Whilst our Blend 16 Scabies Treatment range of products are very much our key products for the treatment of scabies, we have worked hard with long term sufferers of scabies who have tried everything available resulting in their infestation becoming resistant to everything they try now. That is what led us to create a new blend and product to effectively treat the issue.

Our objective was to make their bodies an unpalatable and hostile environment and we are very happy to say that our Blend 43 lotion has proved effective in finally setting them free from the little monsters.

Directions: Simply apply to the body before going to bed daily - a small amount in the palm of your hand rubbed into the skin till fully absorbed and repeat until the body is covered. It gets rid of the mites on the skin and under the skin but the key point is that the oils are absorbed into the body and circulated around the body making the body both unpalatable and poisonous to the mites. If a very recent case then it takes about a week to get rid of the mites but, if a long term sufferer then the mites will have multiplied and spread around the body and burrowed deeper into the body so it takes longer. If a very long term sufferer then it can take up to a couple of months to kill them all off completely (including their eggs). As they leave the body and die you will notice the black "spots" (their dead bodies) in your bedding when you get up in the morning.

Of course you can keep using the lotion to avoid reinfection and we have developed many products - massage oil, gel wash, spray, cream and a bath soak to help keep you free of the bugs.

Oils used: Blend 43 contains the purest therapeutic grade essential oils of Palmarosa, Lavender, Tea Tree, Chamomile Roman and Clove Bud.

Please note that we at Katseye Blends are clinical aromatherapists and have been creating therapeutic products since 1978 - no fancy packaging or marketing - just effective handmade products that do the job at a reasonable and fair price