RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
North Jersey District Water Supply Commission Report 1925
North Jersey District Water Supply Commission Report 1925

Hard Cover  (loose from pages
375 pages   Indexed

Introduction  1
Early History of Wanaque Project 3
North Jersey Water District Created 4
Description of Wanaque Project 5
Additional Supply Studies 7
Chimney Rock Project 8
Accomplishments of the Commission 9
Acknowledgments  11
Description of Early $5,862,000 13
Description of $9,047,250 Project of 1918 17
Enlarged $18,000,000 Wanaque Project as of January, 1924 20
Final $20,350,000 Wanaque Project 23
Design of Wanaque Project 25
General  25
Wanaque Watershed  27
Wanaque Reservoir  29
Wanaque Dam 34
Overflow Weir and Channel 44
Aerator  48
Secondary Dams 48
Relocation of Highways and Erie Railroad 56
Wanaque Reservoir, Miscellaneous 70
Wanaque Aqueduct 72
Testing Materials  88
Construction 88
Wanaque Dam-Contract 2-A 88
Great Notch Tunnel and Approaches-Contract 3 121
Removal of Cemeteries 134
Wanaque Dam and Appurtenances-Contract 7 137
Relocation of Erie Railroad at Wanaque Reservoir-Contract 8 168
Need of New Water Supplies 171
Growth of Population 172
Growth of Water Requirements 175
Available Water Resources   177
Methods of Supplying Requirements 191
Additional Supply Projects 194
Summary and Recommendations 210
General  214
Tintern Manor Water Company 214
Appraisal of the Elizabethtown Water Company, Consolidated 215
Appraisal of Passaic Consolidated Water Company 215
Stony Brook Project 216
Grants of New and Additional Supplies 216
Development of Municipal Supplies 218
Newark Water Supply 221
Jersey City Water Supply 227
East Jersey Water Company 231
Hackensack Water Company 232
Water Supply of City of Elizabeth 234
Bayonne Water Supply 236
Morris Canal  238
State Water Supply Commission of 1882 242
Report on Water Supply-Geological Survey of New Jersey, 1894 245
North New Jersey Flood Commission of 1904 247
Passaic River Flood District Commission of 1906 249
State Water Supply Commission of 1907 250
The Wharton Case 266
North Jersey District Water Supply Commission 267
Receipts and Expenditures 284
List of Appendices 289
Appendix 1-Commissioners and Staff of The North Jersey District
Water Supply Commission 290
Appendix 2-Statutes Relating to North Jersey District Water Supply
Commission  293
Appendix 3a-Grant to North Jersey District Water Supply Commission
by Board of Conservation and Development of Right to Divert 50
Million Gallons a Day from the Wanaque River 301
Appendix 3b-Grant to North Jersey District Water Supply Commission
by Board of Conservation and Development of Right for Full Diver-
sion from the Wanaque River and Post Brook 304
Appendix 4-Meteorological and Hydrological Data 307
Appendix 5-Wanaque Project. Canvasses of Bids for Construction
Contracts  309
Appendix 6a-Original Wanaque Contract 314
Appendix 6b-Supplemental Wanaque Contract 325
Appendix 6c-Form of Wanaque Contracts of 1925 331

