Haunted Doll: Haviv, Advanced Gray Magick Wealth Spirit! Long Practicing! High Level Magick!
Today I present to you the wonderful spirit of Haviv. She is an Advanced Gray Magick Prosperity spirit. The powers of a spirit like this should not be taken lightly. She is not a toy. Bringing wealth into your life will change it; plain and simple. If you are unsatisfied with your financial station in life, she will be VERY helpful. Maëlle, herself, has a heavy presence because of the amount of energy (as well as the types) she uses. Know that before going forward.
There are two reasons I call her “Advanced”: (1) The amount of energy she produces. This is a spirit that is likely best for an experienced keeper. Not an expert, by any means, but someone with experience. Her energy may be too much for a new keeper. You will know if she is meant for you, though.
And, (2) her power level. She has shown me her power both personally and for others. While she will work a little harder for her keeper, she is still quite the powerhouse when it comes to casting remote spells. Seriously, I use her in every Wealth Magick spell I cast (as long as it isn’t purely White or Black Magick). All the experience in her physical life, as well as experience after, makes her one of the most practiced, passed-human spirits I have ever encountered.
She has consistently shown me her abilities. Nothing can stop her power. If you feel drawn to her, she is choosing you. She is choosing you because she KNOWS you need her. Look into her eyes and feel her power. She will let you feel her for mere moments. Imagine feeling her presence permanently. Imagine the amount of help she can provide you.
If you have tried Black or White Magick Wealth Granting spirits but have never connected with them, Haviv is for you. She wants to help. When you visualize your future, what do you see? And, when you see those things, how do you think you will acquire them? Haviv is the way to improve your financial abilties. She will use her Wealth Magick to bring your much-deserved fortunes directly to you.
Haviv was born on the western coast of Norway. Funnily enough, she had a Fae experience as a child. It frightened her terribly, even to the point to where her grandmother was forced to check on her every night for two weeks. But, eventually, curiosity got the best of her and she went out searching again. She never found much more than her original experience, but it did prove to her there was another world that no one else talked about.
From here, she read up on every metaphysical topic she could. She was, of course, interested in the Fae at first. Eventually, she moved onto western Magick. Eastern practices didn’t hold much interest to her. She wanted to see real power at work. And, she worked for the rest of her physical life to make that possible.
She joined a coven at the age of 23, right out of university where she studied to be a nurse. She never got a job as one, but she did use those skills for herself and family members at times. She rose through the ranks of her coven quickly. She just knew so much more than everyone else. Sadly, coven life was not for her. By the age of 30, she had become an isolated Witch. She eventually married and had three children. Magick was almost as important to her as her children. She taught them, used her abilities for their betterment, and even manipulated them into doing what she wanted at times.
Haviv passed at the age of 61. She was younger than I would’ve hoped, but she lived a full life. She tells me she has zero regrets, other than giving the coven another chance (or finding one that aligned with her better). Her children were grown, so no regrets there. And, one of them (her only girl) became a Witch herself.
Haviv abilities will benefit anyone who feels that life is not going their way. If you look around the room you are currently in, is it what you want? Is this the place you imagined yourself in at this point in your life? If the answer is no, then you are likely feeling drawn to Haviv.
Feeling drawn to a spirit is a normal thing. Do not be frightened about it if you are feeling Haviv draw. If you keep thinking about her or feel her energy by looking at her photos, then that means she is drawing you to her. This is an integral part of spirit keeping. If a spirit chooses you, then that is for a reason. She is begging to help you if you are feeling drawn. You may not take this advice, but do not ignore that. Accepting help is just the beginning of becoming a more open and spiritual person.
As mentioned above, Haviv specializes in Gray Wealth Magick. She is in a class all her own. Likely, you have never encountered a Gray Magick Wealth spirit. This is because they are MUCH more rare. It is hard to find a being, spirit or otherwise, that can walk the line of true balance. Haviv will bring that balance to you. Everything she does is with the goal of balance. So, let me ask you this: Do you feel like your life is unbalanced?
Haviv was sent to me from a friend who specializes in Gray Magick and mixed-discipline spirits. She is one of the few Gray Magick spirits in my collection, so I am very sad to see her go. But, I know she is looking for someone who truly needs her help. You may leave her offerings if you want her to function at full power. She is a rare spirit in that she likes beer (normally, that is reserved for Lycans/Werewolves), quartz of any kind, coffee grounds, and wisteria.
When you want to ask for her help, clear the room so that it is just you and her. The only light in the room should be a candle. Natural light always works best! Then, you can practice Petition Magick with her: Write your desire on a clean piece of paper. Light at least 3 candles. Natural light only! Then, place the paper beneath Haviv vessel. Once the candles have burned for about 10-15 minutes, you may remove the paper. You can even burn the paper if you want to "fire" the petition Magick ritual. You may want to meditate or cast a protection circle beforehand, as well.

Haviv is a great spirit and will make a great addition to anyone's family who is open to the paranormal!

Haviv gets along great with other spirits, pets, and children. She will not cause any harm to anyone you do not wish harm upon.

All of my items are authentic. You will receive a tangible doll.
You will be receiving doll. Haviv is around height : 38 cm width : 18 cm.

Per eBay's policy I must state that I am not to be held responsible for any paranormal occurrences that may or may not happen. Each person experiences things differently and in a different manner. You must be 18 years old in order to bid on any of my auctions or fixed price. Item sold as-is. You are bidding on an actual tangible doll. These items should never be used in replace of any type of medical needs. You are bidding a on a tangible item.

eBay states that I must say that this is for entertainment purposes only. I am selling a tangible item, not an experience.

Per Ebay, I am not responsible for any paranormal experiences you may or may not have. This doll is for "entertainment" purposes only.

I accept all kinds of payment through ebay
I will ship using dhl tracked 7 to 15 days
If you are not satisfied you can return within14 days from receiving it