The Eheim Pick-Up filters have been a practical, excellent value, entry-level internal filter since they first became available over 25 years ago.

As the name suggests, the filter simply 'pick's up' dirt and waste and collects it in the filter.

Perfect for beginners, they are available for small and large tanks with 4 models suitable for different volumes of water up to 200 litres.

To start, the filter easily attaches to the glass with 4 suction cups. Once turned on, the water is drawn in through the grill at the bottom of the unit and it is pumped into the filter canister above. The canister and foam filter cartridge collects the dirt and waste, filtering and cleaning the water. The cleaned water then exits the filter through the outlet at the top. Here you will find the rotatable outlet nozzle, water flow adjuster, and a venturi power diffuser (not on the 45 model). The venturi power diffuser can be used to dissolve some oxygen into the water, creating a blast of bubbles!

For the purpose of maintenance and efficiency, the Pick-Up filter has a special feature. The pump unit remains held in the tank, the filter canister upwardly slides off and is taken out together with the filter sponge. This results in less debris falls into the aquarium. You simply remove the foam filter, rinse off in old aquarium water (do not use tap water), tip away any debris left in the canister and replace the foam filter. Also, the impeller is removed at the same time too, making it much easier and less fiddly to clean.

Pick-up 45:

Maximum aquarium size: 45 litres

Pump power per hour of approx:50-180 litres

Filter Height: 135mm

Power consumption: 3.5 watts

Suitable for Freshwater and Saltwater aquariums

3 years manufacturer warranty.

Pick-up 60:

Maximum aquarium size: 60 litres

Pump power per hour of approx:150-300 litres

Filter Height: 163mm

Power consumption: 4 watts

Suitable for Freshwater and Saltwater aquariums

3 years manufacturer warranty.

Pick-up 160:

Maximum aquarium size: 160 litres

Pump power per hour of approx:220-500 litres

Power consumption: 6 watts

Filter Height:218mm

Suitable for Freshwater and Saltwater aquariums

3 years manufacturer warranty.

Pick-up 200:

Maximum aquarium size: 200 litres

Pump power per hour of approx:220-570 litres

Power consumption: 6 watts

Filter Height:275mm

Suitable for Freshwater and Saltwater aquariums

3 years manufacturer warranty.

Please select the required size from the drop-down menu.