Regelbau R683 - 21cm K39 (21cm canon) Casemate - 3D printed model

The Regelbau R683 is a massive casemate for the huge 21cm (210mm) gun Skoda K39/40 and 3 were used as part of the Crisbecq battery.
The battery started originally with six 155mm guns which were then moved and replaced with these three giant casemates and 210mm guns. The construction of this casemate was considered incredibly difficult due to the large scale and materials required to produce them. 

In June 1944, the garrison of the Crisbecq battery was made up of 320 soldiers under the orders of the Oberleutnant Zur See (navy rank for lieutenant) Walter Ohmsen.
Like the other German batteries along the Normandy coasts, Crisbecq was bombarded extensively by the Allied air force on the night of 5-6 June 1944. 598 tons of bombs were dropped: dozens of German soldiers were killed during this attack and all the anti-aircraft guns as well as one of the 210 mm pieces are destroyed.
The guns were assaulted by the 101st airborne in an unsuccessful attack. And on the morning of D-Day at Utah beach the 210cm guns opened fire on the allied armada, at around 8AM on the morning of D-Day the guns were silenced by ship artillery. 
One gun was re-comissioned and the defenders fortified themselves and lasted until the 11th of June where they escaped under the cover of night, abandoning the battery and rejoining the German forces nearby. 


This is a multipart model and is printed in PLA


The model measures approx.:

498mm x  346mm x  150mm  @ 28mm Scale

389mm x  270mm x  117mm  @ 1/64 Scale (Gaslands/Hotwheels)

346mm x  240mm x  104mm  @ 20mm (1/72) Scale

328mm x  228mm x  99mm  @ 1/76 (00 Railway) Scale

286mm x  199mm x  86mm  @ 1/87 (HO Railway) Scale

249mm x  173mm x  75mm  @ 15mm (1/100) Scale

156mm x  108mm x  47mm  @ 10mm (1-160) Scale

100mm x  69mm x  30mm  @ 1/250 6mm (Epic) Scale

This is a 3d printed item

Some cleanup may be required 

If you have any requests for other types of bunkers/buildings or bits not listed please get in touch and i will see if i can create it for you :0) 

Sent signed courier Please see photos for details

Scales are for tabletop war gaming and model railways, if you require other scales please contact me and ill see what i can do 

15mm for flames of war 
28mm for bolt action 
1/76 for 00 railways
1/84 for H0 railways 

West Wall, Westwall, Siegfried Line, Atlantik Wall, AtlantikWall, Atlantic Wall, Bunker Fort, Battery, western bulwark, Maginot Line

Bolt Action, Chain of Command, Flames of War, Axis & Allies and Konflikt ’47. It can also be used in games such as Judge Dredd, Necromunda, and Fallout Wasteland Warfare.