String Theory Methods for Condensed Matter Physics

A comprehensive textbook covering the applications of string theory methods and the mathematics of AdS/CFT to areas of condensed matter physics.

Horatiu Nastase (Author)

9781107180383, Cambridge University Press

Hardback, published 21 September 2017

628 pages
25.3 x 19.3 x 3 cm, 1.52 kg

'In this ambitious advanced textbook, Hora?iu N?stase, a member of the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the State University of São Paulo, Brazil, aims to introduce graduate students and researchers to the application of string theory to condensed-matter physics. String Theory Methods for Condensed Matter Physics assumes previous graduate coursework in quantum field theory and some knowledge of solid-state physics and general relativity. However, N?stase writes that he intends for the book to be accessible to readers who are just beginning to learn about string theory and its relation to condensed matter. Each chapter includes exercises and a summary of important concepts.' Melinda Baldwin, Physics Today

The discovery of a duality between Anti-de Sitter spaces (AdS) and Conformal Field Theories (CFT) has led to major advances in our understanding of quantum field theory and quantum gravity. String theory methods and AdS/CFT correspondence maps provide new ways to think about difficult condensed matter problems. String theory methods based on the AdS/CFT correspondence allow us to transform problems so they have weak interactions and can be solved more easily. They can also help map problems to different descriptions, for instance mapping the description of a fluid using the Navier–Stokes equations to the description of an event horizon of a black hole using Einstein's equations. This textbook covers the applications of string theory methods and the mathematics of AdS/CFT to areas of condensed matter physics. Bridging the gap between string theory and condensed matter, this is a valuable textbook for students and researchers in both fields.

Part I. Condensed Matter Models and Problems: 1. Lightning review of statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, phases and phase transitions
2. Magnetism in solids
3. Electrons in solids: Fermi gas vs. Fermi liquid
4. Bosonic quasi-particles: phonons and plasmons
5. Spin-charge separation in 1+1 dimensional solids: spinons and holons
6. The Ising model and the Heisenberg spin chain
7. Spin chains and integrable systems
8. The thermodynamic Bethe ansatz
9. Conformal field theories and quantum phase transitions
10. Classical vs. quantum Hall effect
11. Superconductivity: Landau-Ginzburg, London and BCS
12. Topology and statistics: Berry and Chern-Simons, anyons and nonabelions
13. Insulators
14. The Kondo effect and the Kondo problem
15. Hydrodynamics and transport properties: from Boltzmann to Navier-Stokes
Part II. Elements of General Relativity and String Theory: 16. The Einstein equation and the Schwarzschild solution
17. The Reissner-Nordstrom and Kerr-Newman solutions and thermodynamic properties of black holes
18. Extra dimensions and Kaluza-Klein
19. Electromagnetism and gravity in various dimensions. Consistent truncations
20. Gravity plus matter: black holes and p-branes in various dimensions
21. Weak/strong coupling dualities in 1+1, 2+1, 3+1 and d+1 dimensions
22. The relativistic point particle and the relativistic string
23. Lightcone strings and quantization
24. D-branes and gauge fields
25. Electromagnetic fields on D-branes. Supersymmetry and N = 4 SYM. T-duality of closed strings
26. Dualities and M theory
27. The AdS/CFT correspondence: definition and motivation
Part III. Applying String Theory to Condensed Matter Problems: 28. The pp wave correspondence: string Hamiltonian from N = 4 SYM
29. Spin chains from N = 4 SYM
30. The Bethe ansatz: Bethe strings from classical strings in AdS
31. Integrability and AdS/CFT
32. AdS/CFT phenomenology: Lifshitz, Galilean and Schrodinger symmetries and their gravity duals
33. Finite temperature and black holes
34. Hot plasma equilibrium thermodynamics: entropy, charge density and chemical potential of strongly coupled theories
35. Spectral functions and transport properties
36. Dynamic and nonequilibrium properties of plasmas: electric transport, Langevin diffusion and thermalization via black hole quasi-normal modes
37. The holographic superconductor
38. The fluid-gravity correspondence: conformal relativistic fluids from black hole horizons
39. Nonrelativistic fluids: from Einstein to Navier-Stokes and back
Part IV. Advanced Applications: 40. Fermi gas and liquid in AdS/CFT
41. Quantum Hall effect from string theory
42. Quantum critical systems and AdS/CFT
43. Particle-vortex duality and ABJM vs. AdS4 X CP3 duality
44. Topology and non-standard statistics from AdS/CFT
45. DBI scalar model for QGP/black hole hydro- and thermo-dynamics
46. Holographic entanglement entropy in condensed matter
47. Holographic insulators
48. Holographic strange metals and the Kondo problem

Subject Areas: Mathematical physics [PHU], Condensed matter physics [liquid state & solid state physics PHFC]