after rooting it. Before planting, compost can be used as fertilizer, as well as nitrogen fertilizing.


There are two ways to grow chrysanthemums from seeds:

sowing seeds in open soil;

by growing seedlings.

The seedless method

This technology of chrysanthemum cultivation is considered the most optimal due to its availability and minimal labor costs. The only disadvantage of this method is that plants tend to bloom late. The results will be seen only at the end of the summer season. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the technology of growing annual and perennial plants differs markedly. You can grow an annual plant by following certain rules step by step.

The planting material is planted in the open ground at the end of May. Holes are dug in the prepared area, the gap between them should not exceed 30 centimeters.

The wells are filled with warm water. After the soil is well soaked, seeds are planted – 2-3 pieces in each hole.

From above, the seeds must be sprinkled with a small amount of earth and covered with a film. This is necessary to maintain a normal microclimate.

From time to time, the sowing must be ventilated by removing the film. When the seedlings grow up, the film is removed, and the soil is cleared of weed.

After the germination of seedlings, it is recommended to fertilize them. 

After up to 3 leaves appear on the shoots, and their height will be at least 10 centimeters, it is necessary to leave the strongest and healthiest shoots in the hole.


Seedlings of perennial chrysanthemums must be grown in a warm room. The sowing process should be carried out in late winter or early spring. Chrysanthemum seeds should be planted in small boxes filled with a soil mixture, which consists of components such as humus and peat. In a specialized store, you can buy a ready-made mixture. Drainage should be laid out on the bottom of the container used for planting, it can be presented in the form of expanded clay or gravel. In some cases, gardeners use broken bricks. An earthen mixture is poured over the drainage, followed by chrysanthemum seeds. You should not do deep sowing, it is enough to lightly press the seeds to the soil.

The planted seeds should be sprayed with water and covered with a film, then put in a warm place, the air temperature should be at least 23 ° C. The seeds should be ventilated from time to time and sprinkled with warm water.

If you adhere to all the above rules, then shoots should appear in 1.5 weeks. After that, the containers with sprouts should be placed in a well-lit place. Thus, the plant gradually adapts to the environment. The film must be removed first for one hour, then for two, after which it must be removed completely.

Follow-up care

Reasonable care is one of the most important components of the successful cultivation of any plant. There are certain rules for the care of chrysanthemums, which are recommended to adhere to.

After planting seedlings in the open ground, it is necessary to control the number of leaves on the stems – there should be no more than 8 of them. The excess ones should be removed. New shoots are also clamped for the first time. This contributes to the dense and lush growth of bushes. The rule does not apply to large-flowered plant species.

Chrysanthemums belonging to the large-flowered type need to remove the lateral shoots, while only the strongest ones should be left.

Tall varieties of chrysanthemums are recommended to tie up. To do this, they usually resort to using a wooden or metal peg or a grid.

You should pay attention to watering the plant, because with a lack of moisture, the chrysanthemum loses its appearance. It is desirable that the water for irrigation is filtered. It is necessary to water the bush at the root, avoiding drops on the leaves.

When watering, it is also necessary to loosen the ground around the plant and clear the area of weeds.

Top dressing is an important component of the proper formation of the plant. During the growth period, it is recommended to feed it with organic and mineral fertilizers by adding them to the soil. At the initial stage of growth, it is best to use nitrogen fertilizing, this promotes the growth of leaves on stems. Chrysanthemums are fertilized for the first time 6 weeks after sowing. To stimulate dense flowering, a fertilizer based on potassium and phosphorus is used. It is better to carry out such top dressing during budding.

The maximum duration of the chrysanthemum in one place should not exceed 3 years. If it is not transplanted after that, the plant will start to get sick, and flowering will become less abundant. It is best to transplant chrysanthemums in the spring, while it is recommended to divide the bushes into parts using a pruner.

When do the shoots appear?

In the case of breeding seeds at home, the first shoots may appear in two weeks. When the sprouts have sprouted, the container in which they are planted should be moved to a well-lit place. In order for plants to better adapt to new conditions, the film must be regularly removed for some time for ventilation, increasing the duration of this period with each subsequent time. After a week, the film can be completely removed.

It is necessary to dive seedlings into small pots not before the appearance of at least two leaves on them. The substrate in the container should be well moistened. Before the dive process, the ground in the tank should be watered. It is necessary to approach the seedlings carefully, since their root system is very fragile during this period. It is necessary to cull shoots that look sluggish and weak. After planting seedlings in pots, sprouts are recommended to be treated with a biostimulator of growth. After picking, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the room where the culture is located, no higher than 18 ° C.

if the room is poorly lit, a phytolamp should be installed over the pots at a distance of at least 20 centimeters.

In the future, the care of chrysanthemums will consist in regular watering. It is also recommended to feed the bushes with mineral fertilizer once every two weeks. After 1.5 months, chrysanthemums should grow to 20 centimeters, after which they can be planted in open soil.

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