Welcome to my Online store, where I try and combine new comics with books from my collection based on existing spec and my own views on what I think is heating up. If you're buying to collect read or sell, I've got you covered. *N.B I only buy and sell comics I truly believe in: whether that be a cool cover, a story I loved reading or a writer and artist that I'm a fan of

Week 13: I'm Back! Hello World! I'm happy to be able to put my pen on paper again and what a week to return for, there is SO much to talk about so let's not delay any longer. Here's what Is peaking my interest this time around

The Ambassadors #1 - I started to find Mark Millar's writing a bit one-note about ten years ago and from a spec point of view there's not a great deal of surprise if there's an adaption coming due to his status in the movie industry and deal with Netflix, this does have me intrigued, however and with Frank Quietly making a rare appearance on interiors I will be getting this one 

Clobberin' Time #1 I'm expecting this to be a really fun read

Stargirl: The Lost Children #5 Cover C Incentive 1:25 Belen Ortega Card Stock Variant -  
this cover should be a really rare one if you can find it, nice and super sweet too  

Daredevil #9 Juni Ba Variant - The Juni Ba boom is sure to come at some point this cover is right up there with his best, I love the perspective of Daredevil's Radar Signal being the main point of the direction and how the movement of the dance is creating it's own pulse and subsequently shapes the line work. Unless the majority of these arrive damaged I wouldn't be looking to sell immediately this as there's stacks of them around  

Deadpool #5 - a really horrifying cover with shades of Alien, I'm not reading this but will buy for the cover, a sleeper hit for the future perhaps? People love Carnage and this is brutal!

Harley Quinn #28 Jenny Frison Variant & Ryan Sock Variants - these are brilliant!

Heart Eyes #5 One for the deviants here, check out the tentacles coming out of the figures nether-regions, linking back to the teeth parable, maybe? This is freaky without being leering and exploitative  

Indigo Children #1 - new (ongoing?) title with a lot of potential with the writer having a previous series hitting Amazon Prime soon. I like the premise here and there is a great Frisson 1:70 that will be super hard to find!

It's Jeff! #1 - putting in print for the first time the acclaimed e-book. This is going to be cuddly, wholesome fun and may not be that heavily ordered 

Liquid Kill #2 - if there can be a bit more substance to match the measured yet stunning art this will be a classic, I will pick up the first few issues of this and hope for the best 

Lovesick #6 - there's nothing else like this being put out, this is a really deranged and abrasive yet tender story from a writer and artist I'm a huge fan of. This cover could be a good collectable further down the line, this series has been selling well and the cover is explosive

Parker Girls #6 - really starting to hit it's stride now I hope this can keep going for a long time 

Something is Killing the Children #30 - with the news that SIKTC is being adapted with the screen-writers being named the interest in this title has gone back up, there's great covers for this issue, with the Kirkham, Anindito and my personal favourite, the Lotay really hitting the mark 

Superman #1 2nd Printing - this could be an under-ordered 2nd printing although at this stage you can still buy it online, easily. I would say buy if you have an interest in the SuperCorp 1st appearances  

They're All Terrible #3 - this has been the best of the Bad Idea, Mark 2 titles with a cool little twist at the end of the last issue which will deviate the story from an enjoyable yet standard path really love the art and action in this one too

What I'm selling this week:

Detective Comics #1070 1:25 Seb Mckinnon Variant - buy it now and auction, auction starts at 20:15 GMT 29th March



The gothic opera crashes into a crescendo as Batman goes head-to-head with an Azmer demon…unaware that it is is someone in Bruce Wayne’s life. Meanwhile, a mysterious team called the Vigil arrives to investigate the Azmer sightings—but who are the Vigil, and are they on Batman’s side? Then, in the backup: With Mrs. Freeze only a pale image of the woman Victor Fries fell in love with—what is he to do now to save her?

Additional Notes:

  • 1:25 Incentive Variant by Seb Mckinnon 

  • book is in Mint Condition, unopened, unread 

  • Images are high res scans of the copy for sale

  • I will ship one order each month with a free mystery comic! 

  • I've been waiting for this to hit for months now. Seb Mckinnon is new artist whose Poison Ivy 1:50 variant from earlier in the run immediately went big and sells for around $150.00! Having finally been able to read all the issues from this arc, B2B I'm well and truly on-board and I am buying into the hype that this could be a legendary storyline as time goes on. But onto the cover, this is outstandingly drawn with an degraded painting type of feel, it features all the motifs of the storyline, with the demon, the dancing figures and is well and truly operatic and gothic in equal measure. It also plays with scale in an excellent manner with the figures being loomed over by Gotham and the demonic bat. I love the blood red colour palette which contrasts against the sickly dirge of the paler tones. This is another future classic and on this evidence McKinnon is well on his way to being a titan of the comics world     

  • shipping & packaging* - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY:

  • free mainland shipping on orders of £35.00 or higher, Tracking option available on books £20.00 or higher (please contact me to let me know if you would like your item signed for, otherwise I will send discount) 

  • Royal Mail 2nd Class delivery corrugated comic mailer, bound and taped with 2 calcium buffered comic backers  extra safe and secure!          


  • I use high stick, low-tac tape to ensure that sleeves aren't ripped or damaged when opening, mitigating any potential stress to the book

  • all new comics come with sleeves and boards that have been purchased in the last 3 months both new and older books have been stored cleanly and safely in short boxes   

  • backing boards have been hand-cut to size and are calcium coated with a weight of 500g offering better protection than the standard boards sold

  • any questions, additional info or images required then please do hit me up!  

  • if you like what you're seeing check out what else I have on sale in my online store which is updated weekly