Frontispiece, Wanaque Dam. Proposed Landscape Treatment.
Aerial Photograph of Wanaque Dam 6
General View of Wanaque Dam from Upstream Side, July, 1925 10
Site of Wanaque Dam 14
Wanaque Reservoir Basin 18
Northerly End of Wanaque Reservoir Site 21
Automatic Recording Gage Shelter 28
Wanaque Dam. Water Analysis Laboratory 33
Wanaque Dam. Diversion Dam for Stream Control Works 41
Wanaque Reservoir. West Brook Viaduct 62
Wanaque Reservoir. New York Transit Company's Oil Pipe Line 71
Wanaque Dam. Beginning of Construction 91
Wanaque Dam. Excavating Core-Wall Trench 92
Wanaque Dam. Razing One of Former Paper Mill Buildings 93
Steam Boilers at Wanaque Dam 94
Wanaque Darn. Placing First Steel Sheet Piling 95
Wanaque Dam. Steel Sheet Piling for Core-Wall Trench 97
Site of Wanaque Darn, August, 1921 98
Wanaque Darn. Core-Wall Trench. August, 1921 99
Wanaque Darn. Steel Sheet Piling in Place in Core-Wall Trench, October, 1921  100
Wanaque Dam. Timbering of Deep Core-Wall Trench 101
Wanaque Darn. Excavation for Core-Wall, February, 1922 102
Wanaque Dam. Contacts of Steel Piles with Rock  104 Wanaque Dam. Character of Rock at Bottom of Deep Core-Wall Trench 105 Wanaque Dam. Concrete Being Placed in Core-Wall Trench, July, 1922  106 Wanaque Dam. View of Core-Wall Under Construction at Northeast
End, December, 1921  108 Wanaque Dam. Core-Wall Constructed Above Top of Core-Wall Trench 109 Wanaque Dam. Looking South Along Core-Wall, August, 1922  110
Wanaque Dam. Core-Wall Completed to Wanaque River 111
Wanaque Darn. Steam Shovel Stripping Top Soil from Gravel Bank 112
Wanaque Dam. Core-Wall Completed to Level Above Original Ground
Surface, November, 1922 113
Wanaque Dam. Placing Downstream Embankment 114
Wanaque Dam. Beginning Construction of Stream Control Conduits, July, 1923  115
Wanaque Dam. Partly Completed Stream Control Cdnduit, August, 1923 116
Wanaque Darn. Stream Control Conduit, September, 1923 117
Wanaque Darn. Intake of Stream Control Conduit 118
Wanaque Dam. Flow of Wanaque River Through Diversion Conduit,
October, 1923    119
Great Notch Tunnel. Approach to North Portal 121
List of Photographs-Continued
Wanaque Aqueduct. Placing Forms for Section of Aqueduct 129
Wanaque Aqueduct. Section of Concreted Invert 130
Wanaque Aqueduct. Completed Section 131
Wanaque Aqueduct. Yantecaw Siphon 132
Wanaque Reservoir. Brown's Cemetery in Wanaque Reservoir Basin 135
Wanaque Reservoir. Brown's Cemetery After Removal by Commission
to Midvale Cemetery 136
Wanaque Dam. Area of Operations West of Dam 138
Wanaque Dam. Belt Conveyor Trestle,'July, 1925   141
Wanaque Dam. Outlet of Stream Control Conduit  142 Wanaque Dam. Placing Forms for Stream Control Conduit, April, 1925 143 Wanaque Dam. River Diverted Through Stream Control Conduit, May,
1925  144
Wanaque Dam. Grader in Operation 145
Wanaque Dam. Loading Conveyor Belt at Decker Farm 146
Wanaque Dam. Conveyor Belt Leaving Decker Farm with Impervious
Embankment for Dam   147
Wanaque Dam. View from South End of Dam Showing Conveyor from
Decker Farm, August, 1924 149
Wanaque Dam. Placing Impervious Embankment on Upstream Side of
Dam, July, 1924 150
Wanaque Dam. Placing Impervious Embankment on Dam 151
Wanaque Dam. Chute Placing General Embankment 152
Wanaque Dam. Plant Layout at South End of Dam 154
Wanaque Dam. Conveyor System for Concrete Plant 155
Wanaque Dam. Concreting Operations on Core-Wall at South End of
Dam, February, 1925 156
Green Swamp Dam No. 1. View Along Center-line Looking East,
August, 1924   158 Green Swamp Dam No. 2. View Previous to Start of Construction Work 160 Green Swamp Dam No. 2. View from Easterly End Showing Excava-
tion for Dam 161
Green Swamp Dam No. 2. View from Downstream Side of Dam, April,
1925  162
Green Swamp Dam No. 2. Concreting, May, 1925 163
Green Swamp Dam No. 2. General View, July, 1925 164
Wanaque Tunnel. North Portal as It Appeared July, 1925 165
Wanaque Tunnel. Loading Machine Used in Tunnel 166
Wanaque Reservoir. Erie Railroad Relocation. View of Contractor's Camp  168
Commissary Operated by Contractor for Use of Employees, Wanaque
Dam  273
Wanaque Dam. Corner of Emergency Hospital 279

