Hunting North America 1885-1911, Edited by Frank Oppel and Tony Meisel, published by Castle, Secaucus, NJ, 1987, First Edition — 480 pages — Bonded Leather-bound — illustrated with drawings, maps, and photographs.


A. Hencke * Charles Chadwick * Hy. S. Watson * J. Carter Beard * Marc Lucas * James L. Weston * Samuel Davis * Charles State * S. G. Putnam * Philip R. Goodwin * Lynn Bogue Hunt * May F. Kippings * H. Pflaum * C. W. Bardwell * Hermann Simon * L. A. Huffman * J. N. Marchand * Clare Angell * C. Rungius


  1. The Wail of the Guide (1892)
  2. Moeran's Moose (1899)
  3. Modern Notes on Upland Shooting (1888)
  4. Some Miles of Marsh-Meadow (1903)
  5. A Sporting Vacation in the Montana Moose Hunting in New Brunswick (1895)
  6. Duck Shooting on Southern Bayous (1903)
  7. Three Days' Ducking on Lake Champlain (1899)
  8. After Big Game with Packs (1899)
  9. The Mountain Sheep of America (1902)
  10. Deer-Hunting on Sanhedrin (1897)
  11. Turkey-Hunting on the Wekiva, Florida (1897)
  12. Goose Shooting on the Platte (1892)
  13. Winter Hunting of Goat and Sheep in the Rockies (1901)
  14. Hunting the Virginia Deer (1902)
  15. Hunting Alaskan White Sheep with Rifle and Camera (1899)
  16. Big Game in Colorado (1891)
  17. The Maine Guide and the Maine Camp (1901)
  18. The Field Trials (1907)
  19. Newfoundland Caribou (1903)
  20. Shooting Grouse in Middle Northwest (1903)
  21. Sport Along the Northwestern Border (1890)
  22. Bear Hunting in British Columbia (1896)
  23. Diversions in Picturesque Gamelands (1908)
  24. Hunting in British Columbia (1911)
  25. Big Game in the Rockies (1899)
  26. Shorebird Shooting in New England (1892)
  27. A Camp Hunt in Mississippi (1885)
  28. Following Deer Trails in North-Western Woods (1904)
  29. Camps and Cramps on the Little Sou'west, The Wizard of the Wetlands (1902)
  30. Sport: Past, Present and Future (1888)
  31. The Story of the Shotgun (1903)
  32. Wild Ducks and Tame Decoys (1896)
  33. The Story of a North Carolina Turkey Hunt (1907)
  34. Still-Hunting the Grizzley (1885)
  35. In the Cascades (1899)
  36. Big Game Hunting in the Wide West (1888)
  37. Grizzly Bear Lore (1902)
  38. President Roosevelt's Mississippi Bear Hunt (1903)
  39. Duck Shooting on Savannah River (1896)
  40. A Glance at the Grouse (1903)
  41. Antelope Hunting Thirty Years Ago and To-Day (1903)
  42. With the Iowa Chickens (1892)
  43. Caribou Hunting in Quebec (1895)
  44. The Whitetailed Virginia Deer and its Kin (1906)
  45. Hunting the Big Horn (1900)