The oil is designed to do three things; the first is to get rid of the mange mite - it does this pretty much with the first application but you should reapply after 5 days in case anything was missed or any new mites have hatched. The second part is to heal the skin and fur and that is your judgment call as only you can see what the damage is - use on alternate days till all is healed. The last part is completely optional though recommended - it is an effective repellent so you can either put the oil away in the fridge in case needed again or you can use it as a repellent twice weekly.

Made using Katseye Blend 16 bringing together a synergistic blend of essential oils that Head Lice naturally avoid - Geranium, Bergamot, Chamomile, Lavender, Lemon, Rosemary and Tea Tree in a base of Jojoba and Sunflower oils.

Note: The Demodex Mite is not generic mange. It is common for all dogs to have Demodex mites without showing any problems or symptoms - Our Mange oil will kill the Demodex Mite but if your pet is showing problems stemming from a proliferation of the Demodex mite then it is highly likely that the problem is bacterial in nature (a secondary infection) due to a compromise of the immune system and your pet may well need treatment for that condition and the immune deficiency rather than the mite itself

Note: If the problem with your pet is the Sarcoptic mite then you should opt for our 16/43 oil as it is a form of scabies and not generic mange – the item number is 382459863162 which you can enter into your eBay search bar to view

Directions: Simply massage a small amount into the affected area and comb through the fur to ensure even distribution then leave for an hour or so before combing through (preferably with a nit comb) - do not worry should your pet lick the area as it will come to no harm as this is a wholly natural product in a dilution that will cause no harm - the oil is also an effective repellent containing, as it does, all the oils naturally avoided by mites, tics and lice. If you have a long haired dog, you should dampen the fur before applying the oil to ensure the oil goes to the skin rather than being absorbed by the fur.

Katseye Blends products are unique and have an unrivalled reputation for effectiveness in the world of complementary therapy. Since 1978 we have been making bespoke products for a select few through our clinic and now, they are available to you for the first time. Over 100 unique essential oil blends have been created which have been made into creams, lotions, sprays, bath products - literally hundreds of therapeutic products which have been sold under a wide array of brands and labels.