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The desert rose (Adenium obesum) is a slow-growing plant, only growing about 12 inches per year. Desert rose is often used as a bonsai plant thanks to its thick succulent trunk, thin and delicate leaves, and luscious, deep pink trumpeting flowers. It is native to Africa, the Middle East, and Madagascar.


Desert rose requires more sunlight than most succulents and prefer a full-sun environment. Choose a location that receives at least 8 hours of sunlight per day. A south-facing window or sunroom is ideal. You can also place it near a west or east-facing window but may need to supplement it with grow lights.

If you choose to plant this succulent outdoors, choose a location that is shaded from the high-noon sun. Shade can come in the form of taller plants, structures, or shade cloth. The intense noon sun can scorch the leaves, causing brown or black patches to develop.

Providing too much shade can cause abnormal growth with weak leaves, laggy branches, and no flowers. If you want more productive blooms, you will need to meet their sunlight requirements. Sunlight stimulates bloom production, but blooms will decrease production in the hottest and rainiest months of the year.


Depending on the time of year and the temperatures, watering requirements will vary. During the late spring and summer, keep soils moist but never soggy. This is when the plant is actively growing and requires the most water. Soggy soils can let to rotting roots, which can kill the plant.

In the fall and winter months, watering can decrease drastically. In the wild, the plant naturally goes dormant during the colder months. During this time, water once a month or so. This will keep soils dry and avoid damaging the roots from excess water.

Check the trunk if you are concerned that your desert rose isn’t receiving enough water. The trunk should always be swollen and thick. If the trunk is thin and shriveled, this is a good sign that it’s time to water the plant. You can also check soils for moisture a few inches below the surface.


Just like the name says, desert rose prefers dry, desert-like soils. This simply means that they prefer well-draining soils that contain sand or gravel. A succulent or cactus soil is ideal as it has the proper additives for growing succulents and cacti successfully.

You can create your own potting soil by mixing sand or gravel into general-use potting soil. If planted into the ground, you can amend poor draining soils with sand or gravel before planting.

Test your soils before planting to ensure they drain water well. Adenium Obesum should be planted in soils that have a pH that is neutral to acidic in PH.

Soils should never become waterlogged as this can cause root rot to develop in succulents. It is very important to check your soils often, especially when you first acquire the plant.

Check to ensure water drains properly from the pot or ground. Any plants grown in pots should have drainage holes in the bottom to allow excess water to leave.


Desert rose loves warmer temperatures at all times. If exposed to temperatures below 50 F, the plant can sustain extreme damage or death. They thrive best in temperatures between 65 to 90 F. You can place Adenium Obesum outdoors during the summer in cooler regions.

If you place them outdoors during the summer, you need to watch temperatures. Before temperatures drop too low, you will need to bring them indoors for the winter. Humidity isn’t an issue for these succulents. They are native to dry climates and can acclimate to normal indoor humidity levels.


Pruning is healthy for many plants, and the Adenium Obesum is no different. Begin by gathering and sterilizing your tools. Sharp scissors or shears that are cleaned with rubbing alcohol or bleach are best. Simply remove any dead or damaged branches or leaves.

You can also trim lanky stems to make the plant more symmetrical. Branches that rub or cross over others can be cut to improve appearance. You will want to cut above the leaf node or where the stem meets another stem.

Pruning wasn’t required in the winter months as the plant is not actively growing. In the spring, before placing the plant outdoors, it’s best to give it a quick trim.

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