Peter Duffie Mentalism Magic Mind Master & Psy-Fi

New, unused.  Never used.  Fine condition.

Mind Master

For almost 10 years this has been Peter's biggest selling trick in Europe & the USA.

You give a spectator a small pocket diary. From a choice of over sixty names written on cards, a second spectator mentally selects a husband and wife. The choice is free; there is no force of any kind.

You (or a spectator) read out a letter that has been in full view from the beginning. The letter reveals the date of the couple's wedding. The first spectator opens the diary to that date. For the first time, the second spectator announces the names he is thinking of. Let's say it's Mr. and Mrs. Ford. Spectator number one reads out what is written in the diary on the predicted date. "Mr. & Mrs. Ford!" Wow!

Completely self-working. Use any diary. No forcing. No binary codes. No cue sheets. No reset. It's a knock-out!



You bring out a diary - a packet of printed cards - a Special Chart - and a sealed envelope.

The envelope is placed in full view as a prediction. You never touch it again The diary is filled with female first names. These, you say are all the clairvoyants you know - a different one for each day of the year (you're very superstitious!). A spectator opens the diary at ANY date he wishes.

You give spectator B the packet of cards - each card has a numbered list of female first names. He now thinks of ANY number and selects a card and notes the name at his number. It might be EMMA. It could be any one out of a whole load of others.

Both spectators announce their freely selected name - "EMMA!"....and?... "EMMA!" A miracle and it's different every time. But there's more....

You now draw attention to the envelope that you placed aside at the beginning. A spectator takes the Special Chart (this contains over 100 female names BOTH SIDES each with a playing card assigned to it) and looks for the name EMMA. Beside EMMA he might find the Jack of Spades.

Now, remember the free choice of the name? - yet when the spectator opens the envelope he finds that this is the very card you predicted .... the JACK OF SPADES!