"Friends are known in trouble" - this proverb belongs to the "father's fable" of Aesop. 2600 years ago, the slave Aesop created more than 400 fables. All this time, they were passed on from mouth to mouth, and in this way about 100 works reached us. The most recent retelling of Aesop's fables for this book was made by a real storyteller, the "Ukrainian nightingale" Oleksandr Vyzhenko. He told 35 fables! Aesop's works were used by children during the time of Aristophanes in Athens. Much has changed since then, but human flaws have remained the same.
The power of Aesop's fables is not in instructive conclusions, but in "Aesopian language", allegorical images of animals: the Wolf embodies cruelty, the Fox - cunning, the Eagle - nobility, etc. It is in this form that the idea becomes clear to the child.