Amway NUTRILITE Cal Mag D Plus Tab

Cal Mag D Plus Tablets provide 5 essential nutrients: calcium, Vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, and manganese. A healthy calcium intake aids vital metabolic functions like cardiovascular and muscle function, nerve transmission, intracellular signaling, and hormone secretion. The presence of Vitamin D aids calcium absorption from the bloodstream to the gut. The zinc in these tablets supports immunity, while magnesium maintains normal bones. Manganese helps support the normal formation of connective tissue. Consuming these nutrients early on act like an investment for inner strength and health for the future. Cal Mag D Plus Tablets provide 5 essential nutrients: calcium, Vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, and manganese. A healthy calcium intake aids vital metabolic functions like cardiovascular and muscle function, nerve transmission, intracellular signaling, and hormone secretion. The presence of Vitamin D aids calcium absorption from the bloodstream to the gut. The zinc in these tablets supports immunity, while magnesium maintains normal bones. Manganese helps support the normal formation of connective tissue. Consuming these nutrients early on act like an investment for inner strength and health for the future.

How To  Use:
Anyone above the age of 12 years who wants to supplement their intake of calcium, Vitamin D, and magnesium can take Cal Mag D Plus tablets. Take this tablet twice a day, every day with meals.