A unique blend of vitamins and minerals formulated to maintain healthier, thicker hair growth in men

The Benefits

Help maintain the hair growth cycle

Targets the underlying causes that compromise hair growth

Improves hair health and thickness

Over 31 vitamins and minerals perfect for daily health

Key Ingredients


An essential vitamin required by the body, deficiency in this ‘B vitamin' can lead to thinning hair. Biotin helps to maintain healthy hair.


An essential mineral, Zinc plays an important role in cell growth and repair, including those in your hair. It also keeps the oil glands around the hair follicles working correctly. Deficiency in Zinc can lead to thinning hair.


Have anti-inflammatory benefits, and are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which produce moisture, strengthen hair, and promote a healthy scalp. They are also a natural DHT inhibitor, DHT is derived from testosterone and has been shown to cause hair loss in men.

How to use

A vitamin worth taking every day! Take two vitamins, once a day. We recommend taking alongside breakfast.

Some customers see results in as little as two weeks, although we recommend taking the vitamins for at least 90 days before assessing results, as by this time your hair growth will have stabilised and this is when your hair is growing at the optimum rate. This is why we offer a saving on our 3 month bundle.

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