Gon 2 Paperback - Japanese manga - Masashi Tanaka - RARE FIND -MINT CONDITION.

Masashi Tanaka has to be one of my most favourite illustrators to date! He says himself regarding the Gon collection “This work contains no dialog or onomatopoetic words. People always ask me why I have done this. From the beginning, I didn't think it was necessary. Manga should be without grammar. I also think that it is strange to give animals human language and make them talk. What I set out to do with Gon was to draw something that was more interesting than anything you could say in words. Manga still has great potential that does not exist in other media. I plan to continue developing the art of expression".

Masashi Tanaka would soon work on the well known Street Fighter EX.

Collectors I’d say if this is not on your Manga shelf then grab it now while you can! The illustrations in this Manga are so amazing you won’t be able to take your head out of the book.

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