Other accessories are not included.

CADET-II E & L Instruments Learning Unit is an educational tool designed to facilitate hands-on learning and experimentation in the field of electronics and electrical engineering. It is specifically focused on the concept of "learning by doing," where students actively engage in practical exercises to enhance their understanding of theoretical concepts.

The CADET-II E & L Instruments Learning Unit typically includes a collection of electronic components, instruments, and instructional materials that guide students through various experiments and projects. These components and instruments are carefully selected to cover a wide range of topics, including circuit analysis, digital logic, analog electronics, and more.

By using the CADET-II Learning Unit, students have the opportunity to build circuits, measure electrical parameters, troubleshoot issues, and observe the effects of different configurations. This hands-on approach encourages active learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Students can directly apply theoretical knowledge, observe real-world phenomena, and develop a deeper understanding of electronics principles.

The CADET-II Learning Unit may include components such as resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, integrated circuits, breadboards, and various sensors. It may also feature instruments like multimeters, oscilloscopes, function generators, and power supplies. The instructional materials provided with the learning unit usually consist of experiment manuals, textbooks, and supplementary resources to support the learning process.