Capital Cities at War
Paris, London, Berlin 1914–1919

One of the few interdisciplinary studies of wartime available and a model for research in social history.

Jay Winter (Author), Jean-Louis Robert (Author)

9780521668149, Cambridge University Press

Paperback / softback, published 8 July 1999

644 pages
23.5 x 15.4 x 3.3 cm, 0.878 kg

'… the most powerful, distinguished and innovative work of recent social history to be published in the last twenty years … to undertake a comparative, historical analysis of three of the world's most challenging capital cities and to complete it to this standard is unprecedented to the knowledge of this reviewer … the European historiography of the future is already with us - in the form of multilingual pioneers like Winter and Robert, and their associates.' Anthony Sutcliffe, Reviews in History

This ambitious volume marks a huge step in our understanding of the social history of the Great War. Jay Winter and Jean-Louis Robert have gathered a group of scholars of London, Paris and Berlin, who collectively have drawn a coherent and original study of cities at war. The contributors explore notions of well-being in wartime cities - relating to the economy and the question of whether the state of the capitals contributed to victory or defeat. Expert contributors in fields stretching from history, demography, anthropology, economics, and sociology to the history of medicine, bring an interdisciplinary approach to the book, as well as representing the best of recent research in their own fields. Capital Cities at War, one of the few truly comparative works on the Great War, will transform studies of the conflict, and is likely to become a paradigm for research on other wars.

Part I. Premises: 1. Paris, London, Berlin, 1914–1919: capital cities at war Jay Winter
2. Paris, London, Berlin on the eve of the war Jean-Louis Robert
Part II. The Social Relations of Sacrifice: 3. Lost generations: the impact of military casualties on Paris, London and Berlin Adrian Gregory
4. The image of the profiteer Jean-Louis Robert
Part III. The Social Relations of Labour: 5. The transition to war in 1914 Jon Lawrence
6. Labour market and industrial mobilization, 1915–1917 Thierry Bonzon
7. The transition to peace, 1918–1919 Joshua Cole
Part IV. The Social Relations of Incomes: 8. Material pressures on the middle classes 1914–1918 Jon Lawrence
9. Wages and purchasing power Jonathan Manning
10. Transfer payments and social policy Thierry Bonzon
Part V. The Social Relations of Consumption: 11. Feeding the cities Thierry Bonzon
12. Surviving the war: life expectation, illness, and mortality rates in Paris, London, and Berlin, 1914–1919: coal and the metropolis Armin Triebel
13. Housing Susanna Magri
Part VI. Urban Demography in Wartime: 14. The 'other war' I: protecting public health Catherine Rollet
15. The 'other war' II: setbacks in public health Catherine Rollet
16. Surviving the war Jay Winter
17. Conclusion: towards a social history of capital cities at war Jay Winter and Jean-Louis Robert
Statistical appendices

Subject Areas: First World War [HBWN], European history [HBJD]