Fig. No.Page
1 Wanaque Reservoir. Area and Capacity 31
2 Cost of Wanaque Reservoir for Various Elevations of Flow Line 31
3 Yield of Wanaque Watershed 31
4 Plan of Wanaque ReservoirBetween 32-33
5 Wanaque Dam. Profile and Section for Project with Reservoir Elevation 275  36
6 Wanaque Dam. Section for Project with Reservoir. Elevation 300 39
7 Wanaque Darn Overflow-Early Project 45
8 Bird's-eye View of Wanaque Dam-Final Project 47
9 Wanaque Aerator  49
10 Wanaque Reservoir. Typical Sections of Smaller Dams 53
11 Railroad Relocation at Wanaque Reservoir 65
12 Wanaque Aqueduct. Plan Showing Alternative Lines Studied 83
13 Wanaque Aqueduct. Location Between Wanaque Reservoir and
Belleville Reservoir Between 84-85
14 Profile and Sections of Wanaque Aqueduct 86
15 Wanaque Darn. Sequence of Operations in Pile Driving 96
16 Belt Conveyors Used in Construction of Wanaque and Wolf Den
Dams  139
17 Conveyor System at Concrete Plant, Wanaque Dam 153
18 Fluctuations in Contractors' Forces 169
19 Watersheds of Principal Developed Supplies and Wanaque Watershed Between 176-177
20 Watersheds and Counties in North Jersey Water Supply District 179
21 Map of North Jersey Water Supply District Showing Watersheds That Might Be Developed 190
22 Map of Watersheds in the North Jersey Water Supply District Showing Natural Grouping According to Point and Method of Delivery   197
23 Map of Watersheds in the North Jersey Water Supply District
Showing High, Intermediate and Low-Level Project 199
24 Plan of Chimney Rock ProjectBetween 204-205
24a Profile of Chimney Rock Project 207
25 Receipts and Expenditures for the Wanaque Project 285
25a Fluctuations in Commission's Personnel 292
26 Wanaque Watershed Temperature, Runoff and Rainfall for the Year 1920 Between 308-309
27 Wanaque Watershed Temperature, Runoff and Rainfall for the Year 1921 Between 308-309
28 Wanaque Watershed Temperature, Runoff and Rainfall for the Year 1922 Between 308-309
29 Wanaque Watershed Temperature, Runoff and Rainfall for the Year 1923 Between 308-309
30 Wanaque Watershed Temperature, Runoff and Rainfall for the Year 1924 Between 308-309
31 Diagrams Showing Bacterial Content and B. Coli Index of Waters of Northern New Jersey 357
32 Diagrams Showing Alkalinity and Hardness of Waters of
Northern New Jersey 358
33 Diagrams Showing Color and Chlorine Contents of Waters of
Northern New Jersey359

Table No.Page
1 Wanaque Project, Estimate of September, 1911, by State Water
Supply Commission  16
2 Estimated Cost of High-Level Supply 17
3 Wanaque Project, Estimate of 1918 by North Jersey District
Water Supply Commission 19
4 Summary of Cost of $18,000,000 Wanaque Project 22
5 Summary of Cost of $20,350,000 Wanaque Project 24
6 Wanaque Reservoir. Comparative Data for Small and Large
Projects 30
7 Dams at Wanaque Reservoir. Dimensions and Quantities 55
8 Wanaque Aqueduct. Types and Capacities of Various Sections_.__ 80
9 Progress of Driving of Steel Sheet-Piling 100
10 Monthly Output of Trench Pumps103
11 Monthly Progress of Concrete in Core-Wall 109
12 Plant List-Wanaque Dam, Contract 2-A 120
13 Plant List-Great Notch Tunnel, Contract 3 133
14 Work Done to July 15, 1925-Wanaque Dam, Contract 7 166
15 Plant List-Wanaque Dam, Contract 7 166
16 Water Consumption in District During Last Decade 171
17 Population of Six Counties from 1860 to 1920 173
18 Estimate of Future Population in the Six Counties 174
19 Water Consumption of Various Cities and Districts in Gallons per
Day per Capita 175
20 Future Water Requirements of District 177
21 Summary of All Possible Sources of Water Supply for the Six Counties  188
22 Summary of Developed Supplies and New Supplies Worthy of Development Before 1970 189
23 Proposed Projects for Additional Water Supply for North Jersey Water District  209
24 Miscellaneous Applications Made to North Jersey District Water.
Supply Commission  217
25 Allotments of Wanaque Water in 1925 Contracts 283
26 Statement of Receipts 286
27 Statement of Disbursements 287
28 Canvass of Bids-Contract 1-Wanaque Dam and Appurtenances Following 309
29 Canvass of Bids-Contract 2-Portions of Wanaque Dam
Following 309
30 Canvass of Bids-Contracts 3 and 4-Great Notch Tunnel and

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