Generator beam tetrode G-807 with an indirectly heated oxide cathode in a glass cylinder with a special base and natural air cooling.
Designed to generate oscillations at frequencies not exceeding 60 MHz and to amplify power in radio engineering devices for a wide range of applications.
The beam tetrode G-807 is used in transmitters, as well as in horizontal scanning cascades of television receivers.
It can be used in the final stages of low-frequency power amplifiers.
Indirectly heated oxide cathode.
Working position vertical, balloon up.
Produced in glass design.
Cooling air natural.
Base 5-pin special.
Overall dimensions of the G-807 tetrode:
   - lamp height - 146 mm;
   - lamp diameter - 53 mm.
Weight not more than 100 g.
Service life not less than 750 hours.