Following the critically acclaimed Vinyan cassette, Katha is Siamese Twins’ second curated pan-Asian compilation selected to form a continuous and coherent whole, whose strong transcendental ambience comes tinged with Eastern psychedelia. Katha is the Khmer and Thai name used for chanted sacred mantras and magical incantations that offer protection, charm, or certain influence in life. Its origins stem from "Gatha", a Sanskrit term referring to any poetic metre commonly used in legends - verses recited (usually mentally) in rhythm with the breath as part of mindfulness practice or meditation. A hypnotic sound bath in which tribally-rooted ambient morphs into one entity. Drones, live instruments and esoteric textures are transformed into a contemporary Katha interpretation.


1 Khun Fluff - Daw
2 Sunju Hargun - Full Length Mix
1 Ying Shui Di Jiang - Track 3
2 Temple Rat - The Garden Of Earthly Delights
3 Mogambo - Sleepless
4 Initials Bb - Track 6
5 Nic Ford - Cyberd
6 Fahmi Mursyid - Sunda Bamboo
7 Vice City - Kenn Tit