20+ Asian honey melon Seeds 20多粒甜宝甜瓜香瓜种子. 2023年新种. Free shipping by usps standard mail with tracking number.

The Asian honey melon is an early to mid-ripening variety of cantaloupe with a thin skin. It has a wide adaptability for cultivation, with seedlings ready in about 30 days. The fruits weigh around 400 grams, and they have good fruit-setting characteristics. They mature in 35-40 days after fruit-setting, starting as a light green color and turning yellow when ripe. They are resistant to cracking and have a good uniformity. This variety is known for its high sugar content, rich nutrition, and good storage and transportation qualities. It thrives in well-lit conditions, has a well-developed root system, strong disease resistance, and adaptability, making it easy to cultivate. Asian honey melon has thin skin, crisp flesh, a sweet and refreshing taste, a fragrant melon aroma, uniform shape, and a bright color with a slight green, white, and yellow tinge.

甜宝甜瓜为早中熟薄皮甜瓜品种,栽培适应性广;苗龄30天左右。果重400克左右,座果性好,座果后35-40天成熟,果实淡绿色,成熟时转黄,不易裂果,整齐度好;糖度高,营养丰富,耐贮运;喜充足的光照,根系发达,耐病性和适应性强,易于栽培。 甜宝皮薄肉脆,甜而爽口,瓜香四溢,瓜形整齐,颜色微绿带白微黄,色泽亮丽。

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