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“Military-historical magazine” and “Old Zeughaus»
Special joint issue,
dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the battle of Poltava

D. V. Litvinenko, E. I. Jurkiewicz.
Monuments and trophies of the Northern war in the Military history Museum of artillery, engineering and communications troops.

Battle of Poltava.

V. A. Avdeev, I. I. Belousov.
The study of the battle of Poltava from Peter I to the present day.

P. A. Moles.
Defense of the fortress of Poltava.

V. A. Artamonov.
Feat eighth of the redoubt.

V. A. Matusow.
Russian cavalry in the battle of Poltava.

V. A. Artamonov.
The betrayal of Hetman Mazepa: facts and fiction.

K. M. Secreti.
In memory of the Poltava battle.

V. A. Durov.
About the so-called “Poltava” St. Andrew’s cross (materials for the history of the first Russian order).

V. V. Petrakov.
The memory of the battle of Poltava, imprinted in metal.

D. B. Antonov.
Weapons finds of the Northern war.

B. V. Megorsky.
On the tactics of Russian Dragoons in the period 1708-1709. Training and combat experience.

200th anniversary of the battle of Poltava. Poltava, 26-27 June 1909
(photographs and documents from the collections of the state archives).

V. A. Giants.
The banner of the Russian Dragoon regiments. 1700-1709.

B. Nilsson (Sweden).
The circle is closed, or Poltava battle in Swedish historiography for a hundred years.

B. Nilsson (Sweden).
Swedish documentary sources on the history of the final part of the Russian campaign of Charles XII and the battle of Poltava.

Poltava report of quartermaster General of the Axel Gyllenkrok.

From “Notes on the heroic deeds of king Charles XII” by Johan Hultman.

Accurate relation Carl Gustav Roosa about what happened at Poltava in the enemy’s trenches 28 Jun 1709.

O. Sjostrom (Sweden).
Swedish tactics on the battlefield in the era of Charles XII. 1700-1709.