Traditional Shaolin Kungfu Series - Routine III of Small Back through Boxing DVD


The Original Boxing Tree of Traditional Shaolin Kung fu Small Back through Boxing III by Shi Deyang DVD

This boxing is created by Shaolin Wushu monks who adopt the advantages of Small Hong Boxing,Big Hong Boxing, and Monkey Boxing . Its characteristic is pretty and cleverly-made, lively and agile. Hand type is mostly monkey's claw, so it has another name called Back-through Monkey Shape Boxing.

This routine is lively and clever .it is active to whole body joint and has effect on building up body and exercising techniques of attack and defends. It is very popular with the warriors and suitable for teenagers. This boxing is according to the demonstration movement of Su Xi who is a famous monk..It is easy to study and practise and popularize.

Lecturer: Shi Deyang
Format: DVD
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese/French/Spanish selectable
