A Christian church has existed in Helmsley since AD 200, according to the 19th century wall-paintings in the north aisle. Certainly there was one on this site by the time of the Norman Conquest. (There's a 10th century hog-back tombstone in the porch and an entry in the Domesday Book of 1086.) The present building's splendid chancel arch, one of the largest in Yorkshire, dates from the 12th century (as does its counterpart over the entrance). Otherwise the handsome present day building is largely the result of major restoration in Victorian times, with the stained glass as well as the murals from this period too.       
SE 6183 HELMSLEY CHURCH STREET (east side) 10/51 Church of All Saints 4.1 .55 II* Church. 1866-9 incorporating C12, C13 and C14 features from earlier church on same site. By Banks and Barry. Sandstone ashlar, stone slate roof. C19 rebuilding in Gothic Revival style. West tower, 4-bay nave, with north aisle, south porch, transepts, 2-bay chancel, vestry to north of chancel. West tower of 3 stages with C13 fabric surviving to second stage within C19 rebuild. C13 paired lancets with headstops to west and north faces at second stage. All other windows 1866-9, paired lancets below and paired round-headed belfry windows. Octagonal corner turrets with pyramidal roofs on plain parapet. Nave in Transitional style. Paired round-headed windows. Corbel table with beakheads and abstract designs. South porch has round arch with roll-mouldings on shafted responds. C12 south door of 4 orders with chevron moulding on scalloped and volute capitals with replaced shafts. North aisle has Cl9 windows with Reticulated tracery. North transept has C19 west window with Reticulated tracery, and pair of round-headed north windows below a large circular window with 8 roundels around an octagon. Corbel table. South transept has plain round-headed windows to east and west and group of 3 round-headed windows to south. Corbel table. Chancel has round- headed windows with group of 3 stepped lancets to east. Vestry has quatrefoil window to north and large chimney to east. Interior: C13 tower arch of 3 orders with fillets on filletted responds with plain capitals. C13 north arcade of 2 orders on C19 quadripartite shafts with early C13 foliated volute capitals. Respond capitals are C19. North aisle has mural of 1909 designed by C N Gray and executed by Gast. Design of lean-to ceiling painting by Temple Moore. C15 piscina in south wall of aisle. South transept has early C20 mural depicting 'The Mission of St Aidan'. C12 chancel arch of 3 orders with beads, chevrons and beakheads on volute interlace and zigzag capitals. Furnishings: very worn C15 brass to knight and his wife in tower. ClO hogback with coarse interlace in south porch. Pevsner, Yorkshire: the North Riding, 1966. Williams, Rievaulx Abbey and the Helmsley District, n.d